When will this end and we start feeling better .

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Started my peri bit at the age of 48 when i rolled my husbands truck and the broke my arm skiing.since then the symptoms increased .brown patches under my armpits and boobs- developed bad eczema on my hands,itchy sore girly bits,reccurrent vaginal thrush when i started HRT.palpatations,anxiety,insomnia,tiredness,tearfullness,major lack of motivation . Like so many of us i feel as though i've lost the old me.i can't find the right words to say and am constantly fighting with my weight.both my knees hurt along with back and feet.!i'm a nurse and have really had enough after 30 years in the profession.At the moment i've got a bloody headache again that only goes with medication..on the good side some of my symptoms have gone but i just feel so tired and old at only 52!!!πŸ˜‘

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12 Replies

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    I am sorry you are going through so many things! I completely understand how you feel as I have been dealing with many of the same symptoms. I don't know if it is any consolation, but you are not alone. We can at least vent and take comfort in one another. As far as your nursing career, is it possible for you to do part time or maybe PRN??? Maybe cutting back your hours might help you (if it is financially possible for you).

    • Posted

      Hi Vav ,embaressed to say i am already part time.just had to change departments be ause of my back pain much to my annoyance .its great to talk to others who are going through the same symptoms .they vary so much !I' m sure the menopause is the culprit!!I'm on antidepressant,suppliments and HRT!!i'll takeanything to feel better !just need to get my head around it all!and adjust accordingly i suppose .Need to find the plus points-will let you know when i do.xx

  • Posted

    Ugh I hear you! I'm only in peri and every day I think I want my old body and mind back SO BAD. I'm trapped in this fat anxious hair shedding , weird-face bump prison despite being a super healthy low carb eater my whole life. And still single 😦

  • Posted

    Yes, I hear you too. I am 44 and still in peri. Sadly, I have turned into a cranky old lady (grey hairs appearing in what's left of my hair!) I forget words and I'm usually angry or upset about something, then if I'm not one of these, I am anxious about what disease I have that the doctors must have missed in the million and one tests that I've had! My lower back hurts at the moment too, and I have chronic neck pain along with non stop headaches. I've put on a heap of cellulite and can't fit into any of my clothes right now! Geez, it's no wonder so many of us are depressed and anxious! I hope you are at the tail end of all of this and things get better for you soon.

    • Posted

      I hear you on the cellulite! You expect it in your butt, but I noticed I started getting some in my arms even when I was much thinner, and even my knees wtf? I mentioned it to a tactless dermatologist before I realized I was in peri, and she was like oh you're prob close to menopause. That was 7 years ago I think ...

    • Posted

      Yes.. that does make me depressed-- my clothes don't fit.. And I'm too angry and anxious to try to stick to an eating plan.. It's just a vicious cycle

    • Posted

      I can relate right down to the cellulite on the knee caps! WTF indeed!!! Oh the joys of being a woman and going through menopause. If only men went through it too, then we'd have answers to all of these medical issues that we are experiencing.

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      Yes I'm the same, and I just have no motivation to exercise or do anything much at all really.

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      Bless you jen-I'm a nurse and when I discover a male pt has prostate problems I smile and say well you boys have to have something its only fair!πŸ˜†i guess when trying to explain how we're feeling emotionally we should get our men to remember what it was like when they had testosterone surges as a young man and they felt angry for no reason!hang in there its got to improve at some point and I personally know that without my medication I would'nt be here now.!

    • Posted

      Don't feel bad about the eating plan. I've been cutting calories, eating strict low carb (literally a salad with tuna at lunch and a smoothie and some almond crackers for dinner) for at least a year and for a while was even walking 1.5 hours 3 times a week and it made NO difference. 😦 I know I have a giant fibroid, but that doesn't explain my fat arms not fitting into jackets anymore or fat legs ...

    • Posted

      Haha absolutely Phoebe, they get it good these men! I take an Nortriptyline for my chronic headaches/migraines and it also helps with my sleep and moods. Without that med I'm pretty much up the creek!

  • Posted

    Talking about no motivation.i have things i HAVE to do but when it comes to other things ie..the garden ?well that looks like a jungle now and its now raining so I've been 'forced' back to bed with my breakfast and my tablet-shameπŸ˜† SOmething I did as a teenager but have recenty rediscovered and refuse to feel guilty about !!!

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