When & where is the end?!

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Hi Ladies, hope you're doing ok. My visit to the Dr today hasn't revealed anything new, latest blood test result are ok, only showed I'm low in vitamin D with a result number of 40, apparently should be 70+. Told her I stopped Livial as my BP went up & I started feeling really wierd, swimmy floaty sensations...my whole body just doesn't feel right. Anxiety is screwing me up too, as for the low blood sugar feelings....no answers 😕 I have had these sensations on & off in varying intensities over the last 2yrs but eased off when I first started Livial but then became a daily thing(on Livial for 3mths)now taking/trying a magnesium supplement which also has B6 & a vitaminD tablet, I'm living in hope this will calm everything otherwise I don't know what to do anymore....I just don't feel well anymore, I'm off balance/woozy & scared s****less,sorry, I'll never be well again, I can't & don't want to live like this. I don't have a life & hubby has had enough. I've never had issues with anxiety like this before OMG! does it ever end? I don't react well to antiDs & prefer something natural. Maybe I'll just have to ride it out & keep hoping I will be well again. Thought being in menopause I'd feel well & able to get on with life but every day is governed by how I feel 😢

Take care lovelies

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh I'm so sorry - have a try at red clover. You can get it in tablet form but  I have Menotee from Holland & Barret which is red clover and it really has helped lift me.  The 'not coping' feeling are less for me.  Hope it helps you too. 
  • Posted

    Hi NuttyNan,

    Sorry to hear things are still like that. Why not try some vit d for 3 months. Get the livial out of your system so that you can be certain it's that that's causing the problem.

    Then see if you can try a different type of HRT. I have been reading lots and it does seem some women try a few before they find one that does the trick.

  • Posted

    I am sorry to hear that I feel that you have described me. I love coming to this forum from time to time even just for the reassurance. Every day throws up a different ailment I too wonder when it will end but you know it will. Try to keep healthy and exercise as much as you feel able. Yoga helps a lot. Get some quite time away from hubby and kids if you can..even just 30 mins of you time. Don't over think as this brings on anxiety. I am learning how to manage this now.

    All the best. Don't let the meno beat you..you beat it! 😆

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear you have not had any relief. On the other hand, no news is good news so at least you can rule out anything bad, the vit D you can work on. I know the anxiety can be a lot. Try to do some breathing techniques, and find something that will keep you busy like puzzles, or coloring books, light exercise or even journaling. I know it's easier said than done, but you will have relief and this will go away. Thinking of you and sending big hugs your way.
    • Posted

      Hi, thanks for your reply & thoughts. Tried to kick start some of my hobbies again but it's like a car with a flat battery LoL! the crosswords occupy me for a while. I find it hard to get motivated when feeling so awful, trying to stay positive...to better days. 

      Take Care xo

  • Posted

    O thats so rotten not having any peace :-(  Sounds like anixiety is taking over and v frustrating your doc cant recognise that and spend time helping or referring you to someone who can and without the easy (to them) solution of antiDs.  I had depression and anxiety for years and was fed up with being fobbed off with antidepressants so was referred to a cognitive behavourhal therapy group.  It sounds a bit fruit loopy but it honestly helped cause I learnt techniques to get through the anxious feelings.  Takes time and practice.  Also bought a breathing relaxation tape which actually quitened my over thinking brain.  It only lasted while I listened to the tape but honestly it was blessed relief from a day of constant negative thinking and fear.  I like someone elses suggestion of yoga and that might be nice to go to a class and have your own thing.  I'd do it if I wasnt so lazy :-)  Be kind to yourself. xxx
    • Posted

      Hi Topsy, hope you're well. Just wish this anxiety...well, the whole lot....would end, stop & give me peace!  I'm currently seeing a counsellor/therapist, just want something to work...I feel totally wrecked. My Dr wants me on antiDs but I don't react well to them, giving the magnesium with B6 a go. Never thought I'd go through anything like this but as was said to me 'you've never been 56 & in menopause before' makes sense LoL 😏 

