Why does it bulge???
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I've been suffering with a Pilonidal cyst for years now. I have had 1 minor surgery where I was awake and they tried to cut out the cyst, which never worked then I had 2 major surgeries where they put me to sleep. My third surgery which was done January 18,2014 my doctor changed the procedure he was advised to do a few minutes before going in to the surgery ( that scared me even more) ( I can't remember what's the name of the procedure he was supposed to do.) I had to stay overnight and he inserted a tube for a week I think in the wound to drain all of the blood. During the healing process it got infected. Fast forward a few months it healed but it kept ripping open and my mom would have to pack it at home.
Now a year later I am still having issues but not as bad as before. I still can't sit for very long nor can I lay on my back. If I do lay on my back I get a stinging sensation and it will begin to bleed. Also, the spot bulges out like I have a boil there but underneath feels soft. I can touch the surgery spot but if I press on it to much it hurts especially at the bottom where my new butt crack begins. I've been to 2 doctors and they have seen how it bulges and have pressed on it. They know the surgery wasn't done correctly in the first place but I haven't gone to the doctor I was referred to as yet.
Anyway has anyone experienced this? Does your surgery spot bulge??
Thanks in advance
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samantha14827 LadyT345
LadyT345 samantha14827
I was also thinking maybe it bulges because I havent laid on my back since the surgery. Since laying on my back would help flatten it.
samantha14827 LadyT345
mara60262 LadyT345
I know it seems like a lot of time but if you don't do this, the wound will never heal.
My doctor put a negative pressure wound therapy system in my wound and it healed in 4 months and 20 days. Right know I'm still recuperating but I can walk, go to the mall... can't dance or do exercise though. Im gonna wait a year to do that, so my wound doesn't tear.
seth16 LadyT345
Did you manage to get your problem sorted?
What surgery did u have?
I have it now the 10th time, its ridulous frustrating and mentally draining.
Still looking for a cure, NHS are rubbish
LadyT345 seth16
Hey psethi, I still have the bulge and it still gives me issues. I was supposed to deal with doing another surgery this summer but I wasn't able to do it. But only recently I've been laying on my back but that still irritates it. Sitting for too long is also still an issue. It still opens but I don't pack it I leave it and try to soak everyday for 20-30 minutes with Epsom salt or Epsom salt with vinegar ( I just started the Epsom salt and vinegar and that makes me feel better) if I get the chance. This works great for my other issues.
So sad to hear that you're on your 10th. Like I said in my original post I can't remember the surgery I was supposed to have (the one shaped like a z). My doctor changed what he planned to do minutes away from going into surgery so I definitely don't know what he did.
Hope this helps
mara60262 seth16
seth16 mara60262
Yes i do rest after each operation. Its my fifith week at the moment, so fed up of resting. Still getting the pack changed everyday. Suppose to be going on holiday in 2 weeks
How are you ...
mara60262 seth16
Right now its been 1 year and a half since my wound closed. Since I learned so much about this situation I go on the site to answer peoples questions.
Trust me I got really frustrated too but you have to try to stay positive. Belive or not it helps in your recovery. To get your head at peace try to hear audiobooks or upbeat,happy music.