Why am I not losing weight?

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45 yr old, 17 stone (ish). I was long term unemployed until recently - ate badly, ate too much and never exercised. Then I got a job at a golf course and for the last six weeks have been working like a horse. My diet is still poor, but I eat no where near as much or as often as I did before getting the job. Taking all this into account (especially the level of activity and exercise I am now getting) can someone please explain why I am not losing weight?

Thanks in advance.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi jud02950,

    There are a million and one possible reasons why you arent losing weight as all our bodies work differently. From a neutral perspective, how much exercise do you actually get when you're doing your job? if you're really determined to lose weight you need to consider both of the main factors of weight loss, diet and exercise, not just exercise like in this particular case. You cant really expect to lose weight if you're still eating badly as the exercise you do at work is probably just burning off all the bad food you've eaten. Eating less isnt neccesarily better, I'm pretty confident that if you ate more but the food was healthy you would start losing weight. Hope this helps!

    • Posted

      Thanks, olivia.

      I appreciate what you are saying about my poor diet undoing the exercise I'm getting at work, but what I don't understand is that since hitting 17 stone many years ago, I have not been GAINING weight. It's like my weight kind of maxed out and wouldn't go beyong this level (thankfully). So, if a poor diet, oversized portions, frequent eating and no exercise WASN'T resulting in any more weight gain, surely a poor diet, smaller portions (less times) and frequent exercise should result in weight loss??

  • Posted

    If you want to lose weight it really is simple honest! If food dosen,t look like it did before it was processed don,t eat it....... Cut out all carbonated drinks and processed food. The weight will fall off . It's not budging as simply you are consuming too many calories than your body requires and therefore your body will store it as fat. Good luck
    • Posted

      I appreciate your answer, Carole, and I'm sure your method would work, but people are missing my point. I now eat less frequently and have much smaller portions, plus I'm physically active for 8 hours every day (which is 8 hours more than before). If my eating habits were not resulting in weight GAIN before these changes, how can I possibly NOT be losing weight since?
    • Posted

      Well you could pop to your gp and ask to have a blood test for you thyroxine levels. If you have an under active thyroid that can cause weight gain/difficultly in losing weight. However, if you are so active I doubt this as you usually would feel tired. However, the answer to your question re not putting on weight is simply because your weight stablised at the calories consumed. Just a thought though what fluids do you drink through the day? If they are fizzy with or without sugar or fresh fruit juice they actually contain huge amounts of empty calories. 
    • Posted

      Thanks again, Carole. Maybe a trip to my GP is in order, because I have been really struggling with the high level of activity. I'm constantly beat and spend most of the time between shifts sleeping. I'm not 19 any more, but feel sure I shouldn't be THIS knocked out! As for fluids, I drink those sports drinks to help replace the salts and minerals I lose through sweating,
    • Posted

      Oh Luv, good luck with the gp. But you know those sport drinks are such a load of rubbish, and a con. Really unless your an elite athlete they are not needed. They are full of sugar and other artifical rubbish that the body doesn't,t need. If you like fizzy to drink just use water. It sort of explains why you feel so tired all the time. Your body is constantly trying to produce enough insulin to get the sugar out of you body and the rest is laid down as fat. Like a lot of people struggling with their weight. You are addicited to sugar. It's in so much even a well known fast food joint puts it on the chips! The reason I know is a member of my was a manger there. Honest swap those drinks for water and I lay money on it you will lose at least half stone in a week. Let me know how it goes. Thinking of you. Xxx
    • Posted

      Thanks very much for your kind words. In fact I hate fizzy drinks (the sports drinks I have are still) but you're right about my addiction to sugar. My problem is low glucose, though, not high. I know it's still a problem with my body not handling my levels properly, but if I do have any 'funny turns' they're hyPO, and not hyPER.

      It's rather silly of me to have left it this long before going to get a proper diagnoses and/or treatment wink

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