Widespread rash with cold symptoms
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So on Tuesday I got a rash on my wrist and legs (not itchy) I took an allergy tablet and hoped the rash would go away. The next morning (Wednesday) I woke up and the rash has spread down my arms and the rash on my legs got worse, became bigger and more appeared. I saw the doctor Wednesday and he said it was Folliculitis, by mid day the rash had spread onto my palm so I was 100% sure the doctor had incorrectly diagnosed it.
Thursday morning I woke up and the rash had gotten worst. I went to the doctors again and the other doctor said he thinks it’s a viral infection, by this point I began getting cold symptoms. He told me to just leave it and it should go down in a few days.
Today I have worken up and the rash has completely spread all up my stomach and chest and is now itchy. My legs are pretty much all covered now and the cold symptoms are bad, I have a tingly feeling all over my body, constantly cold, loss of appetite, sinus congestion, stuffy headache and generally feel run down.
I phoned the doctors again today as advised by mums friend who is a nurse (as the rash has spread and is now itchy with new symptoms) I was told I would get a phone call from my doctor (this was at 1.30 today) still no call yet and I’m feeling awful. I’m really worried that this rash is going to spread further onto my face.
Being 4 days into this already it’s showing no signs of slowing down and I don’t feel doctors have investigated it properly. (Doctors only took a 5 second look and didn’t want to view my legs; which is where it’s worst) So does anyone have any idea what it is?
Rash is slightly raised and red, some are like pin pricks and others have now grown to a size of a marker pen (some even bigger than that due to joining with others)
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Anonymous111 annalise_84210
Did you have the MMR vaccine when you were a child?
Any recent foreign travel or unprotected sex?
Been around anyone else with similar symptoms?
A picture would be helpful.
annalise_84210 Anonymous111
I've had all my vaccines from when I was younger. I went on holiday to Greece back at the beginning of September (from UK). Haven't had sex protected or unprotected in a very long time. No one in my family has had a rash, however my younger brother had a sickness bug tuesday (the same day I got the rash) and my sister also has a blocked nose, other than that, no. Pictures attached.
Anonymous111 annalise_84210
Any medical conditions?
Are these spots raised or flat - its difficult to tell from the picture?
Have you shaved these areas recently?
Have you had skin problems previously - acne or folliculitis?
annalise_84210 Anonymous111
The only medication I take (if you can call it medication) is the pill to regulate periods etc as I have imbalanced hormones. I have IBS and gastritis but dont take anything for this unless I have a flare up but generally I try to use natural ways of dealing with them such as my diet and herbal teas. Sorry about quality, they are raised and some of them on my chest are starting to get white tops kind of like a white head. Not shaved or waxed these areas recently. No skin problems before, I have had a type of eczema my whole life (runs in family) doesn't cause any itchiness/problems, just looks like I constantly have goosebumps.
Anonymous111 annalise_84210
If it is Roseola - it is self limiting and will get better on its own.
Drink lots of fluids - this will help your gastritis too.
annalise_84210 Anonymous111
Thank you for your help! Yeah I've been drinking loads of fluids today as I constantly have a dry mouth and feel dehydrated.
brown45840 annalise_84210
Are you doing better by now?