White blood cells in urine

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This might be TMI, and I’m sorry for posting so much lately, but I’m really having a rough time. I have had really bad side pains and went into an urgent care today. They took a urine test and it wasn’t immediately positive but said there were white blood cells in my urine. Until the culture comes back, they’ve put me on antibiotics - did anyone else experience this with mono?

My health anxiety is through the roof and the 48 hours for the culture sounds like torture. My bp was also very low and they dismissed it as being dehydrated but I’m drinking so much water!

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi BJams,

    My daughter went through this twice, but it eventually improved with the antibiotics, good to drink alot of water,

    • Posted

      I’m so glad the antibiotics helped her! I know UTI’s can cause this but so can kidney malfunctions so it’s really a scary experience!
  • Posted

    I recently did a urine test and they found white blood cells in it too.
    • Posted

      HI Bjams,

      It is usually inflammation caused by bacteria or virus and inflammation tends to go along with mono, Epstein Barr. My daughter was light headed on and off throughout this virus.

  • Posted

    Hi bjams,

    yes!! This was the main reason why I went to see my doctor in the first instance. I had cloudy urine and thought I had a uti but I didn't have any uti symptoms!? Just elevated white cells in my urine, I am not sure whether it's gone to be honest,...I do try to drink plenty of water.



    • Posted

      how absolutely strange. Were you prescribed antibiotics?
    • Posted

      No I wasn't. As it wasn't a uti.

      i ended up having a scan on my bladder and kidneys, all fine, a ct scan, fine. A tb urine test, clear and std tests, all clear!!!!

      but I'm sure it's still cloudy now!!! I have no abdominal pain or anything so I assume it will clear one day? When I'm truely on top form, but I am going to mention this to my gp next time.

    • Posted

      Hmm... I did have an abdominal CT scan in December before these symptoms or the mono diagnosis, but maybe if the urine culture comes back ok, I should push for a TB and std test. I hope I’m not taking antibiotics for nothing! 
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      It was for gonorrhoea .

      every test I've had has been clear. Which is obviously good. And I am so much better than I was. I still have warm legs at night. These last two weeks have been really good for me, even did a two mile walk today!!😱 I am assuming it's the virus and it will just go in time


    • Posted

      Hey Caroline,

      Good to hear you've had a settled couple of weeks, that's brilliant you managed a longer walk yesterday - really well done! Hoping that things can continue to go in a positive direction, for sure you most definitely deserve that having been through such a wringer with this!

      Probably not relevant but just a quick point on urine, if anyone's taking B vitamins then it will make your urine go a bright yellow colour - that's very normal and nothing to worry about, just your body getting rid of the excess B vitamins it doesn't need to use.

      Thinking of you all and hoping for a good day today for everyone.


    • Posted

      Thank you Craig,

      and I've got up and done the school run! This is the beginning of week three for me feeling great....it would be lovely for this stretch to carry on, fingers crossed I can beat my last 3 week stretch which was back in November! 

      And these last two weeks have been full on too!! School runs, shopping and cleaning.... Eeekkkkk!!!!!!


  • Posted

    Hey Bjams,

    Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you, what a terrible time you've been having and just hoping everything settles down at least to a manageable level soon. Take heart in that you've done the right thing by going to get yourself checked out, I'm not sure how it works with mono in relation to urine tests, but it would make sense to me that if your body is fighting the infection then the white blood cells would show up in the urine, it sounds like it would make sense but I'm not medically minded and hoping that the antibioitics help if it's maybe been another wee infection you've picked up on top of mono.

    It's really understandable to feel so anxious, just want to let you know that I'm still believing in your recovery and that God will bring healing - this is just a bad time and it will pass over, just really hoping that it passes over very soon. Drinking water sounds like a good plan for sure, just be kind to yourself and give your body rest and relaxation, although I get it that it's so hard to do that and give your mind a break too when going through this.

    Just take one day at a time, don't look too far ahead and remember that you WILL get through this - I fully and completely believe 100% for you - even if it takes a bit of time yet don't panic because you are going to get better.


    • Posted

      Thank you, Craig. I very much appreciate your continued positivity and reassurance. I am drinking tons of fluids and hearing similar stories on this forum does help to ease my mind. Hope you are well!
  • Posted

    I just have to post an update because I am extremely frustrated.

    Tonight, I had severe lower back pain and stomach cramping, and suddenly became very dizzy and hot. I went to the ER and without them running any tests except a urine test, was basically told that I don’t have a UTI and it was the medicine affecting my stomach. I was then asked if I was taking the anxiety medicine prescribed in my chart (I haven’t since I found out about the mono), and was told my heart rate was really high because of anxiety. I was sent home with discharge papers that say I can “probably” stop the antibiotics and I should follow up with a psychiatrist about stress. 

    I’m so frustrated. I’m convinced that I’m going to die because they’ve written me off to anxiety. How could they possibly know my stomach isn’t bleeding or my spleen hasn’t burst - just from looking at me and a urine test? 

    So frustrated and awake now hoping I’m okay.

    • Posted

      Reading what you’ve been through makes me so angry. Doctors need to wake up and actually start doing their job instead of attributing everything to depression and anxiety. I’ve seen so many doctors and almost every appointment started with “so, have you been going through anything stressful in your life, or feeling depressed?” NOOOO! Now the first thing I say is doctor, I am NOT anxious or depressed. I am worried about my health, but I think it’s natural considering I’m 25 and suddenly feel like a 99 year old on her deathbed. :@ GRRRR I AM SO ANGRY FOR YOU. 

      Bjams, next time please be a pain in the butt and demand blood tests, demand to know what the doctor thinks is causing your sudden stomach pain. You really need to advocate for yourself and push back when you aren’t getting the care you deserve and need. 

