When will Welfare Supplementary payment start

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My husband was moving from dla to pip and was turned down zero points right across. We sent mandatory reconsideration request and same outcome, we sent appeal letter and just received response that it was received on The 28th August and passed to relevant team. Just wondered if anyone knows how long before we get supplementary payments, last dla payment was 31st July and last Carers payment was 6th August. We are down £560 this month already and I've seen that welfare supplementary payments pay up the difference so we are not down anything but will everything be backdated and how long now appeal letter has been received will it take for payment. We have been really struggling and this whole process has been very stressful.

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    This only only paid to those living in Northern Ireland and not those living in UK. I'm assuming as you've asked that you live in NI? I live in the UK and have no idea about this benefit but a google search, as everything is available from a quick google gives me this information.

    If you’ve moved from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and got a lower rate or no PIP at all, you can get something called a Welfare Supplementary Payment from the Department for Communities (DfC).

    To get a PIP Welfare Supplementary Payment you’ll need to:

    have been getting DLA on the day you claimed PIP. It doesn’t matter whether you were told to claim it or you chose to claim it

    be resident and present in Northern Ireland - that means you normally live in Northern Ireland and you are actually here when you get your Welfare Supplementary Payment

    not qualify for PIP because of the medical assessment, rather than any of the other PIP conditions.

    There are 3 kinds of Welfare Supplementary Payment for PIP - which one you’ll get depends on your circumstances. You can only get one kind at a time.

    You don’t need to apply - you’ll be paid automatically.

    You’ll be paid every four weeks in arrears, starting on the day after your DLA stops. The DfC will pay the money into the same account as they paid your DLA into.

    The payment is for a fixed amount- it won’t increase if PIP rates increase.

    You can’t get any payments after 31st March 2020.

    • Posted

      Hi sorry didn't realise only n Ireland only gets this. The information on Google is wrong which is why I asked here if anyone had any experience. Can only get it if put in appeal and hasn't been paid automatically either as last carers allowance was 6th August and we got weekly and last dla 31st July so near 6 weeks since it paid. But thank you Denise

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      If you live in the UK it's not paid at all and doesn't even exist here, i'm afraid. I'm not sure what you were looking at but everything I looked at states Northern Ireland only. 

      When transferring from DLA to PIP if your PIP isn't successful then DLA stops 4 weeks after the decision on the PIP is made, carers allowance is the same.

      Most MR decisions remain the same, so it's not surprising that it wasn't successful, especially as no points were scored. Tribunal waiting times are extremely long all over the country and some are waiting 1 year and more for a hearing date. He is appearing in person? This will give him the best chance of a decision in his favour. The success rate is much lower for those who opt of a paper based hearing. 

      Did you send evidence to support his claim? They rarely contact anyone for evidence and that's goes for the Tribunal too. The onus is on the claimant to make sure it's sent to support your claim. 

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    Sent 2 appeal letters to the courts after mandatory appeal failed that was Nov 2017 still.not heard anything
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      The backlogs for Tribunals are absolutely massive and some areas there's a wait of more than 1 year. Give them a ring and ask how much longer do they expect the wait to be. 

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