White spots on gums, yellow tongue and mouth discomfort
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Hi everyone, I'm a 25 year old male and I have been suffering with my mouth with different symptoms for the last 3 months so far. It all started in December 2017 when I was eating some hard jelly bean sweets, I remember eating a few of them and my mouth didn't feel right afterwards. Not long after I was in some discomfort and though that I cracked one of my teeth on the left side at the back as I had some aches, pain and a cold sensation when breathing in almost all the time which was really bad of a night.
I dealt with this for about a week or two and I still felt the same way, so I went to my local dentist to find out what's going on. The woman at the dentist had a look at my teeth and got this tool that blows cold air around my teeth and also used another tool to knock on my teeth for sensitivity. She said she couldn't see anything wrong and told me to try Sensodyne Pro Enamel toothpaste twice a day and see how I fared. This made no difference after a week or so and was still in discomfort with the same symptoms.
I went back to the dentist a week later and asked for an X Ray on my left teeth (top and bottom). The same woman at the dentist did the X Ray and it went ok at first but when I had my X Ray on my lower teeth I felt a nasty pain while biting on the plastic holder which lasted for about 10 seconds, the pain was unbearable and was about an 8/10 on the pain scale and really hurt. I had to wait 10 minutes for the results and my lower mouth felt really sore after the X Ray. I went back upstairs to find out my results and the dentist said there was nothing to be concerned about and said some very small cracks might not be picked up on the X Ray.
She then advised me to have this Fluride Varnish on my top and bottom left side of my teeth, she said it helps prevent tooth decay so I agreed to have this put on my teeth and went back home hoping it would help. At the time I was more concerned about my sore in my lower mouth. I never looked where this sore was but after a few days the sore was gone and didn't have any discomfort from it however my teeth and mouth still felt uncomfortable with cold sensations and some aches and pain like before.
In the end I let a few more weeks pass since it was Christmas and New Year and in the first or second week of January 2018 I caught which I believe was a nasty cold as my throat was really sore and it was difficult to talk and swallow. This cleared up after a week or two after plenty of rest, plenty of pure orange and a few Lemsips. A few more weeks past and I still had this cold sensation which I still dealt with.
However in the middle of February 2018 I felt sick on the 16th but didn't throw up, I had my dinner as normal and still felt a bit sick so I had 1 Ibuprofen to help ease this feeling and then slept on it. I woke up the next day and didn't feel sick however my mouth felt strange and I had this strange noise after swallowing, I wasn't too concerned to begin with however I still had that irritating cold feeling in the left side of my mouth too.
For the first two weeks I had the strange noise after swallowing and then in the third week I also had a fever which appearing out of nowhere. My nose wouldn't stop running for the first two days, my tongue went yellow and had a high temperature on my forehead. A few days later my nose dried up and I lost my taste and smell almost completely, I couldn't even taste toothpaste so it was very severe. I lost my taste and smell for just over a week and eventually it came back after taking lots of Lemsips, Beechams, Ibuprofen tablets and Paracetamol tablets on a daily basis and drinking lots of water. I also gargled with salt water, I used 2/3 teaspoons each time and did this once a day for 5 days in a row which helped ease my mouth pain on the lower left side and helped me regain my taste a bit at the time.
During the time when I lost my taste and smell almost completely I was still in discomfort with my left side of my mouth and still had the noises after swallowing and also had this throbbing/pulsing feeling in/under my mouth and I also noticed a soft lump/bulge under my mouth which I could only see in certain light and a certain head position when I put my head down. I though I had a swollen gland due to the fever I had in the third week.
I was very concerned and went to the doctors and told him about everything that has happened for the last few months. He said he couldn't feel any lumps or nothing swollen under my mouth and also said I had a lot of Catarrh in my nose. He said I've got a few more weeks of having this cold. I also suffer with heartburn on and off for years and he gave me Peptac liquid to help with my acid but didn't take this until yesterday.
After the doctors visit I decided to take a look in my mouth at my teeth and gums. To my surprise I noticed a white patch with with spots at the back left of my lower gums and was very concerned. In December 2017 I did use quite a lot of Listerine at the time probably more than the recommended amount round my mouth and also used a lot of salt water when I lost my taste and smell which could have caused this but I still have this white patch with spots around my back left gum. I also hope this is not trauma from my lower left X Ray, as I previously mentioned my lower mouth was sore straight after the X Ray however I'm almost certain this sore from the X Ray went after after the new year.
I really hope my white spots on my back gum and mouth throbbing is nothing serious and nothing I have to live with because I believe this is what is causing the discomfort in my mouth, however since it's so far back in my mouth I didn't notice this until week 4 of my ongoing symptoms since February 16th 2018. I also tried brushing my back gums but didn't seem to help, in fact I think the brushing of the gum and salt water irritated it more.
