White coat syndrome....
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Hello everyone! So does anyone out there have this white coat syndrome aka anxiety big time when its time to go to the doctor? I've made 2 appointments that are much needed, with a brand new GP.. One for myself and one for my husband.. The one for my husband is today, and I need to go explain the last 2 years of his medical history from hospital stays to all the testing he's had done to the referrals to specialists he needs, of coarse he can't do it, it wouldn't get done right! Mine isn't even until tomorrow morning, and well I'm having a really bad anxiety episode on verg of panic , chest tight belching trapped gas feels like I can't breathe just can't calm down, and I hate this.. I haven't been like this since last year, my anxiety really has been in check.. But no not today its reared its ugly head big time.. Its early morning and I'm going to get busy doing some house chores to get my worried about everything mind off of all the insane crap.. I was in the grocery store yesterday with my 2 year old grandson pushing him around in the shopping cart and picking out pumpkins which we brought home and decorated, I felt fantastic yesterday! And that's huge for me and a grocery store, all the ladies were coming up and saying how cute he was with all his pumpkins, and I got to talking to one older woman about menopause, and I was telling her what an awful time I'm having, and she said yes not a nice ride at all, she said she couldn't stand herself for like 2 years, but assured me it does calm down and gets better... Well will see!!! Just wondering does anyone else have the worry anxiety big time when its time for something? I just want to run hide and bury my head in the sand today...
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Guest Gypsy014
pam90720 Gypsy014
sabrina1971 pam90720
pam90720 sabrina1971
I know Sabrina! And when I’m in the waiting room my heart pounds so hard I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack !😪😪.
Gypsy014 pam90720
Guest Gypsy014
Yes I do as well. I have found that I am starting to avoid going. I keep my regular ones (annuals, etc.) but I am learning to live with aches/pains, etc. because I am so uncomfortable at the doctor's office now. I used to go for any odd not so normal issue which was more often than I had ever gone once perimenopause began. I tamed that down because my anxiety was so high at each appointment. My mom was quite sick over the last 4-5 years and I had to accompany her to her visits and it was anxiety ridden for me as her health was declining so quickly. I think that it tainted all visits in general now. I can feel my heart beating fast, dry mouth, woozy, as soon as I know I have an appt on a given day.
sharcerv52408 Guest
I agree Kim. I used to only go for my annual exams and stuff but once peri began I found myself in the ER and at the doctors office more times than I can count. I drove my husband crazy. I have gotten to the point where I just stopped running to them for every single thing. I realized that the bulk of my symptoms are anxiety related and so I just talk myself down from those feelings. The last time I went to the ER they didn't even want to help me. I said to myself unless I'm dying I'm not going to the ER again. It's too much drama!
Guest sharcerv52408
Hey sharecv! I am the same. Had my husband nuts last year...daily...doctors or ER. They totally cannot help us unless we are actually dying! I bought a BP/heart checker, thermometer. When I have one of my “ dying “ episodes. I play dr and check my vitals. That’s pretty much all the ER does for $4000. 😁
juanita93228 Guest
Oh Lou, you sure can make me laugh! I was fine over the weekend now I think I'm about to leave this world every day since Monday. I KNOW I'm fine, BP is great, heart is fine(they even lowered my BP meds). Why do we feel like we're dying? I just want to run away from this woman that I've become. I don't know her. But not just that, no joy, where is my joy?
On top of that I let a friend talk me into going to a reception tonight!! Now I have to fake smile and pretend that I feel great. I just want to crawl under the covers and pray to God and cry and hope this feeling passes soon. ((((hugs))))
Guest juanita93228
Hi Juanita! Oh, just go if you can! Can you have a drink there? I called a friend the other day and she wants to go out for lunch soon.. She lives down the street, is older and was a client of mine for years...so she knows that I am not normally like this! I am going...she is a riot and we both are a little cuckoo! She has had anxiety for years...so, between my vertigo and her anxiety, we are going to rock this lunch! I can’t help you much with the joy thing.. honestly, I find the most joy reading and my cats, dogs, chickens, crazy rooster and bunnies! Love my husband and kids, but it isn’t always joyous. I swear I have days that a celebrity mega hunk could offer me a message and fan me with banana leaves...and I would be like...MEH! You hang in there Juanita...and go out tonight! 🤗🤗
juanita93228 Guest
I hope there is alcohol! If not the friend I'm going with is a big fan of what she calls "purse cocktails" she'll put a couple of small bottles of flavored whiskey in her purse, we stop by a convenience store, get two cups of ice and a coke or sprite, arrive early, sit in the car and make our own cocktails!!! Lol!
I do find joy in my kitty, she's so funny. I must remember to tap into my faith and find joy in the Lord.
I am going, it's only two hours. My friend is 49 and had a hysterectomy years ago. She has hot flashes, and can get a little angry sometimes. But I know it's hormonal.
Yes, go to lunch and rock the meno world!!! Lol!!! ((((hugs)))
Guest juanita93228
😂purse cocktails...I like it! Have fun Juanita...you got this! 🤗
Gypsy014 Guest
tessa1967 Gypsy014
pam90720 tessa1967
Tessa! I could have written what you just wrote!!! I am the EXACT same way😞. I went to the ear doctor and had a panic attack in the waiting room.. I thought about leaving.... then they called me back... bp was 160/90... heart rate 130.... the nurse asked me if I had WCS and I said YES!!!!!!!!
Gypsy014 tessa1967