Why do I want to eat my body weight in chocolate - is it menapouse ?
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Every now and then I want to go to a shop and eat everything in sight. It’s not always savoury either - it’s chocolate and the more I’m down the more I want to eat. I have put so much weight on since my hysterectomy 😢
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Maud12345 lou44
lou44 Maud12345
Hi x I’m 5 years post op but have no ovaries, womb or cervix due to ovarian cancer so not sure if this has anything to do with it or not 🙄😱
Kegel8Stephanie lou44
HI Lou, not sure how old you are, your hysterectomy will have put you into menopause (if you hadnt been through before). Yes you will have to watch your weight. Initially my thoughts are:
1. Your body is craving magnesium - found in chocolate - magnesium is so important for your body, especially the pelvic floor!
2. Chocolate is good for constipation - does your body/bowel need help since your hysterectomy?
3. Sadly - chocolate is also packed with sugar - could it be a sugar addiction?
4. DO all you can to get your weight in check - I know you'll be feeling bad about this, but it is imperative you maintain a healthy BMI (less than 30) to make sure you will not suffer a pelvic organ prolapse . 1:3 women will have a prolapse after hysterectomy so please be aware.
Your body is telling you, good luck, try not to be down, try to understand why you feel the way you do and make a few changes. I hope this helps you beat your cravings..
lou44 Kegel8Stephanie
My menapause was a surgical induced menapause because I had ovarian cancer - I was 40 when I had my operation. My weight had yoyo’d For a while but last year seemed to get sort of back on track but lately I have bouts where I want to eat everything in sight. I’ve read about magnesium and I’m aware of sugar addiction but the addiction isn’t the case for me at this moment - not constipated either so I’m at a loss. I’ll battle on and buy magnesium and drink more water see if that changes my mood
Kegel8Stephanie lou44
Good Luck Lou, you will find the best solution I'm sure. S
samantha42264 lou44
I was researching a lot the last few days as I was trying to figure out how to fight the depressive moods and anxiety days without taking antidepressants. I don't have the exact wording of one of the articles I read but it mentioned that when saritonin is down ( which does happen during perimenopse, causing the down moods and anxiety ) people tend to crave carbs and chocolate was one of the examples. I've also had days where I will want to bing on chocolate, it seems to help for a little bit but then we crash, not to mention gaining weight makes us feel sad...best if you can when you have these cravings to grab an apple and eat some proteins, it will pass and you won't have the crash.
lou44 samantha42264
God I’m anxious loads too. Playing ruddy panda pop or watching a certain program on tv and I’m hyper - glad I’m not alone 🙄
jackie92665 lou44
Hi ,yes I had my ovaries removed and since then crave anything sweet , including chocolate. I didn't much like sweet things before unless it was just before my period. I don't have periods now but I'm on HRT. I crave sweet things all the the time. I'm also gaining weight.
lou44 jackie92665