White strings in my stool

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Hi there ! I am 20 years old healthy male. I was having diarrhea almost 2 weeks ago for 2 days but my bowel is recently settled down. So , sometimes (not everytime) I notice 2 - 3 white strings in my stool but they are not moving. I am not quite sure but i never seen them before i had diarrhea. What are they ? They are white and not moving . 

Is it something i ate ? Or can it be parasites ? Or something else ?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Could be mucus or some undigested food.  Try a food diary to identify any food triggers and ask your doctor to do a stool sample.  Do you experience abdominal pain that moves about? Do you ever get episodes of consipation?  If so, ask about IBS.
    • Posted

      I dont think it' mucus because it doesnt look like it. I'll try food diary. I dont experience any abdominal pain but i am more gassy than before (after this diarrhoea stuff ). And no i dont have any conspiation or any other symptoms actually i feel really good. Thank you for replying by the way.

    • Posted

      Mucus can be white and stringy.  Some people get diarrhoea only with their IBS along with mucus. However, normally you would get abdominal pain with it.  Take a sample of the white stringy substance to your doctor who will be able to tell if it is mucus.
    • Posted

      Yeah , you're probably right. I searched it in google and yes it is look like this but not this much i have one or two strings in my stool mostly when i am constipated. Is it a serious thing ? I mean , do i need to worry about it or is it normal to have 1 or 2 mucus in my stool per 2 or 3 days ?

    • Posted

      Mucus in the anus is always there but often you don’t see it.  However, people with IBS sometimes see a lot more of it.  It is part of IBS.  However, you will need to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis to establish whether or not you have IBS or somwthing else.

      You should not worry because it won’t make things better for you.  Worry makes stomach and bowel conditions worse.  Your doctor will be able to reassure you more and take away your anxieties.  Your doctor will run tests if necessary to reach a diagnosis.

  • Posted

    Thank you. I am gonna go to my doctor for a check. I was just not sure about is it normal or abnormal cause i dont have any other symptoms
  • Posted

    Hi goktugozgul

    Do you eat a lot of bananas? The white stringy bits in the banana may not have been digested and was evacuated with your bowel movement.......

    • Posted


      I was eating when i was having a diarrhea problem but i quit eating it after that.It's probably mucus.

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