When will the bleeding end?
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I'm 44 fairly fit and I have a good diet. Following years of lifting weights I had several months of on/off bleeding a year or so ago, and tried all sorts or creams and potions to stop it. Had camera up there to see what was going on, and nothing but soreness was visible. Had an exploratory procedure under general anaesthetic and all that was found was two thrombosed veins and a healed tear. The bleeding continued, but finally stopped last summer. 24 blissful weeks went by, and not a drop of blood, until I had to do some heavy lifting, and it all started again.
Its been over a month now, and I've only had 4 none consecutive days where I've not bled. It doesn't seem to follow any pattern, if the stools are soft I bleed, if they're hard I bleed. I don't strain (well, not very much, I really try not to) and the blood keeps coming.
I've tried anusol and another clear gel, (but can't remember the name right now. Sericot or something similar.) neither had much affect at all. My doc has told me to stop using them now as they're not working, and explained that it's probably just a weak vein. She's referred me back to the hospital, which is both good and bad. After reading all the horror stories about surgical options, I'm scared to death.
I'm finding this is really affecting my life. My mood is super low and I just can't stop thinking and worrying about it. It doesn't hurt, and there's probably only a thimble full of blood each BM, but I can't stop it. The thought of the humiliation of having to tell my HR rep at work if I need time off for an op, or having to sit on a special cushion just fills me with dread. I feel like a zombie.
Is there anything I can do to break this cycle? I want my life back.
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sez123 ottoman15308
No pattern bleed regardless of the stool consistency
I have already had the haemorrhoidectomy procedure so wondering why I’m still bleeding..
It’s so depressing!!
I’m curious to see what others say...
ottoman15308 sez123
You're not kidding it's depressing. I've had it on my mind all day again, trying to sort it all out in my head, to come up with a fix. I'm scaring myself to death!
I've convinced myself that my issue is caused by straining. I noticed today the lump I have just on the opening of my back passage is swollen when I sit on the loo. I think I've got into a habit of gently straining as I pass the waste, which I've only just caught myself doing this morning.
I also have realised that the only times I've had blood free are on days I'm not at work, and thus go to the loo when I need to, not when my schedule says I have to. I hate going at work, and we'll become very anxious if I have to start doing so. Was wondering if fybogel might make things in the morning a little more urgent than have been at late?
Any chance you're doing the same, and straining without thinking you are?
martin95013 ottoman15308
Hi Ottoman.
I understand that you are very concerned, which is understandable.
Let's relax a little and look at the situation logically & realistically.
It is likely that the weight lifting has contributed to your problem. Indeed it may have been the main cause. If you are still lifting heavy items you need to cease doing so immediately, it will make your situation much worse as it puts a strain on the veins in the anal canal.
If you have not got hemorrhoids at the moment you are likely to get them if you continue lifting weights.
You need to be drinking LOTS of water every day, and be eating plenty of fibre-ideally oat bran. Avoid red meat which takes longer to pass through the system and results in a harder stool. Also, get yourself some psyllium fibre husks (preferably the brand sold by healthspan). Take this in a morning before any food to ensure that the first part of the BM is very soft.
The thrombosed vein is effectly a blood clot. What are your doctors doing about that?
You say that it does not follow a pattern, but it does. The pattern is every time you have a BM you bleed. For sure hard stools do the most damage, but soft stools brushing past the wound affect the healing to a lesser degree.
The Bleeding is likely to be coming from an anal fissure. This is basically a tear in the anal canal. Usually caused by straining in the toilet. As it tries to heal, the passing of feaces (especially if not soft) slows or delays the healing process.
You would not know/feel anything during the operation for hemorrhoids. However, the recovery can be long and quite painful. It depends on the severity of the hemorrhoids.
Where abouts are you?
sez123 ottoman15308
I think my muscle has become tight or the passage narrower from the surgery making it harder to get the stool out. I too have a sore bum after what should be an easy bm
I caught myself straining too...
What a pair we are!!
sez123 ottoman15308
I definately wouldn’t strain to go tho. It’s jusr not worth it
I used to do that too Just Cos I wanted to avoid going at work but it’s so bad for you. Just try and go wheb u feel the urge
But I’m thinkinb prune juice will help you. It usually works as soo as I open my eyes i feel the need to go lol
ottoman15308 martin95013
Hi Martin. Thanks for the reply.
I'm based in the UK. My doc has offered nothing to help me at the moment. Ive stopped using the anusol as it states to only use for a week. I've been using it since early December...
The heavy lifting was a one off, so it's not something I am repeating. I'm drinking around 2 litres of water a day, limiting caffeine, and also consciously trying not to strain on the loo, and spend less time sitting there too. Managed to be in and out in around 3 minutes this morning where I usually read the news on my phone for 15 to 20.
I don't know what I'm dealing with, but what you have posted makes sense. I did use a glycerine gel last year to relax the muscles and let any such tear heal, but I've not tried it this time. I don't know what I can and can't use, nor if using anything is causing this to get worse.
Just bought some cider vinegar to take as I'd read that it could help. Seems a bit far fetched and like Snake oil treatment, but what's to lose eh?!
OK, so today is all clear, so far.
What can I take from this? Well, it could be coincidence I suppose, but it could also be the several little changes I made yesterday.
Not sitting on the loo for longer than needed. Took cider vinegar, ate fruit, drank lots of water and alps waited until 9am to actually go, and with no straining. On a work day I usually go around 6:45am. If that's the big difference I maybe need to start going at work and getting over my fear of such, whether the risk of bleeding or not.
sez123 ottoman15308
ottoman15308 sez123
I found some articles on Google that it could help. I'm willing to give anything a try.