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I've always been a healthy and fit person but this is my story now. I started a new job as a London-double-decker-bus driver in November last year, everything was fine and normal but sometimes in mid January things became weird. At first I would feel like the bus i was driving was going to spin out. like when i would look at the mirror i would feel like the back of the bus was going to hit the parked cars along the road or sometimes it would make me feel like i was too close to the parked cars. I couldnt understand what was going on, at first i though it was my eyes that were getting confused with lots of the mirrors that those buses have around the driver. I carried on as I thought my brain was going to get used to it and would eventually adjust itself to it. Then things got worse, my right eye was strain with lots of pressure around it, then i started having headaches, chest pain, I would feel as i was drunk, things became unreal, where i would sometimes ask myself if the bus i was driving was real or even myself was really behind that wheel. Things escalated to the worse that one day I had to stop in the middle of the road as my brain got so confused that i wasn't no longer able to steer the bus. I got severe vertigo I didn't know where to go. i managed to stop the bus, i called my garage they sent another driver over to get the bus i decided to quit my job as i didn't want to put anyone at risk including myself. After loosing my job and without knowing what was going on with me and my brain, I plunged into a massive depression, worse mental breakdown, worse anxiety, worse stress etc. then I had, spinal cord and brain MRIs, tens of blood test, ULTRASOUND for all of my organs, ECG, ECHOCARDIOGRAM, exercise to monitor my heart activities all of them came back normal. I Decided to take a break, i left my job in February took a break and it's June, still getting vertigo, dizzy, i would feel like drunk especially if i bend down or talking to someone that i have just bumped to or just talking to someone seriously, after walking for a distance i would feel drunk as well. i had episodes of strong headaches where i even thought i was going crazy and now like it has been a month, my body feels awkward, clumsy, no coordination between my limbs, my shoulders are not aligned with each other (since birth) but now i can feel the difference which before was only visible when i'm wearing t-shirt, but now i can feel it, even my legs can no longer walk in accordance with each other, my spinal cord feels like its twisted and my eyes have got worse, they're straining, they're red very often and I can't see things on a strait line no more, it's either bent downwards or upwards. i forgot one thing before everything started it first began with my neck as those buses don't have headrest on drivers seat so i developed bad neck pain it was so stiff that my head felt so pressured to the point one day i got freaked out as i thought my head was going to come off my neck and was going to fall off my neck as it felt so heavy and i had wrap my jumper round my neck to sustain my head then after all the worse episodes i mentioned above started occurring. I hope someone will help. thanks for reading and sorry i was a bit too long.

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lautrela,

    Very sorry to hear about your current health situation. i can understand how difficult and frustrating it would be with a problem like this, which is seriously effecting your day to day life and the problem is getting diagnosed .i am travelled this path for 27 years, but not with severe symptoms that you are seeing and conventional medicine system failed to diagnosis. i get headaches almost daily and 24x7. Recently it was diagnosed as TMJ and subsequently upper cervical. Normal neuro / spinal specilists do not see any issue in the MRI / CT. But chiropractor could see some issue with C1, with some nerve getting pressed ..etc. But i got to know that upper cervical is a specilization in chiro, which they are calling NUCCA chiro.

    It seems clearly some nervous system problem, some thing to do with spinal chord. Since your MRIs are normal, it may be good idea to check with good chiropractor if you not done already. Most likely it could be related to upper cervical (near neck) problem.

    For problems like this, one need very good support system to manage this and come out. Since mental faculties are affected, difficult to take decisions which doctor to consult and need care & support to live with the pain itself. Both are challenging.

    please check with good chiropractor ASAP and decide on next steps later.

    I wish & pray that you come out very soon.

    • Posted

      Hi Venkat46279

      thanks alot for your message. I Haven't been seen by a chiropractor yet but since you've mentioned it, I'll definitely arrange to see one. hopefully they will help solve the problem. Once again, thanks alot

  • Posted


    Many people have experienced this. its worst than a nightmare. You are perfectly healthy. All you need to do is a neck massage. Get it done by olive oil . keep stretching neck to loose the muscle tension. Keep moving neck in circle. Remember it would be tough in first 2-3 days as neck muscles are tensed. Its all tension in neck muscles nothing else. Get a massage and feel the difference

  • Edited

    sorry to hear youre going through all this! I would definitely go to a physiotherapist as it sounds like muscle tension in the neck and spine. ALOT of the other symptoms i would imagine are due to anxiety , so it might be good to see your doctor about treating the anxiety. I went through a period past month of being dizzy, getting chills, feeling disorientated, chest pains etc... I am much better now and its mostly due to stopping myself from googling symptoms all the time. I do have tight neck muscles so am getting headaches but realise that my other symptoms were due to anxiety. Hope you start to feel better soon

