Wide awake

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Do here I am wide awake!!  Been in bed since 10.30 and no sign of sleep. Just lying here thinking about all my aches and pains and worrying. Anyone else do this?

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11 Replies

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    ALL the time, especially if one of my symptoms is headaches/heart palps.

    I use headphones and meditation music on YouTube.

    Try looking up “Marconi Union- Weightless”........lay on your back, put the headphones in if u have them, if not then just turn it up. 

    It works for me 

  • Posted

    Hi Paula I’m in bed too wide awake and yes I feel exactly the same it is so exhausting I’m so fed up with all this I’m 52 and feel so much older at the moment everything aches and most things are s real effort to do I feel like my hair is thinner my skin is thinner aches and pains I’m still having periods but they are not consistent this peri is so hard do you feel the same need some reassurance I’m not alone 🤗🤗🤗

    • Posted

      Most of that applies to me too except the hair and skin bit!  You are not alone!  I just think if horrid things all the time!  Going to try the u tube music mentioned by str8tfans above.  Wish me luck
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    I do wish you luck let me know if it helps can I ask how old you are and if you still have regular periods xxx
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      I m 54 and has my last period I’m march 2017.  Fell asleep eventually but up again now for the loo!!!
    • Posted

      So funny ladies well I am 54 and just like Paulahove24 had my last period around March 2017. After that was a nightmare. I use to said that I can't wait for my Menopause and call it every day, careful what you wish for .... my head is spinning all the time plus 365 other symptoms 😂

  • Posted

    You are not alone.   I am at the end of peri after two years.  Been hard.  But good news it gets better.  Most nights are good sleep again.  Just hang in there. It gets better.  Not every night but most nights are good.   I do take melintonin now just 1mg hour before bed and some zinc   Works prettt good.   
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      I tried Melatonin didn't work maybe I didn't give it the sufficient time, I will try again. I am taking synthroid in the morning and after vitamins, metoprolol 25 at night but I feel that I need something for energy I don't have any. Any suggestions?

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    have not slept much last night either. Been in bed just tossing and turning, thinking about how healthy I use to be and now I have bad shoulder pain since yesterday and headache too. This perimenopause brings all sorts of issues. Each day it's something new.

    i hope you manage to grab some sleep tho, in my part of the world it's nearly daylight now. So probably have a nap in the afternoon. Try to get so e rest whenever you can during daytime. It does help.

  • Posted

    Yep. ..doing it right now. I just told hubby that I wish to just wake up one morning soon and all my hormones be balanced n all the crap symptoms n pains return to whatever hell they came from. Something new every week....still scary. I will be 59 next month (if I survive this month'so malarkey) and still peri because I will go as long as 10 months and then have a flow. Apparently women in my family are long- winded in this way. One went til 58, 2 younger ones are still going at 54 n 56...fun!

  • Posted

    Hi paulhove, yes your mind is on yourself..because really we should be sleeping and peace but because our bodies aren't the mind will start racing....I been on melottin they gave me some sleep other wise I would be worst as Anxiety attacks me at night.

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