Who has taken Selincro / Nalmefen last 6 months ?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there,

    If you have a look through the forum you'll find quite a lot of people talking about their experiences of Selincro.

  • Posted

    Hi, Ralf, I took one nearly three weeks ago, reason being, I was doing OK with counselling support, but struggling with cravings on days I didn't want to drink. I'd resisted for ages taking it bit decided to try it and see in what way it helped me not want to drink booze. After less than 30 minutes I was really dizzy and within a few hours felt very unwell. I hardly wanted to eat and didn't want to drink for about two weeks. But for me, the dizziness and other symptpms continued. It had set about a flare up of vertigo which I had suffered from three years previously. My GP said because of the way it works on the brain. I haven't taken another because the vertigo is so disabling and I still haven't recovered from it. So it definitely stops you wanting to drink, and I know of people who find it very helpful. But it is a new drug so I wouldn't advise anyone with underlying balance problems or maybe any other issues to try it until it is more established. But that's just my experience. Wishing you all the best. H
    • Posted

      Those are well-known side-effects which subside over the first few times you take the drug h1954.

      Alcohol also has a very well-known effect on balance smile

      If you are at risk of doing yourself serious harm with the amount you are drinking, it may be worth trying to get used to Nalmefene (Selincro). Obviously, if you can control your drinking other ways, that is another matter smile

  • Posted

    I'm on my 5th night of it. The side effects of insomnia and dizziness were bad but are already subsiding as I have taken it every day. It's not meant as an instant fix but reduces cravings over months.

    I genuinely feel it will help in a very subtle way in that it doesn't make you want to stop drinking it just gradually makes it less important in your everyday life.

  • Posted

    I would be very interested in this too. I would love to hear from someone that has got to extinction point and read about their journey.
  • Posted

    I quite happily can drink a bottle of wine a night and it brought home how bad it was when my 13 year old son said he was worried about my liver! I took my first Selincro tablet yesterday and dreaded the side effects. Happily I didn't have anything terrible apart from feeling tired and not sleeping brilliantly. Strangely I drank half a bottle of wine and then didn't fancy anymore. Still in the fridge! This is unusual for me. I am determined to get on top of my drinking issue as I have put on loads of weight as well and this is causing me problems.

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