Why my health is getting poor day by day ?
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I am Mehran Khan from Pakistan, i'll be 25 y/o in coming february. I Would like to Shar my health condition and need some sugestions or precuations or whatever a doctor can sugest. I need your consideration,
From a long time (almost 4 to 5 yeas) i am observing myself getting weak and powerless very frequantly or you can say day by day. I had many diagonostic tests between this time period which includes my stomach test, blood tests, urine tests, CT scan, altrasound and may be many more. my all tests were fine and doctors said i'm okay. i don's have typhoid or maleria or anyother kind of deseas but i got weaken and weaken. i have observed my diet and i tried to get best diet as far i could. i used vitamin tablets (don't remember the name) but i did not notice any change. now my condition is, i am feeling myself streangthless and powerless, when i sit in a position for a little time, my bones get some kind of stucked there and pains when i move them. I feel my body powerless and i don't want to do anything except laying on the bed bocause when i gt up i can't control my body. my hunger is getting lost. i can't eat much even if i'm so hungry. i don't know what is going on with me.
Your kind consideration and suggestion will be appreciated.
Thank You
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lilian05079 1mehran
When you say you had blood tests do you know what blood tests you had?
1mehran lilian05079
I don't exactly know about the test but the only thing that i remember, doctor said that everything is fine.
lilian05079 1mehran
The reason i asked that was because you are presenting with symptoms of B12 deficiency..if your B12 is low you will become very ill.....it would be a goid idea to check with your doc...my doc told me my levels were fine when in fact my B12 was very low for my age..i have now had 6 loading B12 injections and i have 1 every three months..i feel fine now...you can however buy B12 complex tabs at the pharmacy or buy B12 patches on line...what is your diet like?....
tallulah01898 1mehran
Take care, and do not worry.
sanya11314 1mehran
Blood for other infectious diseases (tuberculosis, any infection that can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome).
Thank you all. I'll go and see my doctor. the only thing which i need from you people please do remember me in your prayers. Thank you all