    • Edited

      hi did you by any chance get any help with the physio? ive had the drunk sensation for 25years my life is misery would be grateful for anyones feedback thank you

  • Posted

    Hi how are you going, just wondering how your feeling now. I too had an episode today. At work I lost my balance in a kinda way I was drunk. If table wasnt next to me to stop my fall I would have gone down . Then I thought I should go sit down as I was walking I realized my body was feeling clumsy as if I had had a lot to drink or I felt like a clown very flexible but uncoordinated (rag doll)

    then 2 hrs later I was driving home and I had someone in the car just chatting but then I noticed everytime i was breaking I was not able to brake smoothly I was too hard breaking kinka kangaroo hoping this was going on for about 5 minutes then when I stopped at traffic lights to turn left I remember trying to turn left and it was like I bkanked out for a half a second or blinked cause all I remember I hadnt turned hard enough and was heading towards the light post in middle of road and had to hard turn with a jolt to the right to make turn. One other thing I notice is I felt my left eye as if it was swollen and when I smiled it was almost closed. So I started to get a little emotional cause the was I was feeling and the incident scared me. then within 10 seconds I came normal my breaking was normal!!!!! Ive read the rest of post it seems people have had nevk problems. any answers

  • Posted

    have same problem 4 month back i was runing like everyday after 8 km i just feel strange tickling in my head left side in my head and in chest , i just ran for Emergency , doctor check my blood i though i will dead today , but sadly doctor said all good , evening when i saw tv i just feel like drunk no understand anything , i feeling like unreal everything even i lost intrest in my girl and always pain in left side head and in left eye some time a very visible redline in eye, after checked blood brain mri they said all good,slowly me getting weaker and weaker my neck pain and my head falling backwkrd , i left germany and back to my country 3 weeks i just walked with stick , my father brought me B12 injection (methycobal injection) i took 10 in one month , they bring me better in my country i showed my blood again the guy told me you problem with Blood circulation i walk every day now around 5km morning 5evening and drink a lot water hot , now i have less pain but still i am unable to work Because confusion Panic,

    unreal Also have physiotherapy you can ask me more under this numebr 00491608840898 but please if you find any thing lets me know also

  • Posted

    Hello Lautrela,

    I am so sorry to read that you are having these issues. I found your post because I am having similar issues. For over 2 months now I have been dizzy; feeling like I'm perpetually on a tilt a whirl and walking like I'm drunk. I find myself snapping at people, and that is not like me. About a week before my symptoms began I bought a new car and now I can't even drive.

    I went to my neurologist and she thinks I have vestibular migraines. It is a form of migraine, but instead of headaches, your dizzy and vertigo medicine does not help.

    She has given me a few "exercises" to do that sometimes help and she has referred me to rehab, which I'm hoping will help.

    You might try looking up exercises for vertigo, vestibular migraines or dizziness. They sometimes help me, but not always. However, it might help you.

    • Posted

      I have had a drunk feeling with a little bit of dizziness for over 40 years I am so tired of it it has altered my life it never completely goes away but sometimes it flares and gets worse… I have had brain scans I have had the proximity of vertigo checked I have had therapy for that I was told I could have those migraines but I’d have a hard time believing that I could have those migraines for 40 years whatever it is it’s getting progressively worse and I feel so sorry for anybody that goes through this I have body aches andA disease I can live with that pain this is so difficult it kept me from living my life the way I wanted to live it… I don’t lay around I leavI have worked in chiropractic for 35 years that has not helped… Who wants to have neck surgery what if it isn’t coming from the neck my neck hurts all the time I’ve had MRIs of my neck there’s issues there but the doctor say nothing to cause this drunk feeling… I speak my messages sorry I am very hard to followi have a disease I can live with that pain this is so difficult it kept me from living my life the way I wanted to live it… I don’t lay around I leave but it’s not easy I have to sit down and put my make up on everybody thinks I’m fine because perhaps I look fine it has been debilitating so I feel sorry for any of you that I’ve had this but it’s not easy I have to sit down and put my make up on everybody thinks I’m fine because perhaps I look fine it has been debilitating so I feel sorry for any of you that has this I have worked in chiropractic for 35 years that has not helped… Who wants to have neck surgery what if it isn’t coming from the neck my neck hurts all the time I’ve had MRIs of my neck there’s issues there but the doctor say nothing to cause this drunk feeling… I speak my messages sorry I am very hard to follow…

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