Why anxiety and panic attack at night ? Starting around 12 midnight
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Ladies i need to ask you all if your anxiety or panic attacks start acting up at night. I have been having attacks around 12 am to 4 am. This is driving me crazy. I am scared around this time. Night time scares me now. Is there anything i can take to stop this ?
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dev77856 sally15609
im so sorry u r going thru this as i also went thru that and i can comfortably say its hormonal. i also dreaded going to sleep. i started taking sleeping pills just to avoid it. there is hope do your research and be your own advocate cause nobody else will keep abetter record than u. just tell yourselfnitll pass and it doesnt last long count down from 10 and do some deep breathing .
nikiola18292 sally15609
Yes me too, i woke up at 1.30am last night with anxiety. Its horrible, i know what it is, so try to talk myself out of the panic route, i read if my head is too full of stuff, a good distraction. i take magnesium, with added b6, 12 seems to calm me down.
sakura26 sally15609
Totally. This was my first perimenopause symptom. I felt like someone was shaking me awake every hour. Now I sometimes feel it when I first wake up but I started taking doxepin (a generic form of the sleeping pill Silenor).
Thank you ladies for your response. you all are so kind. I am struggling tonight. coping