Why do most GP's find it difficult to empathise with women with peri/menopause problems
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and as I'm writing this a stray tear has just trickled down my cheek
I have had the most awful day after going to see my doctor, I came out feeling like I am a waste of time and my current problems are all related to depression, in fact I am considering changing my practice tommorrow.
For the past three or four days I have felt exhausted, aching and my folks even noticed when they visited yesterday. I constantly pass urine and have no energy.
I hate going to the doctors, but felt it was necessary to be seen and maybe try and get to the bottom of this.................................
Bigg mistake!!! as both the nurse and the GP were just awful..........
I really don't feel the medical profession have any real understanding or compassion for women like me (well us).
Enough said, I will try to get some much needed sleep and hopefully I will feel a bit better tommorrow.
A little compassion would have helped,
Nite All XXX
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jackie95472 MrsMerm
MrsMerm jackie95472
but that's why I went to see the GP, to try another type of HRT, I didn't even get the chance to say this as this woman had launched into me impatiently.
I still feel very angry and disrespected, they have no right, it's their job, it's not like I go there regularly, the last time I went was in summer last year. I have to make myself go, and I think it's because they are not managing my health properly.
Oh well, hopefully I'll feel different tommorrow,
Take Care Jackie XXX
gailannie MrsMerm
Then I was prescribed vaginal Estace for dryness and atrophy. And guess what.....yep all the muscle pain went away. We are light years away from having physicians understanding menopause.
I am sorry.......but you are not alone.
MrsMerm gailannie
I became so angry with the GP which made it worse (but what's really dreadful is both of the health professionals I saw today were women). And, from my experience I find that women who have not experienced dire menopause symptoms are the least sympathetic, they just think it doesn't excist.
First I was patronised by the nurse (who was not "earthy" and approachable.
Then I was asked why I had even come to see the doctor, she said that such appointments were generally for emergencies. I was furious and raised my vooice, I said "Well I'm afraid I think my appointment is an emergency, it is to me anyway, as I am finding it so hard to stay in my job do to the symptoms I'm having"
I left the room, neither of us acknowledged one another, I felt that she couldn't have given a damn.
I am supposed to go back tommorrow for blood tests, I had to urge her to do this, however, I just don't feel I can go back, I feel so upset.
Maybe I am just a waste of time?
sorry if my negativity is affecting you hun but I can't help it
gailannie MrsMerm
And then run don't walk and find a better doctor. Ask around and see what you can find. There are better physicians out there. No patient should ever leave an office feeling worse!!!
MrsMerm gailannie
Nite hun
you've helped, see I'm such a postive person, you know it doesn't take a lot to make me feel a bit better. Neither of these people were interested in me, they made their minds up before even listening..................
ImagineOneDay MrsMerm
BugglyBot MrsMerm
Without sounding like a conspiracy theorist here, I believe that many doctors do believe it's hormonal imbalances that make us feel this way. You don't have to be a medical expert to know that our bodies have to shut down our baby producing system and it's no easy ride for many. The greedy pharmaceutical companies would lose out because, to me, it would be cheaper and easier to treat. I could be wrong altogether of course, but that's how I see it.
I really hope you start feeling better in yourself and thank you for sharing, as difficult as it is for you. Never think you're a waste of time, it makes us feel bad enough as it is, don't let it make you feel any lower. Good luck xx.
MrsMerm BugglyBot
your alias always makes me smile and thats a good thing "too funny"
yes well I suppose it's a new day and I must move on, it does no good to dwell,
Mrs M x
BugglyBot MrsMerm
I really hope you're feeling better and that the support here helps you. Wow this forum and you wonderful ladies are gems. Big hugs xx
rstep04 MrsMerm
didi0613 MrsMerm
I learned more about perimenopause on this forum and reading different things on the Internet than from any Dr.
We are here for you MrsMerm. We're all here to help and suppor each other get through this, and I know we will.
Hang in there. Tomorrow will be a much better day.
I don't know what I would do without this forum, that stupid nurse suggested I try to think about women in Africa who have to deal with the menopause symptoms and have prepared themselves for the event.
You know I just can't believe the lack of consideration.........................
My job involves genuine care for people everyday and I work hard, if I had the time or inclination I'de complain............................
but I need to forget about this for myself
Nite hun xxxx
Topo14 MrsMerm
I feel for you. I have been dealing with the worst depression/anxiety and pain over the last 4 months and have been to different doctors with no actual help. My GP and my Gyno told me that I need psychological treatment and I ended up in the mental hospital for five days....!!! Crazy. I tried to tell all of them that I need medical attention not mental treatment and they all just looked at me like I am insane. Four different docs prescribed anxiety pills to me, not one even entertained the thought of perimenopause. They all said I am too young. I am going to be 45 in April. Finally, the neurologist suggested getting my female hormones checked. I had to beg the GP to give me a referral to the Gyno and even she was reluctant to order the test. Let me tell you, their tone changed once the test results came in showing that I am in peri, actually close to menopausal....
I am still now having biweekly counseling sessions with a mental health worker and it does help, because he at least treats me with respect and he does not put anything I say off as rubbish and takes it seriously. That is more than I can say from the docs. I also found all I know about peri from this forum and other blogs on the internet. Sad!
Hang in there.. you are not alone! Hugs xx
Sochima822 Topo14