      Stay well xo

  • Posted

    I completely feel you on this. I'm having so many issues right now that I've missed work for a week so far. I did something to my back and have weakness in my legs. I'm having bad fatigue. My iron is low cause I bleed so heavy. I have horrible indigestion and having an endoscopy done tomorrow. I also get weird feelings. I hate how I feel and I envy women who seem healthy and full of vitality. I also feel sorry for my family who must get sick of listening to me complain! I'm 53 and still having heavy periods but have an appt with gyno Monday to discuss ablasion. Hopefully can get my periods to stop and increase iron.
    • Posted

      Hi Nancy, hope you're feeling better. This is such a difficult time with all the horrid symptoms, sensations etc hard to know what to do sometimes. All the best at your Drs appt Monday. Take Care.
  • Posted

    Hi Nan, keep staying on this forum cuz at least you know you're not alone! smile  I can relate to how you're feeling, it's been a year of "the weirdness" for me and I'm wondering how long it will last.  My mom/aunt/grandma all went through it in their 40's too, said it was really rough but they all came through it after several years (their coping mechanisms aren't the ones I'll use though as my mom/aunt turned to alcohol and antidepressants and I'm trying to avoid those).  I find a new weird symptom every week it seems, though I'm starting to learn that since I'm still alive most of it is probably just peri related (and thank good ness for this forum!), so I'm trying lots of techniques described here to just get through those days/nights/hours/etc when I feel a bad bout of anxiety.  I personally like to do crossword puzzles, color in adult coloring books and watch nature shows on TV.  I would like to do yoga more, but finding alone time is hard since I have an 8 year old smile  I too was low in Vitamin D (my reading was 29), so my doc put me on 4,000iu per day and it did get up after a couple months of that (plus I started taking a multi-vitamin, Bcomplex and a good probiotic) and it did help relieve some of the symptoms like muscle spasms and fatigue.  Went to a cardiologist who put me on a low dose beta-blocker for my rapid heart beat/high bp. However I still get tummy troubles at times, find it's better if I try to stick to an alkaline diet (quit coffee/cafeine, try to cut back on the wine, and keep sugar intake low, drink lots of alkaline water) and remember to take my probiotic.  It is a wild ride, and no fun for sure!  I was just talking to my hubby last night, and bless his heart for trying to understand (though I know he's tired of me talking about feeling like crap all the time) but he just doesn't get it.  This place is really a god-send that always makes me feel like I'm not alone.  And you aren't either!  Keep trying new things, give yourself a break, and know you're not alone! smile
  • Posted

    Hi NuttyNan sounds as if your hormone imbalance is affecting you the same as me

    I know how you feel with the woozy imbalance it makes me angry, frustrated, scared. I just want my life back

    Read my last reply to you, if you've suffered from migraine in the past then your more likely to develop vistibular migraine in meno, it affects the blood vessels in the middle ear and affects your balance

    Try not to despair because it really does make everything worse

    Let me know if I can help in any way

    Brenda xx

    • Posted

      Hi Brenda, thanks for your reply. Hope you're doing ok, interesting about the migraine, years ago I'd have many & frequent migraines...the last one I had was back in 2000 & that was a doozy! my speech was affected, thought I was having a stroke but no..Dr checked me out. Will have a read about vistibular migraines, thanks again....I'd never heard of this before. 

      Do take care, stay well xo

    • Posted

      Hi NuttyNan I've been prescribed topirimate for the dizziness/off balance. It's relentless and so debilitating

      I haven't taken it yet because I'm a big woose and scared of side effects

      My sister had dizziness on and off for years and only recently a neurologist diagnosed vistibular migraine, she took topirimate and her dizziness went away, she still has bouts but it doesn't last, she's 6 years older than me (I'll be 52 on Monday) so maybe her hormones have settled

      She's been on livial as well for years but swears by it, everyone's different I'll need to pluck up the courage and try this medication... Topirimate I mean

      I'll let you know how I get on with it, hopefully it will help me to get some quality of life

      Take care and look forward to better days that are coming

      Brenda X

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