When will these tablets make me feel normal again?

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I’m on week 2 on 50mg. I know it’s early but i feel awful. I am overheating so badly. I feel sick all the time sad i seen my GP today and they want me to keep going with another full months prescription. I feel worse on them! Has anyone else felt the same? When does it get better? 

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Im having good days and bad days, I’m on day 12. Yesterday was great, I was smiling and in my head I thought this is it (which I shouldn’t have). But today I feel low, worried about loads of symptoms. I don’t have nausea apart from first thing in the morning but I do have a dodgy stomach again which had only just got better and just makes me feel knackered and drained. I feel that emotionally I feel better but my body is a lot worse. We will get better soon, just got to try and think as positively as we can. Xxx
    • Posted

      I had a day like that too. I felt like i was laughing and really laughing. It was a good difference to the last week but the next day i was lower than normal. The sickness, overheating and drained feeling seems to be getting worse each day. I’m on day 12 as well! I suppose all we can do is remain positive about it all but it’s hard eh!! Hope for a good day for you Xx 
    • Posted

      Yeah it’s weird because I have to try and remember it’s only been a short time but it feel like yesterday was the first day I had smiled and laughed in ages. When realistically it was only Just over a week ago before I started getting all the side effects.

      Yes today can only get better. smile 

  • Posted


    I’m on day 11 of 50mg as well. I don’t feel well at all either, I’m extremeley weak and anxious, and I also feel like there’s no end in sight. But if you’d like my advice, I’d keep going. Things always get better.

    • Posted

      I guess it’s always going to be harder at the start. The side effects and feeling even more rubbish than before plus it’s too early for results, it’s draining! Your right, only time will tell. I hope you have a better day today Xx 
  • Posted

    Short term pain for long term gain is the only way to reason the crap side effects and they are SOOOOOO CRAP!   It will get easier though, everyone levels off at their own pace so it’s hard to know when you will feel better but stick with it.  Before you know it the better days will outweigh the bad ones then you will be on your way.   Xx 
    • Posted

      Laura, i love that saying! Such a good way to think about it. “Short term pain for long term gain” ❤️ 

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