When will this end
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I am getting tired of being in menopause the sleeping problems, the nose bleeds, the stomach issues when will this end. I can't take it any more i am tired of this just been crying and everything just want this nightmare to end
I just want to have a good night sleep tired of not sleeping to good at night tired of these stupid nose bleeds from the left nostril, tired of these stomach issues
I can't take it any more
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debbie03785 susan21149
susan21149 debbie03785
manda16171 susan21149
Im with you on the tired probs, nose bleeds Id be worried is this normal? In the passed Ive heard of it in kids cant remember what the cause was might have been overheating not sure. I too have had been experiencing too many p.meno symptoms, bad memory being one of them. Every now & then I do have a window of what I think Iife use to be like only to be struck down with sudden sadness, tum cramps , over eating. It doesnt help to say your not alone but its reassuring that there are alot of us understanding (cos we are feeling/experiencing similar changes)women who are where you are now or have been through it.
I just had to reply because I totally sympothise, now Im going to my todays misery out there.
I certainly found it ,if only a weeny bit helpful on some days that someone in this world has read of my plight & taken the time to acknowledge.
susan21149 manda16171
mommabee susan21149
susan21149 mommabee
gailannie susan21149
It does make sense to talk to your doctor. If some HRT might help you feel better and more normal, it's certainly worth a try.
sheryl37154 gailannie
susan21149 gailannie
sheryl37154 susan21149
I have seen claims that progesterone does all that oestrogen does, but that is not its job.
While I take a small amount of provera with my oestrogen mainly to prevent activation of endometriosis, I am considering not taking it anymore because of its anti oestrogen qualities. After 25 years, I am hoping my endometriosis has dried up by now. Besides, my endocrinologist made a frowning face about my use of provera.
My gp, accidently, I found out later, doubled my dose of provera and while I tried it, quickly went back to my normal dose because I got the anti oestrogen 'messages'. My endocrinologist said it was good that I did that.
I am going to try pregnenolone to enhance my oestrogen instead with the unofficial blessing of my endocrinologist.
susan21149 sheryl37154
sheryl37154 susan21149
Feeling too hot and sometimes feeling too cold (usually related to thyroid though) are symptoms. I have haemochromatosis too. The symptoms of this is very similar to menopause. It reduces your oestrogen levels as well, and can cause early menopause. I blame my 'icing' that I sometimes feel, on the haemochromatosis. It can feel like a blizzard is blowing through my body and icing me up. With haemochromatosis, iron gets into the hypothalamus which among other things, regulates your temperature.
Nose bleeds, not sleeping well and stomach issues are all symptoms of haemochromatosis too!!!!
When I use the term, having an 'ice' attack is not good to say these days, given the drug 'ice'. People might get confused :-)
shyla95973 susan21149