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I'm getting allllllot pain in my stomach ( lower part)
and for the lat (espicially yesterday) had pain all day just below my breast's by my ribs.......the pain came in random shoots lasting about a minute but all day it was their.
i tried many things to help with the uncomfortable pain mostly with a hot water bottle on my complete stomach for hours? Is it part of the premenapause?
Is this normal infact I have had this now on and off for months...each time it comes back the pain seems to be much worse
infact the pain is sort of like pain I had when I was younger with my periods befor I was due to come on a few day prior I would get horrendous cramp pains that bad I had to goto bed to try and sleep the pain off?
has anyone else encountered this happening to them? Or heard off this as a peri symptom?
all I can say was the pain I had yesterday was awful/ like I had been stabbed espicially the pain below my breast bone......NO it wasn't acid reflux I do suffer with this and on medication..I took tablets BUT it didn't do anything pain was there all day? Anyone please?. Thankyou in regards.x
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lindy66 Shelly0069
debbie03785 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 debbie03785
debbie : No the pain is more central not pacificially in one place!!!!.
Yes do do get pain in my shoulder More just below my back neck....
dont really eat that much of fatty foods though, may have a Chinese once a week though!!!.
debbie03785 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 debbie03785
funny because the last few days had backache (rely like cold in it) and terrible pain between my neck!!!
gailannie Shelly0069
lennie45832 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 lennie45832
have any ladies actually been to your GP, in regards of this pain?
if so what was said?
what if anything have you taking to help with the pain?
Is there anything over the counter strong enough for this pain relief?
i have been getting this for few months now......but each time it comes back the pain seems that bit stronger....??!!.
is there anything we can get off our GP?
i have googled this what I get but not having much luck,?.
thankyou all x
debbie03785 Shelly0069
i had my gallbladder removed a year ago having had only two episodes of unrelieved pain......my suspicion of having gallstones confirmed by scan. Removed by keyhole surgery, daycase, relatively pain free procedure and quick recovery. Good luck.
Shelly0069 debbie03785
many thanks for both your reply's.
how may I ask.....
with the pain you both went through..how was it diagnosed? Having gallstones? What will the doctor be looking for?
what I'm asking is how is it raconised? Is it a long procedure? Of actually getting diagnosed and then finically getting removed?
debbie03785 Shelly0069
initial diagnosis involves doc taking a history of the pain, signs tend to be classic. Suspicions of gallbaldder problems are confirmed by ultrasound scan. In most people, the pain is caused by gallstones moving....the body trying to expel them. So antacids and generic analgesics wont help. Often, the only solution is surgery to remove either the stones or the gallbladder. Honestly, I could not belive how straight forward my op was......I woke up smiling and aside for a bit of discomfort and tiredness, I recovered quickly. Hope this helps.
jerry72101 Shelly0069
lennie45832 Shelly0069
jerry72101 Shelly0069
I have had gallstones now for the best part of 12 years. I will be 50 in April the pain is triggered by what u eat. Eggs, cream,cheese spicy foods and salt sometimes. The pain can also go to between your shoulder blade and can last for hours and there is no pain relief for it.
Good luck.
misty36246 Shelly0069