WHY DO I FEEL LIKE THIS, I mean is this normal

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cry Good things are happening for me, career-wise and I'm getting my life back on track slowly..........................

However, I'm 52 next week, I feel fatigued and I can't sleep, depressed, "just can't get going"

I am having the flushes but not as bad as before

I feel so challenged at work as all my colleagues seem to be so much younger and "on the ball" like I once was

and my grey hair is getting me down, I have tried dying it but lately I've given up

and, I'm not usually like this either, I'm postive redface

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Awwww.......I think you need to give yourself a break!  Obviously you are doing well career wise and I'm betting your younger colleagues actually look up to you.  I can relate to what you say though.  I perform well at work, but we've had two younger newbies join and I do feel like it's more of a struggle to keep up my level of performance but am determined not to be overtaken! I am so whacked at the end of the shift I often have to come home and crash out for a bit.  And I look around the house and think "what a mess", but it all seems such an effort to keep on top of it all.  Then again it's only me!  I hope things improve for you....maybe go for a pamper day or go and treat yourself at the hairdressers.  that way you can just sit and relax and drink coffee.  I am sure that you deserve to be kind to yourself 😊x
  • Posted

    Thanks Bubbins cheesygrin

    yes I suppose I do expect alot from myself, I am trying to keep up and teach myself all the important aspects of my job.

    Just sat here though like a lazy lump today. I'm on a diet trying to lose some of my recently aquired bulge eek

    Thanks for your ear

    and lets try not to worry about the mess eh?, I mean the tidying up bit

  • Posted

    Hehehe....my vacuum cleaner packed up many weeks ago....too busy/tired/unmotivated to go and get a new one.....!, 😳x
  • Posted

    Hi Mermaid: are you on any HRT? Please dye the hair, do the nails, etc. it's good therapy. cheesygrin 
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    no matter how you dye the hair it will always remain ot turns grey, i adviced you leave to grow grey,

    as for the fatigue, you need to rest

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    Tried HRT but it didn't work for me I'm afraid

    I do take Sertraline which usually helps, keep forgetting to take my Vitamin B12 which really works

    just fed up and exhausted, big bags under my eyes rolleyes 

    • Posted

      HI Mrs Merm,

      I am sure you are doing great for your age. Do not worry! Worry only makes you down. Grow old gracefully! We all cannot stay 20 forever. Even though 20 year old will go grey eventually! You are a remarkable lady and do not forget it! Stay focused and positive. Take those B12 s now! We all get down days. I am fighting depression, post op trauma and menopause. It is the worst time of my life at the moment. I will not give in ever! Yes some days i feel there is a massive black cloud which will engulf me at times. Keep going Mrs Merm! You will feel better eventually. Big hugs to you!

    • Posted

      thanks for your support,

      yes it's just some days, my MOJO isn't working


  • Posted

    Hi, You are not the only one hunni, I am newly Peri and I feel as if I am going mad! I can't concentrate at work, it seem to take days for me to finish anything, I sit in meetings and can feel myself dozing off! I crash all the time I will be fine one minute then I just want to close my eyes and sleep I swear I could sleep for 48 hrs and still be knackered! And everything else I HAD NO IDEA i feel so alone and tearful all the time least little comment and I feel worthless no one tells you about this I just was told you would get to a point and your periods would stop and you would get a few hot flashes!!! A FEW!!! what about the night sweats, the aches and pains CONSTANTLY I just wish someone had warned me I would be so lost without boards like this my mum past away some time ago and I have no one to ask so like most of you I thought I was going Mad I'm only 45 and up untill last month I felt about 30 now I feel 108! but I keep being told it will get better and lets be honest all women deal with it ...... YES but arrrrrgh lol Sorry I hate this I feel so out of control and there is always the one person who had it for a few months and no symptoms! Please can I swap? but I need to stop ranting Mrs merm I sympathies with you totally I am the person everyone comes to if they are having a bad day now Im falling apart I am taking EPO and Vit B6 and hopefully it will help but I will try anything.  so reat assure we are all going mad together but this board helps so much- Hope things improve hunni big hugs xxxxx

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