Who feels refreshed when they wake up?
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I have no problem getting to sleep. Sometimes I wake up to use bathroom and then go back to sleep no problem. Other times when I get up (not often) my mind races which I have a remedy for that to get back to sleep. For the most part I get 8 hours of sleep and feel like I need more. Today, I have bags under my eyes but I know I slept 7-8 hours last night. What gives? Noone is complaining I snore. Is it due to my hormones? I take magnesium and turmeric, do I now need to add melatonin in the mix? I don't remember my dreams but do you think I'm active in my sleep trying to solve problems? I just remembered about 'weighted blanklets' that I will research but could this be the key. There has to be something...
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Foxy62 kelly55079
Hi i think its great that you get that much sleep , wish i could . Last night i was awake all night yet again , anxiety and fear. What reason do you take the turmaric ? Just wondered as its meant to help with pain ...
kelly55079 Foxy62
I take turmeric because I thought it would help with ANYTHING!!In the spring I tore 2 tendons so I thought it could help then when I started to read reviews, many ppl use it. And then with fall and the cold weather coming, I thought why not-- could help with feeling stiff in the morning...
Foxy62 kelly55079
Hi i think its great that you get that much sleep , wish i could . Last night i was awake all night yet again , anxiety and fear. What reason do you take the turmaric ? Just wondered as its meant to help with pain ...
Foxy62 kelly55079
Hi i think its great that you get that much sleep , wish i could . Last night i was awake all night yet again , anxiety and fear. What reason do you take the turmaric ? Just wondered as its meant to help with pain ...
2chr2015 kelly55079
kelly, what is your remedy for getting back to sleep when your mind is racing? i am going to have to research turmeric
kelly55079 2chr2015
Yeah I have no idea about turmeric-- Lots of ppl from India use this-- Don't think they have as many problems as ppl in the US.. IDKBut yes, I posted in other thread about using Valerian root and lavender to get myself back to sleep-- It does help 'calm' my mind at 2 in the morning. But now I'm wondering if I should take Valerian right before bed each night and maybe that will help with that deep sleep.. Went to bed at 11 last night and woke up at 7:30 and not feeling 'alive'-.. I know my diet hasn't been the best-- perhaps that has something to do with it.
2chr2015 kelly55079
i would be in heaven if i could sleep from 11-7:30. i went to sleep about 11, woke up at 3 and fell back asleep about 5...restlessly slept until 7:30 i have to get fixed lol
OK-- just found a new vitamin to try and it's on sale!!!It's Melatonin but also has Valerian Root, Hops, Passionflower and Chamomile in it!!!I'm going to give it a try!!
2chr2015 kelly55079
i found a sleep supplement that seems to be helping if anyone wants the info, pm me
Just whining here--- But gosh if I could only get a good nites rest I would be A-ok!!!!: )I so miss the nights where you go to bed and wake-up bright eyed and ready to go... Now I wake up with my face all smushed and wrinkled and puffy eyes... ha yeah what a site!! I was never a coffee drinker but maybe I should look into it. I wonder if this is all mental? Or if food plays a major part in this?
aliseanya kelly55079
I have problems getting to sleep. My mind races and my anxiety really flares up. There was a couple of years where I couldn't sleep at all. I felt horrible. I have had a lot of sleep issues due to PTSD & GAD. Peri made it so much worse. Sleep issues are in the top ten peri symptoms.
Now, I have a sleep routine that most of the time works. I take five deep breaths before I go to sleep. I know that seems so silly but it really helps calm your racing mind and anxiety.
I take melatonin, magnesium and a sleep balm of lavender and lemon balm before I go to bed.
I also use lavender in a diffuser. I do use a lot of covers. I know the weighted blankets work for me. I also use fans in my room. I have two fans and my ceiling fan going. In the Summer I have a room air conditioner too. It doesn't cost too much on utilities. It really does help.
Bad anxiety days I use a homeopathic anxiety medication.
I know I am recommending a lot of natural items. I have a lot of adverse reactions to prescriptions.