wide awake

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Hi any of you lovely ladies awake hate this none sleeping x

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8 Replies

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    Managed to sleep until 5am (bed at 11pm). It was too much acid which made me get up this morning. Having a cuppa and a biscuit to 'dilute' it.

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    Yes, it's quite debilitating.

    I started a discussion a few days ago desperate for any new ideas.

    For the past two nights, I have taken some kids Benylin night coughs mixture just to get me off and hopefully through a few hours... But I still wake...occasionally manage to doze off lightly

    I, too, really don't know where to go these days either, as the dr will only prescribe sleeping pills or ADs, which I don't want to take.

    My husband has "man flu", pretty bad dose too, and took two capsules of Night Nurse last night, and is still fast asleep... But I've heard that taking this as a sleeping aid can be addictive and dangerous!

    Sometimes when I wake and really can't stay in bed any longer I get up and drink a small cup of warm milk and take two paracetamol, hoping for a couple of hours , it can work...

    Luckily for me, as yet, this is my main problem...who knows if there will be more as I'm now 58?

    As I wrote, two days ago, I'd be so grateful for any more sleep aids, non-prescribtive, and the teas can taste yuck!!!

    Thanks Jx

  • Posted

    I have had trouble sleeping myself and yes it drives me crazy i try to drink milk at bedtime to help me sleep at times it helps me some times tea works too but there are times i'm just up and down. Then i get really cold hands and feet moody and sick to my stomach 
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    Please, any ladies out there with any fresh ideas for managing a few hours of undisturbed sleep...anything you've found on shelf or homemade?

    Thank you jx

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    I take trazadone ( 50 mg) and excedrine PM just one.
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      Hi Jackie

      Thanks for reply but what are these medications please?

      Are prescription? Jx

  • Posted

    The trazdone is a prescription and the excedrine PM you can buy anywhere.  I take one every day before I go to bed for my hormonal headaches.  I wasn't getting any sleeping and it was driving me crazy.  Trazdone is non-addictive. What is happening is not my fault.  Tried to go natural with melatonin but still no good sleep.  Now I'm sleeping and it means the world to me to sleep.

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