Why do I get so ill and tired.
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Happy New Year to all.
So I used to be able to go on bery little sleep and function perfectly. So at around the age of 32 or so, not going to bed early started making me sick. Yesterday I stayed late- 1 am, with the New Years Eve and all. This morning I feel like I am dying. My stomach is a mess and it hurts. I went to bAthroom 2 times. My head... hurts bad. My anxiety is bad too. I am ill and a mess. I used to dream of going places and doing things.... I realize it is not possible. My body won't allow me Why am I this way? Is it fixable?
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valarie24431 notsure47790
Hi notsure! I feel the exact same way this morning. I too stayed up late...3 a.m. due to non stop fireworks popping on my block. I think as we get older, we're not able to do the things we used to when we were younger. Also, years of running on very little sleep can catch up to you. The "change" isn't fun at all. I wish it were a little easier. Hang in there. Happy new year and God bless!
notsure47790 valarie24431
I agree about years of not getting enough sleep is bad. I was thinking I must be getting old now but didn't expect such hard times at 35. Thank you for the support. Sharing helps so much.
valarie24431 notsure47790
No problem. I see it as we're all in this together! Oh and I'm only 31 by the way 😕
kim74983 notsure47790
i was just sitting here thinking exact same thing. i always feel so sick
notsure47790 kim74983
Hugs to you Kim,
I hope you feel better soon. I managed to go to the store even but still feel totally off
debi62095 notsure47790
notsure47790 debi62095
You are describing me. I also don't drink alcohol but the morning is baad. I will be going to bed early and try to catch up on naps too. I feel So pathetic that way, but it is what my body needs.
Wow. It is just crazy how we have such similar experiences. Not nice at all. Iam sorry there is other people feeling like that. It is one of those thing you don't wish on anyone. I so hope it is temporary for all of us.
Hugs to all of u. We need to take our time and take care.
valarie24431 notsure47790
notsure47790 valarie24431
Camomile te is often my savior. 2 advils and breakfast helped me a bit too.
Hope all gets better soon.
Tunsc1963 notsure47790
Hi your not on your own I can't stay up anymore if I have one late night it takes me days to get over it. I to stayed up until midnight last night and today I feel ill bad stomach pains indigestion and I'm tired. I've been going to bed early for years but since I started the menopause I'm just tired all the time I just can't get enough rest. At 8 o'clock I'm ready for bed it's ridiculous!!!
kelly55079 Tunsc1963
I'm the same way.. If I stay up past 10, I'm a mess the next day. I defiantly need sleep and I certainly don't have the energy like I once did. Getting ready for Christmas took so much out of me that I did lay around for days after.
notsure47790 Tunsc1963
I know, right. Even my family is mocking me about getting sleepy around 8pm. They said I am acting like an old person
I laughed but was a bit sad without showing it. It is not like I want to be that way. I get very nervous when I have to travel or pretend in front of family that I am young and energetic by staying up late or go on adventure, and I stay away from friends so they don't know. I wish my body was stronger.
Tunsc1963 notsure47790
I wouldn't take any notice of what others think or say it's your body's way of saying it needs rest. Your just putting yourself under unnecessary pressure and adding to it, just try and relax. You could go to your doctor and ask him to do some tests maybe your anaemic? I've been going to bed @ 9pm every night for maybe over 10 years. I have absolutely no desire to stay up later or go out to parties etc if we go out for a meal we go early and are home for around 8.30 - 9pm just in time for bed!!! Speak yo your doctor x
Tunsc1963 kelly55079
ive not done a lot over the Christmas holidays and I'm shattered. After staying up New Years Eve, New Year's Day was a duvet day. I'm in bed every night at 9 sometimes I want to go earlier by that's just ridiculous next step will be tea in bed then lights out!!!