Why isn’t anyone talking about Technis Eyhance?
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looks like technis eyhance is awesome. it is giving good intermediate with no rings and glare and halo. the diopter transition seems smooth. why isnt anyone going gaga over it?
it will also have no glare for folks with large pupils. being technis its will also make its way to US/CANADA.
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CanadaGuy soks
Sorry - as a Newbie I posted as reply to a particular post.
First off am VERY pleased to have found this resource with so much good information. I am a 59 year old male and I am having surgery in a few days and Eyhance appears to be my choice due to issues I might not be able to live with for other options. My cataract developed really quickly - distance became MUCH more blurry over course of 2-3 months. Had always worn glasses. Learned this was due to my diabetes and a posterior sub-capsular cataract having developed. Wore glasses forever (almost 24/7) but near vision was good in this my right and dominant eye. Now near vision is only a couple of inches from my face.
Having the one eye done and wondering if due to the fact that I spend a lot of time at laptop and on smartphone, whether I should consider under-correcting maybe to -.5 in this my dominant and distance eye to allow for a bit better near and intermediate vision?
It seems that the Eyhance has a very large sweet spot (do they call it "landing zone"?) at distance and so my question is whether I would have noticeable defocus/blurriness at distance if I under-correct my dominant eye?
Any last minute advice really appreciated.
soks CanadaGuy
-0.5 wont give you any near and spoil your distance. -1 or -1.5 will give you decent near.
after you set your first eye for distance, try wearing reading glasses of +0.5, +0.75, +1, +1.5, +2 and +2.5 on your operated eye and see how much better your near gets and how much bad your distance gets with each glasses. the glasses where you like you near as well as distance is how much you should under correct. so if you like +0.75 on your operated eye then under correct your other eye for -0.75.
you will get reader set of 4 with varying powers on amazon. good luck.
RonAKA CanadaGuy
Hi @CanadaGuy. I am in Alberta and hopefully with our public health care system that I am going to get my second eye done by the end of the month or so.
My thoughts are that the Eyhance is a safe lens to get with minimal risk of flare and halos at night. However, along with that minimal risk, you get minimal extra depth of focus. The similar IOL in the Alcon line is the Vivity which I am considering. It costs an extra $2200 over the basic lens if you do not have insurance. Vivity adds about 0.5 D of extra focus compared to the Eyhance at an extra 0.3 D. If you want to see close well with the Eyhance, I would suggest it needs to be set about -1.25 D myopic. This is going to significantly impact your distance vision. I would not do it. In fact if this is your dominant eye I would go with a monofocal lens in the dominant eye set for -0.25 D. Later when you need a lens in your non dominant eye, you could get a Eyhance, Vivity, Symfony, PanOptix, or Synergy. My choice of these would be the Vivity at -1.0 D, to avoid the glare and halos. But by the time you need it, there may be better choices.
If you have a significant correction in the other eye that does not have a cataract you may have to wear a contact in it until the second eye needs an IOL.
CanadaGuy RonAKA
Thanks to all for quick replies. I did reply already but it is stuck in moderation. Maybe due to graphic included.
Anyhow, I did check into Vivity quite a bit but concluded I couldn't live with the potential issues like loss of contrast and not as good distance vision. Also seemingly more patient complaints. I know it gives broader intermediate and functional near in many cases so it depends what you prioritize.
Anyhow, one of the things most surgeons say about Eyhance is that is is very forgiving, with a wide area of focus at distance with very little loss at -.5D. That said to me that there would be very little and likely unnoticeable loss of clarity at distance with a -.5 under correction and some benefit to intermediate and almost near. I may be completely wrong but some of the posts from patients in other threads seem to support this notion (under-correcting due to forgiveness at distance). That's where I learned of this approach.
It is concerning if, as Soks said, -.5D would "spoil my distance". I know everyone is different, but why would none of the other Eyhance under-corrected (other than those who had major issues) indicate this was the case?
Of course it would be cool if the LensGen Juven shape changing lens were fully tested and available....
RonAKA CanadaGuy
You should look at the defocus curves for the Eyhance. The curve is flatter when you go closer from zero. However to the left the curve is identical to a monofocal. Google this article to see the defocus curve of the Eyhance compared to the monofocal Tecnis 1. Also see the curves for the Vivity.
