Widespread twitches and muscle quivering with tremors

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Hi all,

I hope everyone is doing well and is safe during these times! I'm a 22 year old guy from Canada and over the pas few months I have been experiencing weird symptoms that have me worried I have ALS.

Since January I have had widespread body twitches that started in my left shoulder but quickly spread to the rest of my body. These twitches sometimes stay in one place for a few days (mainly in calf, feet thigh and biceps) and the disappear as quickly as they began. After doing a significant amount of research I obviously convinced myself I had ALS, but was somewhat reassured because of the lack of weakness. That was until a month ago...

I was at the gym doing leg press and noticed that I could feel my individual thigh muscle fibres contract when I would place my hand on my thigh. I'm not exactly sure what the scientific term for this would be called but it's like they're quivering. At the time, I assumed it was because I had just started the gym again and my muscles were worn out, but I have since stopped going to the gym and my legs still quiver as soon as I contract them, even if it's just a half squat.

Not long after that, I realized my arms would also tremble and shake as soon as I would engage them even if it's just mildly. I don't feel particularly weak or like I can't do anything but I'm starting to get worried about the quivering and shaking. I had two blood tests done with all indicators normal except high bilirubin, high albumin and low GGT. The doctors suspect Gilbert's Syndrome with the high bilirubin, but that wouldn't explain the quivering/twitching. The doctor gave me a reference for a neurologist and for an ultrasound to check my liver.

It should be noted that I am a rather anxious person and am in the process of seeing a therapist to help with all this.

Has anyone experienced symptoms?

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    I hear ya man. I'm 27 from Canada. I've had a whole mess of problems since the begining of 2019. Constant dizziness, brainfog, headaches, body pain. the last year I've been having the shaky/quivering muscles too. I feel it in my core and legs mostly. When I try to train my core it just quivers and tremors aggressively and it never ever did that in the past. My legs also do it. Walking down or up stairs, ladders and such all feel awkward like my legs are quivering the whole time with no coordination. If I load up a squat rack or leg press though they work fine...no loss of strength other than the normal amount due to lack of gyms with covid. I too have fallen into the pit of anxiety reading about ALS, parkinsons, multiple system atrophy etc. Doctors in Canada are extremely dismissive too I have had a hell of time getting any to take things serious. I slowly seem to get worse and they do nothing for me. I hope we get answers soon and it doesn't end up being a life altering/ending disease.

    • Posted

      Hey Justin,

      I have found that reducing stress has helped me greatly accept my condition. Going to the gym has also helped my mental health cope with the whole thing.

      My twitches have calmed down and subsided significantly. They're mainly in my calves now. Until I have any obvious loss of function then I will try my best to assume that everything is fine. If it is a deadly disease with no cure then why worry about something you have no control over? While there's no diagnosis, why not live the life you have now and enjoy your freedom and keep yourself healthy. Take steps towards diagnosis and if nothing comes of it then assume you are healthy until issues become too bad to ignore and start to hinder your daily life.

      It seems like you're still in good shape, so go out and enjoy a beer with friends, go on bikerides, spread love and positivity, etc. Enjoy every day to the fullest!

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