Why do women have to give up work during menopause ?
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I know this may be a silly question but as I’m going through very bad health issues and trying to find out what it is apart from CFS ....... I wondered why women have to give up work ?
Is it the fatigue
Not being able to get out of bed in the morning
The anxiety and panic attacks
The general ‘ill’ ‘malaise ‘ ‘flu like’ feeling
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Guest lori93950
lori93950 Guest
Now I hope what I have is just hormones and nothing more serious ... I’ve been health panicking the last few days. I mean it has been 6 months !
Guest lori93950
lori93950 Guest
No can’t do AD’s tried twice and just horrible for me .... I’ll see how I do and if I’m not better in a few weeks .. I may try again if you’ve heard it can help. I’d prefer just to kill the virus though !
Guest lori93950
Hey Lori, I was in the ER ( last Thanksgiving). 🙄. Anyways, I had overwhelming fatigue, weakness. As usual, everything normal. This was the 1 and only time, I heard a medical doctor mention CFS. Dr mentioned that ADs are sometimes used. I do not have CFS...but I know that most ADs make you exhausted. In any event, I think medical doctors still treat it like it is depression. Hopefully some other ladies can shed some light on the subject. I have EBV too, most of the world carries the virus. Mine is from the herpes family...cold sores, cankers. I do know anything about reactivated EBV, however, if we can mono as adults, recovery is a beast and fatigue can last a long time. I am not sure you can never really kill EBV. Only strenghten your immune system to fight off whatever troubles it may cause. Good golly, we should all get together and write a medical journal 😁
lori93950 Guest
I’m on natural pills to kill the virus or at least make it go dormant again.
I don’t think depression can cause such an overwhelming fatigue ... this is more biological than mental . And ADs just mask the problem ... I honestly don’t think they could combat the fatigue and malaise I’ve felt.
Guest lori93950
Hi Lori, My bad fatigue started around Dec...I definitely have my bad days. I can be going along and then feel like I could collapse...especially if I have a bad nights sleep. I had a scary couple months where I could just lay there in a coma staring at the ceiling for hours...crying, over sensitive... Watching tv required too much energy. I was scared...That is when I started the AD 3 mo ago. So I am better in that respect. I have been weaning off that anyways because of the stupid vertigo. In my case, I definitely think my really bad fatigue was depression setting in. My hormones are all over, causing anxiety, then I got scary symptoms, ran around like crazy to be “fixed”...a million tests, panic attacks, ER visits. Then fell into depression because I just did not know what was wrong with me! It is pretty sad when I cried when being told I didn’t have all the bad stuff. Depression actually can make you exhausted...mentally, than physically. Hang in there Lori...it is definitely our hormones causing all this...unfortunately, we are all guinea pigs 🙄
lori93950 Guest
And yes! I felt so scared too ... living alone and going through this . Sometimes I don’t see anybody for weeks as I’ve had to lock myself away in order to get plenty of rest and support my immune system . Plus no family around.
Hoping better days are coming for us Lou this has been the weirdest scariest moment of my life ! If I can get through this ... can get through anything !
Nancy2121 lori93950
Hi Lori. I was diagnosed with mono when I was 25. Also full body guttate psoriasis. As peri hit me, the psoriasis came back (plaque psoriasis this time). I had worked full time all my life, until my lay off in 2009. Since then, I worked a few part time jobs. Couldn't find FT the way economy was. This year I found a PT job close to home. Though it was a few hours a day I just couldn't keep up. My brain just doesn't work like it did, not to mention the sleep deprivation, dizziness, nausea and blurry vision. Thankfully, my husband is able to support me and my 16 year old. My family helps out too. Don't know how some women do it!?
lori93950 Nancy2121
I firmly believe menopause makes this worse or reactivates it . I’m a shadow of my former self .... hopefully we will get back to some kind of normal . I see elderly ladies working walking ...staying up later than me . So there is HOPE !
Guest Nancy2121
Holy moly Nancy! Of course I had to click on what that is! I find it interesting that streptococcus virus can trigger it. I have had strep twice the last couple months. This time I will finish the antibiotics though...kind of stopped early before 😆
Nancy2121 lori93950
Couldn't agree more! Hope you feel better soon! Hugs ?
lori93950 Guest
lori93950 Nancy2121
Nancy2121 lori93950
Guest lori93950
Oh definitely! Got my lysine bottle right here! My mom used to give it to me when I was a younger..I used to get cold sores a lot. I am going back to basics. I asked her about menopause as she took soy...but she had major hot flashes and anger. I’m too tired to be angry! Drs always say soy is not good...maybe I should just listen to Dr. Mom 😉
Nancy2121 Guest
That's interesting Lou! Used to get strep throat every six months when I was a kid. That lasted until around 13. AND that's right about when my first period hit. Hope you kick it and feel better! Yes...take ALL your meds. 😉
lori93950 Guest