White Blood Count
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Hey, my white blood count is 14.8. I'm a 37 year old female. I do have a mass in my left upper arm. I go for an ultrasound this week. I also have a small polyp in my uterus. I do run a low grade fever on and off. I feel weak and have pains. Could the high white blood count be another sign I may have cancer? Please let me know if you had near this count and have cancer or your thoughts on the subject. Thanks to all and God bless!
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kim12266 rebecca49630
its an indicator of a problem, such as infection, stress, inflammation, trauma, allergy, or certain diseases
its common in people who have cancer my sons blood counts were high an he was also anemic
he had cancer of the adrenal gland i hope all goes well for you can u please post bck to update the outcome it may be something benign you have
rebecca49630 kim12266
Hey, I just read that prednisone (steroid) can make white blood count go up. I took them for 5 days so that may be why. Sorry your son had cancer. I'm hate waiting and not knowing.
kim12266 rebecca49630
it might be your medication thats the cause try not to worry until u know 100% what it is i know its easier said than done but like i said it may be nothing to worry about
rebecca49630 kim12266
Thank you Kim!
rebecca49630 kim12266
Polyp in uterus was bigger than they thought but was not cancer! Mass in arm is going to be removed and then sent off. Praying it's not cancerous. Going for colonoscopy soon. I have constipation diarrhea and mucus in stool. Went from being healthy to one problem after another. But I'm so thankful polyp was fine 😇
kim12266 rebecca49630
glad to hear that it was benign must be such a relief !! as for the mass try stay positive until u have the results i hope the colonoscopy goes well the contipation and mucus could be many things as theres a few things can cause those symptoms could be an infection
michelle70460 rebecca49630
Hi. In most cases a higher than normal white blood count just usually indicates an infection. Your white cell count will naturally increase due to it fighting the infection.
wendy94366 rebecca49630
hi my wbc have gone from 13 to 19 in 8 yrs my neutrophill count is also 11 i'm under haemotologist and she reckons its through smokeing and stress she didn't seem concerned got to go back in january
rebecca49630 wendy94366
Hey, I'd get a second opinion just to be in the safe side.
wendy94366 rebecca49630
ty rebecca are you saying something is wrong and why should i get a second opinion
rebecca49630 wendy94366
Oh no, I don't know if anything is wrong. I always think a second opinion is smart. I have gotten a couple my self. First time they said I had tendonitis. Second opinion was that a did not have tendonitis but a mass. Iwish I would of gotten a second opinion sooner. Which I still could have tendonitis but I definitely have a mass also. Wishing you well 😊