Christine Leonard, Associate Editor PUBLISHED 15 APRIL 2021 IOL Review: 2021 Newcomers
Keep in mind that there is a lost of contrast with the Eyhance as well as the Vivity. And if the Vivity is set at 0.0 D there is no reduction in distance vision. when you target either lens to -0.5 D there will be a loss in distance vision. The normal target for distance vision is -0.25 D.
This said, there really is no need to put a mild EDOF in the dominant distance eye. You will see better with a monofocal. And when your non dominant eye is still good, you will see well up close with it. Then later when it comes to the second eye, look at the EDOF or MF to get close vision. Or go for mini-monovision.
CanadaGuy soks
Appreciate all of the quick replies. I looked into Vivity in pretty exhaustive detail and my conclusion was that the potential issues were likely too much for me. The Eyhance seemed to be more forgiving in what I have read (though I of course I do not know) and had fewer halo/burst/glare issues.
In addition to heaving read in several places (including here in different thread) looking at defocus curve for Eyhance it seems to have wide peak which looks to my eye like you lose very little distance focus with -.5D. Am I just reading it completely wrong?
Those who have under-corrected and posted results (or quite a few) seem to indicate that from -.75 to -1.5D did not drastically affect distance focus while also improving near and intermediate.
It is confusing and concerning to hear that -.5D will ruin my distance vision.
I suppose I should ask surgeon to go for plano but err on side of under-correcting?
susanne39289 soks
i had the tecnis eyhance plus 3 months ago, left eye only, healed well, blurred vision for 2.5 mths and continue to have double vision ghosting 3 mths later and wear sunglasses in the house with category 3 lenses not sure what to do or what happened
carol60672 soks
I am extremely dissatisfied with the Eyhance IOL. I still have to wear glasses every waking minute. True, my ophthalmologist is partly to blame. I thought I was getting a state-of-the-art multi focal lens. which Eyhance is not. She told me I would have amazing vision. I thought that meant without glasses. I do not have amazing vision with glasses. My right eye will test 20/20 sitting in the office with dim lights but the reality is there is constant fuzziness in my right eye, which is not there without glasses. I cannot drive as the fuzziness is distracting and I cannot judge the speed of the other cars on the road. The J&J brochure is very misleading. No one is pictured wearing glasses but they are reading, etc. in poor light. Nowhere in the brochure are you told that this lens was developed for the person that did not want to spend money for a better lens, yet that was what J&J said in the technical journals when Eyhance was released. I had no cost concerns, I wanted the best lens money could buy.
Myope_PSC carol60672
Sorry to hear of your troubles Carol. Can you post the details of your new eyeglasses prescription here? The smart folks on this forum will probably be able to offer some insight as to what went wrong if they have that info.
RonAKA carol60672
As you now know, the Eyhance is not a multifocal (MF) lens, and even falls short of the minimum extra close vision required to be called an extended depth of focus (EDOF) lens. That requires 0.5 D extra range and the Eyhance provides in the order of 0.35 D extra. I don't believe it is at all intended to provide good reading vision, and really just a touch extra intermediate vision.
This said you may have been even more unhappy with a true MF lens like the J&J Synergy, or an EDOF like the Symfony. They have more issues than the Eyhance.
john66904 carol60672
Hi @carol60672.
My experience is the very similar to yours, including no cost concerns but wanted the best. I also have dysphotopsia (I think positive) , I am struggling everyday; how are oyu doing ?
john66904 soks
I have the ICB00 in both eyes. I have dysphotopsia. My right eye is good for distance up-to 40 meters but for some reason my left eye is good only for reading. I had my surgery 5 weeks ago in the UK and I regret it for sure. It's reassure in a way to heard about good stories. @soks thank you for sharing, it is giving me hope x
RonAKA john66904
See my post to the thread you started on dysphotopsia. There is a piggyback lens option to make a refraction correction. There is also Lasik which may be an option. You will need to wait longer than 5 weeks however to be sure your eye has settled down.
aspen88 soks
has anyone used eyhance and targetted intermediate? how is your experience? thanks