When Will It End?
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Woke up this morning with the jitters, and anxiety, with feelings of jumping out of my skin. I was doing good for several mornings.
Took my magnesium, waiting for it to work.
I just want to feel calm., centered, with a sense of well being. That was the person I used to before all the changes started happening.
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kezzabird30 maria____a64048
maria____a64048 kezzabird30
natacha66 maria____a64048
Life makes it harder, our circumstances, stresses in life.
When you think lif is being good to you something comes and hits you in the face and all we can do is pick up the pieces and get on with life.
It is horrible, I thought I had finally conquered it all being peri since 37 and post since 47. had 2 good years and now I am having to restart again.
Had to stop HRT and deal with all the stupid symtoms that come back with a vengeance. Femarelle and Citalopram have helped. Femarelle still waiting for it to kick in.Takes a while.
maria____a64048 natacha66
I can't imagine going through this for so long. I really hope it turns around for the better for you.
metamorphed natacha66
natacha66 metamorphed
Before that would take fluoxetine.
Then changed to citalopram and now taking Femarrelle.
natallia04776 natacha66
Dry mouth, drink water and it doesn't make any difference + my chest is so tightened it comes and goes. Again can not breathe properly and pain between my shoulders. Strange blocked ears. All that moving inside me all morning. 😢
metamorphed natacha66
oh no. I am feeling 80% better but have a feeling now that it will not last. Not post yet, but moving towards it. Seems like there's no real solution. Can you post here how the Femerelle is working for you?
natallia04776 maria____a64048
Hi! Im not good today. Hot, checked the temperature -fine. I've got strange slaimy throght. What can it be? Any one has got that? No pain😕
wendy36287 maria____a64048
pinkcatfairy maria____a64048
How long have you been taking the magnesium? It probably took a few weeks for me to feel less anxious after taking magnesium x
maria____a64048 pinkcatfairy
I've been taking it for a couple of months. I take one in the morning. I feel it working about an 1 hour after taking it.
Sochima822 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy Sochima822
Yes it is a shame I love it too much, I find it doesn't cause so many hot flushes as it did but I still get the odd one!