      On a side note I had terrible back pain to the point it made me nauseous (thought I had Addison’s disease lol). I also went to the ER and the doctor felt my back and said seems fine. Wha?! I feel for you. 

    • Posted

      Hi Bjams,

      Sorry to hear you've having this terrible trouble at the moment. I totally sympathise with your frustration also, a total nightmare. If there's any doctor or medical professional you trust, be it a GP or whatever, please do go to see them. It's so hard to find a good doctor, and it may well be part of the virus but then they need to follow up and examine you properly - I've had so many of the same kind of situations myself visiting ER it's terrible these days.

      Thinking of you man and hang in there.


    • Posted

      Thanks for validating my pain! It it such a terrible feeling to be dismissed.

      The horrible part is that I sort of dug my own grave - I did fall for the anxiety trap before I was diagnosed because I did experience a significant trauma about two years ago, and so I have that in my medical chart that I was briefly (while seeking medical care for the mono symptoms) prescribed anti anxiety medication. Now I have just been put in that box.

      I did go in and see a new primary care doctor, and after doing a thorough exam, she said basically said, yep it is mono, I can feel your lymph  nodes so just rest and drink fluids, stop taking the vitamins because it might be upsetting my stomach.... and that me stressing about it so much wasn’t helping. She then launched into a speech about stress on the immune system. I didn’t push for any tests, but probably should have. I’m just so lost about what I’d even push for.

    • Posted

      Hey bjams,

      What kind of testing do you feel would make you feel more at ease? Do you want to 100% confirm mono? If that’s so, you can ask for monospot test, EBV profile, or CMV profile. EBV and CMV are the two main viruses that cause mononucleosis symptoms, though I’ve read that other viruses also cause mono symptoms but those are the main ones to ask for. Not sure if doc will agree apparently these tests are “expensive” (I’m in Canada doctor agreed after I asked for it, had to be requested by me though).

      I hope this helps. Is your lower back feeling better? I’ve found that these symptoms will last for a week and then go away and then a new symptom will start and then that will go away... I too had terrible lower back pain but it went away after about 2 weeks. I know it feels frightening, especially if you were a previously healthy person. Hang in there. You have lots of people here to cheer you on the road to recovery! 

    • Posted

      Hey Bjams,

      Oh you have nothing to reproach yourself about, it only too natural to feel anxious and stressed when feeling these symptoms, and especially when you've had trauma in the past it makes you wary and more vulnerable at these times.

      If you haven't already had a blood test to confirm mono then would be worth going back to doc to ask for that, a simple blood test should be able to tell hopefully. It's so hard I'm the same every time you go in to see the doc you don't always say or ask what you wanted to. Remember though you are going to get better from this and it will pass over, you've done the right thing going to the docs and things and just remember don't beat yourself up, take it easy and let your body recovery.

      Hang in there.....you WILL get through this - I totally believe that without any doubt - God is the great physician and will bring healing - He knows more than the doctors.


    • Posted

      Hi van,

      I have tested positive for mono - both via heterophile antibodies and for EBV. I think my fear is more about sepsis, or another condition that’s being overlooked because of the mono - having a fever, shortness of breath and body pains this long just doesn’t seem normal to me. It is comforting to hear you’ve had things pop up and then go away; I think that is partially why doctors think I’m a hypochondriac! Because a lot of things keep popping up or coming and going. The side pain is better now, thanks for asking, but I’m very congested and afraid I have the flu! Is the flu bad in Canada right now? I’m in California and it seems like people are dying at a scary fast rate!

    • Posted

      Thanks Craig. I did have the blood work positively confirm it on 1/12. I am trying now to just have faith that I’ll het through this but...  it’s hard!!!
    • Posted

      Hey Bjams,

      Oh it's very common thing for folks going through mono to think that all sorts of other things are going on too, I know I did and was at the doctors more times than I care to remember and as you say most of the time they just disregard your concerns and don't take mono seriously enough.

      It is good that you got that diagnosis because I know a lot of folk worry because they are having those symptoms and don't get that - so although it's not good of course to have the virus, take it as reassuring that there is a reason for what's going on. And of course do keep on at the doctors if symptoms seem strange or unusual, but remember this can manifest in so many different ways so even the things you don't think is mono quite normally can be - but always best to see the doc when unsure!

      And you definitely will get through it Bjams, it's really tough to deal with especially this first 3 months, once you get by that stage the intensity often lessens but don't panic if it still takes a bit of time for recovery, because it definitely will come!


    • Posted

      Thank you Craig. I really hope I get to the point where I’m so confident about the virus is behind these things. I just, for whatever reason, am so very convinced that I’m dying 🙁

    • Posted

      Bjams your posts make me smile because they mirror what I feel.. when you’re feeling this it’s not funny, but when you read someone else saying exactly how you feel... it’s so crazy that it almost makes you want to laugh. I saw an inspirational post today that said “you survived 100% of your darkest days” and it really resonated with me. Each time I thought I was dying, each time I was crying and angry and feeling so ill... I survived it! And so did you! And we will keep on living and surviving buddy smile 
    • Posted

      Bjams it's an awful feeling I know it is, I really just want to reassure that all this will pass and you WILL feel better and more confident about things again. Know it doesn't help much when going through it, just really hoping for a more settled period and remember just take things one day at time when going through the virus, don't look far ahead and as Van says getting through a day when feeling this way is an achievement and should be looked upon like that.

      Thinking of you both and hang in there - better and much healthier days are ahead, I believe that, but for now just rest and look after yourself and allow time of recovery, that's what your body needs, no matter how lt takes put your health first.


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