When will I start sleeping normal again?

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Been on Citalopram for just over a month, 10 mg the first 2 weeks , then split 20mg to morning and night now for the last week been on 20mg in the morning. I started on citalopram about 5 years ago and weened myself off them this summer but about 5 weeks ago I woke up with burning pains in arms and legs, swelling in fingers, chest pains, so much tension, not being able to sleep and shaking. So back on Citalopram. The burning and swelling have gone and everything else eased some what, my sleep is better, between 4-6 hours a night, waking up between 4/7 but its still not enough for me and wake up with palpataions and shakeness and chast pains.

How long do you think it will take to get back to normal?

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm afraid there's no definitive answer to that, everyone is different. At least you are making progress with regard to lessening of side effects.

    • Posted

      Yes I need to look at the positives, so anxious at night though, only slept 1-2 hours last night and even then it wasnt deep. Struggling a lot with it.

  • Posted

    Have you spoken to your GP? i was exactly the same and when i got up exhausted it just started me off with the anxiety and the day went downhill from there! I was prescribed a high dose antihistamine that helped me sleep. I think my body had got into the habit of waking up at 3am and the tablets helps my body loose the habit. i have been on Citalopram just over 3 months and still dont sleep like i used to, but i am alot better than i was and now dont need the extra tablets

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    Also, do you gave the Calm app? i listened to the sleep stories to help me drift off and also do the mindfulness daily exercises and find both really good!

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      yea have a few apps to help. He did offer me them but i was a bit worried about taking them,.but might give them a go, also was offered melatonin so not sure what to do? what time was you sleeping till on the antihistamines?

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      ok thanks, ill give the anti histamines a try.

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    i was nt drowsy on them. i probably slept till 6.30ish on them. i started off taking a half as i was also nervous incase i did nt hear the kids in the night.

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      what dose are you on? i tried 10mg last nigbt and didnt help

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    i was prescribed Phenergan 25mg. sometimes i took a whole tablet, sometimes just a half.

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    Unfortunately this is a common side effect and it happened to me but after a couple of months it improved. I'm currently on 20mg and have been for four months and my sleep is so good. Hang in there it will improve.

    Take care


    • Posted

      Thankyou, yes realised i need to be more active too. Im getting there

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