I went back to the doctors again this week because my tongue was still yellow and with my sudden fever in week 3 I thought I may have got oral thrush, the doctor said I have nothing to be conceded about with my tongue and said I haven't got classic oral thrush but he did give me Nystatin, however I am scared of taking this because I know there are some serious side effects from this. I also purchased Daktarin however this can also cause serious side effects such as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. I showed him the white patch on my gums and said he couldn't comment on my gums and told me to go to my dentist.
I went to my dentist this Friday and showed her the picture of my gums, she had a look and said she couldn't see anything to be concerned about and only seen saliva bubbles and told me not to worry. She said if there was anything she was concerned over regarding my gums that she would send me to hospital and get a biopsy done, however this is a last resort as I don't want anyone cutting pieces of gum away yet.
TLDR; So now I am here in week 5, March 24th 2018 and I still have these white spots and white patch at the back of my lower left gums which I've had for the last two weeks, but I could have had this for longer maybe even months. I still have my yellow tongue which seems to only get less yellow if I have salt water and drinking water. I also still have this strange noise after swallowing which I've been aware of for the last 5 weeks, my mouth and teeth are still throbbing/pulsing and my left teeth are juddering this last week or two. I've also still got a high temperature on my forehead and face. My voice also feels hoarse and weak especially on the left side when I talk. The worst part of it all is I'm still in almost constant discomfort throughout the day with my lower left of my month which I believe is my gums. My discomfort feels like a constant ache/pain and throbbing/pulsing. Finally I still have this lump/bulge under my left mouth area which is I believe is where the throbbing and swallow noise is coming from however I'm not 100% sure on that.
I've also attached some pictures of my white spots on my gum and my yellow tongue. The white spots of my gum that I'm concerned about I've circled in black. I've also attached some pictures in vivid mode as you can see everything more clearly in my opinion.
Sorry for the long post, I just don't know what to do since the doctors and dentist don't seem concerned at all. What do you all think based on what I have said and pictures provided? Do you think it's Oral Thrush? Is it Glandular Fever? Do I have some sort of infection or gum infection like gingivitis? Or is this something that will pass and get better over time?
Thank you for taking the time to read this and look forward to your responses and will be interested to hear if anyone else has had a similar experience.
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Guest Guest
Though my bad breath is due to differemt factors than yours, I wish I can help you by asking if you have dental bridges or permanent fake teeth. These stock bacterias that can cause multiple symptoms.
I hope you get better soon and share your results.
Thank you
Guest Guest
Hi Will, I've never had dental bridges or permanent fake teeth. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about regarding my white patch, if it is some sort of bacteria hopefully I can fight it off. I've only been aware of it for 2 weeks but may have been there longer.
ebvreactivated Guest
Guest ebvreactivated
Hi Christine, sorry to hear you've got the same problem as me by the sounds of it. My gum also feels a bit rough when I put my tongue on the area with the white patch. But I try not to do that now, I think it irritates it more but my tongue can't go anywhere else so I guess it's always going to rub on it during the day. My white spots seem small and more widespread in that area, maybe that's why it feels rough in that area, I'm not sure what size your 2 spots are but hope you are managing with it well. I'll be interested to hear the outcome of your ENT visit, hope you find out some more information that may help both of us.
I forgot to mention in my first post that when I take tablets such as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol that I chew and break down the tablets in my mouth, but I've been doing this all my life without no issues until my troubles the last few months. I know it says you shouldn't bite or chew on tablets but I'm scared of choking on them, so I always bite them and swallow the broken tablets with water or tea.
My cold sensation is still annoying me when I breath in tonight, the only thing that settles me is drinking warm drinks such as tea. If I drink anything cold it seems to set my mouth off and get this cold feeling when I breath in.
Finally, I had a look at the other side of my gum and teeth on my left side as I haven't looked down that side before since I have to get my finger and pull my mouth back a bit to see down there and since I've been ill I didn't want to risk it.
I noticed that it looked a bit white down there and some bumps. Think the throbbing/pulsing is some sort of ulcer, gum boil or sore down on my bottom left of my mouth near the front. So I have been using Bonjela the last few hours and seems to have settled down the uncomfortable throbbing/pulsing feeling. Hopefully that's one thing I can clear up in the near future.
Hi everyone, just a quick update. Decided to start taking Daktarin which fights thrush and other bad bacteria. Hopefully I don't get any nasty side effects. Was taking Bonjela yesterday but got nasty stomach pain from it which woke me up during my sleep so I'm going to stop using Bonjela now as it doesn't suit me.
