Whooshing noise in right ear

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Hi everyone,

For the last year I have developed a whooshing noise in my right ear, its so distracting and wakes me up at night. I have seen a ENT who said my hearing was fine, I also had a head mri and nothing was found. My GP listened to the arteries in my neck and said she couldnt hear anything worrying. The doctors have told my its nothing to worry about but it really scares me. Has anyone else had or do you have this issue. I have had so many issue with peri Im wondering if its just another symptom? Its sending my anxiety through the roof!!!

Thanks Caroline x

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm in menopause and have it.. along with multitudes of other things. Many doctors, tons of testing..same thing.. you're fine.. And you have to tell yourself you're fine and you'll relax. If the major things have been checked and there's nothing then you're OK..

  • Posted

    I am 5 years post. I have it, too, along with a lot of other nonsense. It isn't constant. My doctor puts stethoscope to my neck when I go and has not said she hears anything unusual.

  • Posted

    Hi. yes I have had this symptom; whoosing sound along side hearing my heart beat which Is really quite frustrating when you are trying to sleep! thankfully this has passed now.

    • Posted

      cindy i could of wrote your post, i have the whoosing sound in one ear and the heart beat noise in the other,its very annoying when your trying to get some sleep.

    • Posted

      it is so bizarre and you wonder what on earth is going on. hopefully this symptom will pass quickly for you. I am currently on symptom - random foot pain !!

  • Posted

    I get this and it's my right ear also, sometimes both. it is maddening for sure..

  • Posted

    Hi Caroline i often get thisapparently its another peri menopause sympton alot of us ladies have said they are experiencing i know its a strange thing to experience but its nothing to worry about .

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