White patches on sides of clitoris

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Having clitoral discomfort again. I pulled back the clitoral hood and saw some white patches around the edge. I can't tell if it's smegma or LS white patches. It's too sensitive to scrape hard enough to get it off. If it's smegma, should I be cleaning it off? I find this so stressful. Feel weepy. Back to the sensation of needing to urinate frequently again and thinking it's connected to my clitoris. (Feels stimulated) sorry to bring this up again , but I need some support.

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Do not scrape it off. I had this, too. It wasn't bothering me. A dermatologist, who I saw for his supposed expertise in LS , decided to scrape it off for a culture, for yeast. Big mistake. Now it is the first place to flare. Now it is an additional spot that is vulnerable..It went from no pain to maybe a forever problem.Trams to this tissue is not good.My advice is to leave well enough alone.
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      The word that I mistyped is trauma to the tissue. I feel like this doctor should be sued, but the mental stress would be too much.
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      Thanks for the advise! So what did the culture show? Was it LS skin? Or smegma?

      This disease can drive one to distraction.

    • Posted

      Yes. Be careful with trauma to the lp . I had one gyn to perform 3 surgeries to excise what he called dead tissue. Now the entire area gets inflamed .Scheduled now for a vulvectomy on 11/19. Have had good success with a oncology gynecologist who opened my vagina in 2012 after the trauma. Too painful to use dilators so it needs to be done again but i have had 3 good years. We just need a cure for this disease that effects us all in so many different ways. Stay positive and live the best life you can live. Its been 10 years for me. I pray for relief for us all today.
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      It was nothing. No yeast or LS. Probably DEBRIS. All for nothing, and now a permanent patch of inflammation!
    • Posted

      How awful!  I expect you have tried a lot of different things, but some women have had good results with Manuka Honey, it might be worth trying.
  • Posted

    Sandra, sorry to hear your feeling upset.  My advice is different; I think you need to be using a cotton bud to probe and clean the area, and if it is smegma it needs to come out in my opinion. Otherwise, you could have a serious problem building up there. If you find that is not the problem, then carefully apply Clob in and under the hood, do that twice a day for maybe four days. Hopefully, that should work.  The other lady that posted was not having problems in this area, but you are, and I think that is a sign.
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      Yeah, but avoid any 'scraping'. That will set up the Koebner effect. I got all obsessed with squeezing smegma out the pinhole remaining after my clitoris was buried. I caused the horrible abscess trying to keep the hole from sealing shut. As soon as it healed shut, no air could get in, no more trouble.

      My experience has been – I can keep my perineum from tightening up and closing my vaginal opening, but this process of burying the clitoris is relentless.

    • Posted

      Did yours get buried before or after steroid treatment? Is it possible with steroid on clitoris to keep it from closing in? I'm 44. Really not ready to lose my clitoris.

      Thanks to u all for the caring responses. Somehow, it makes it easier. I'd feel forlorn and alone without this support.

    • Posted

      Yes, I agree, definitely no scraping, I cannot imagine why anyone would do that in the first place!  What a nightmare this disease is...
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      Before. I've had LS since I was at least 22. I had that abscess at age 61. Yes, I think if I'd been diagnosed and treated and had known all the things I know now, it wouldn't have happened.
  • Posted

    I agree with guppy. Try to carefully clean it with a qtip or take a warm bath and let it soak. If it is smegma, you want it out of there. You don't want it to build up. That can turn into an abscess. I had one earlier this year, and trust me, you don't want that. It was terrible. I was in so much pain, and I had to have it lanced. The most painful humiliating thing I have gone through. Now, I am very careful to keep that area clean. Take care! Good Luck. 
  • Posted

    I have a gynaecologist appointment next week to ask him about this issue. showed my GP clitoral area at a physical recently and he thought it all looked good. He couldn't seem to see any issue there. But I wasn't in a flareup then either.

    I also think that when I start retracting the clitoral hood, I get more irritated. Oh for the days when I hardly knew what my clitorus looked like. Just too aware of my underparts now.

  • Posted

    A little update after all the kind encouragement from you fellow sufferers. I did baking soda bath and gently tried to clean the area and looks much better!

    Also had been using steroid cream and switched to ointment. Put it directly on clitoris and I actually tolerate the ointment and am having relief!!! I couldn't seem to handle the cream directly on clitoris although I was doing well with it elsewhere. I think I will cancel my Gyno appointment for now. Sometimes seems one gets more answers on this forum than from GPs or Gyno. So thanks so much!!

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