Had a look at my gums, still have the white mark with spots on one side and other side seems the same, didn't see an ulcer this time round so maybe I was wrong yesterday. Tongue was very yellow again and a bit thick near the back of my tongue today which I still believe is oral thrush.
Still have this cold sensation in the back of my throat when I breath in, very annoying but it comes and goes but this could be my acid reflux that I suffer with on and off for many years.
Almost certain now that the throbbing is from my neck area near my left thyroid, hope it's nothing serious. I found out online that thrush can be linked with thyroid problems such as throbbing, pulsing, heartbeat feeling. The discomfort is from located at my lower neck area, since my left side of neck seems larger than the other. Hope it's just an infection, hoping I haven't got a goiter or hypertrhoidism.
Going to take Daktarin now for 7 days (4 times a day) to see if I get any better as the thrush bacteria could've spread down to my lower throat and thyroid area causing an infection called thyroiditis which maybe causing all my problems. Will update again next week, hopefully I will feel better.
Firstly, I think I had some side effects from the Daktarin since not long after taking it a few days later I had terrible shaking especially in my left leg which lasted for a few days. This has got better over the 4 weeks but I still get slight pulsing/shaking/spasms throughout the left side of my body each day.
My vision has also deteriorated in the last 4 weeks, due to the pulsing/shaking/spasms I’ve been getting my left eye has been twitching a lot and also very sore and due to this I now have slight ghosting vision and motion problems now which is frustrating as I’ve never had vision problems like this in all my life.
The most irritating problem that I’ve got is my back left lower gum which still has a rough white patch which is super annoying as it’s almost constant irritation throughout the day and this is because it’s where my tongue rests at the back of my mouth. The only thing that slightly helps is hot drinks and painkillers such as paracetamol but this is only a short temporary fix.
I really would like to know what the rough white patch is at the back of my lower gum as the dentist didn’t seem to notice it when I told them about it which left me puzzled, I’m not sure if it’s a scar or trauma from my X Ray in December or damage from using too much Listerine in December either? However it wasn’t this irritating until February. I have been drinking lots of fruit drinks which I know are acidic however I’m drinking fruit drinks like orange juice for vitamins to help my vision so I can’t win either way.
I’ve also been having swallowing difficulties and found a white lump in my lower neck/throat however this surely can’t be the cause of my white patch in my gums, I’m due to have an Ultrasound though for this next month so that should find out more.
Finally I’ve had blood tests on my thyroid, blood sugar and for glandular fever and all returned back normal/negative so not sure what’s going on but very frustrating either way.
I look forward to hearing from anyone who’s suffering similar symptoms with their gums, mouth, throat etc, thank you for taking the time to read this and will update again in the near future.
j90243 Guest
I am in a similar situation. I've been waking up with a yellow tongue identical to yours, and also have white patches on my gums (although mine are above my two front teeth). I don't have any pain however, and I did have three extractions in different areas a week ago. This was due to overcrowding. I have also been rinsing with salt water multiple times a day and have even been brushing my teeth more meticulously, and so I was rather shocked when all this started happening
I am beginning to get a sore throat, although I assume this is due to whatever bacteria is seeming to fester on my tongue. Mine seems no where near as severe as your case, but you may be able to draw on some things... Like after reading yours I'm starting to think whether salt water is causing the white patches on my gums at least. Anyway, I hope you get a solution to all this!
Guest j90243
Hi j,
Sorry to hear you're in a similar situation with your mouth and tongue. I have another topic created specifically just for my gum problem which I'm still suffering with each day and it's been going on for over 5 months now.
I still have the white patches on my back lower left gum, really frustrating to live with each day as it gets really irritated by pretty much anything.
I still also have the yellow tongue but it has changed throughout the last few months but still yellow looking and my taste is still not very good because of this I believe.
Worst part about all this for me now is that I have some sharp rough edges on my teeth on left side too now on the inner side where my tongue catches so now I'm suffering with a sore tongue on top of everything else, it does come and go the soreness but it feels like it's on my mind now since it catches easily.
Speaking of bacteria you could have a build up of it due to your extractions, it wouldn't surprise me because dentists have so many patients each day so you never know if bacteria is present on their tools even if they clean them.
Regarding the salt water I still don't know what caused this white patch, I don't think the salt water caused it because surely I'd get white patches on both sides of my gums. Either way I'm hoping it's not scar tissue in my case from biting down too hard on a lower left bitewing X Ray because I know X Ray's can hurt for most people (I'm one of them!) and cause more problems.
I hope you get better too and find more answers to our problems in the future.
belle20536 Guest
chenri Guest