Why can't I swallow tablets for 12 months after gastric band

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I've been told I can't swallow tablets for 12 months after surgery . I'm having problems with some of my medication for depression because it doesn't come in liquid form or disolveable in water as it's slow realease . I was given a tablet that I could crush but it made me physically sick and can no longer take it . What I want to know is why I can't just go back to taking my medication normally now after 4 months

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9 Replies

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    could it be that there is something in your physical makeup that prevents you from swallowing the tablets now that you have a band - it might be in case it gets stuck and by waiting a year your band would well and truelly have settled down but by then you will have had several fills so i would have thought that would increase the risk of getting tablet stuck - for what it is worth I wasnt told to do this however it is imporatnt that you stick with whatever medical instructions you have been given but  itmight be an id ea to let the bariatric team know of the probs you are having and see if they can suggest something to help you - sometimes the liquid variety is more expensive and GPs wont prescribe them but also some t ablets are not meant to be crushed as it affects their effectiveness - it is more difficult to take tablets with a band and you need lots and lots of water to flush them through especially if they are large tablets so asking for a smaller version might help - try to disguise the taste if the tablet is making you sicki - to vomit with a band can also be  dangerous and cause slippage so mention this to your bariatri c team too - have you tried to put it in something like strawb yog as the yog is quite thick to help it d own then drink lots of water afterwards
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      Thanx bandid for replying

      I've tried to hide the taste with yogurt and apple sauce but it didn't work I was still sick. I take some tablets in oranger squash but again the same thing . I'm beginning to wish I never had it done . My depression has hit rock bottom I have no life I won't go out and I've lost all confidence. So I'm hoping something is done really soon because I'm not sure how much more I can take

  • Posted

    Hi Sarah

    I would strongly recommend that you call you team. Speak to the nurse. I know that there are some differing recommendations but usually by a couple of weeks. I was originally told that I couldn't swallow tablets for 6 weeks, then told 4 weeks. Part of me thinks I just muddled it in the mountain of information.

    If course you may have other medical reasons so it's important to get clarity.

    Good luck


    • Posted

      The nurses don't seem to want to know and tell me to see my GP but they won't do anything without the teams say so . So I stuck with no one listening to what I want and need.

      I have no medical problems that stop me from swallowing tablets . All the others that were with me when we had surgery were told the same thing .

      I think I'm going to have to make them listen to me and get something done .

    • Posted

      Yep. Do it very clearly. " is there any reason why I cannot swallow tablets?" Don't start with any reason for asking... just ask.

      It's the nurse's job to be interested. If you are not happy ask for a different nurse.

      Sorry.. I know I'm direct. But you need to be.

      Good luck

  • Posted

    I swallow tablets all the time, not for any medical condition, I just get lots of headaches. Maybe your band is adjusted too tight. I have been told not to take tablets for 24 hours after a fill.

    Why don't you just try and take the tablets, if it gets stuck then have a sip of diet coke and throw it up. it's not nice regurgitating food but it does happen every now and then.

  • Posted

    i was actually given pain relief tablets to bring home from the hosp and not told i shouldnt have tablets at all but every surgeon seems to have their own set of rules and dos and donts and i wouldnt recommend going against their advice but i do think you need to return and tell them exactly how things are for you cos this does not seem right - they are poss erring on the side of caution or perhaps there is new advice since i had my band fitted 8 yrs ago and like i say i would never advise against the info given by the medics but there MUST be a way aorund this for you so that you can benefit from your band but also take the meds you need to get on with your life - be persistent to the point of making a nuisance of yourself  but do not give up 
  • Posted

    I've had my band for 2 years and have also had trouble swallowing tablets. I bought a small machine that cuts the pills in half or indeed quarter ( found on Internet). This helped me


  • Posted

    I would just like to thank you all for replying to my question . I will be seeing my surgeon on Tuesday so going to ask him . If I get no joy then I will start taking tablets again away . I want my life back

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