Why am i not having a period?

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I am 16. I had my first period when I was 12 and it was regular but ever since February of 2012 I have not had a period but I do have symptoms like moodiness and cramps. What could the problem be?

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4 Replies

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    Hi, the lack of menstruation can be caused by a few different problems, but the core is always the same: if you do not experience a monthly menstruation it is because you are not ovulating. When you bleed it is your body getting rid of unused unfertilised eggs, so if there are no eggs to get rid of, you simply don't menstruate.

    Have you lost a lot of weight in a short time? Abrupt and extreme weight loss can impede your body to produce eggs and therefore to bleed regularly as it should.

    If that is not the case, you might be suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): this happens when your ovaries become enlarged and develop a number of small cysts (little sacs that can contain liquid, fat or in this case the eggs that your ovaries produce) around their edges. It can happen to teenagers and it is a rather common condition. You should try to get a diagnose because if left untreated it can cause other health problems later in life, such as type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol levels.

    It could also be caused by premature ovarian failure, which can be passed on genetically (has any other woman in your family experienced it?) and it is basically a premature menopause, involving a lack of production of oestrogen, or it may be a result of an autoimmune disease. It would be good to get tested and see if your oestrogen production is up to par for your age group.

    You could be suffering from hypothyroidism, which means that your thyroid gland is not working properly and is not producing a sufficient level of hormones.

    I would suggest seeing your GP to rule out some causes and investigate others, as the case may be.

    Good luck!

  • Posted

    Thank you so much. This information is very helpful and I plan on seeing my GP soon. Thanks again! :-)
  • Posted

    No problem! I hope you will find the cause and that all will go back to normal. smile
  • Posted

    Hi, my daughter is 14yo having menstrual problem last time she have mestruation was 4months ago. She was diagnosed having polycystic ovary. She took medroxyprogesterone for 10 days, on the 10th day she bleeds and started to take pills ro regulate the hormones i think, it is her 4th week now to have menstruation. Is this normal to bleed 4weeks now after taking those medicine?

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