Wife has changed personality overnight

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Hello, I'm really worried that my wife may have had or does have PND or some other depression - and is medicating with drink and cocaine at weekends.

I've NEVER used drugs. We have a 21 month old son (our first and planned) and bought our dream home nine months ago. We are the most tactile couple in public and all people tell me is that she is always talking about how much she loves me.

We're everbody's perfect couple, ultra happy and she started divorce proceedings overnight a few months ago and has rewritten history, didn't want to get married eight years ago, hasn't 'fancied' me for seven years, doesn't want sex with me (that side of things has always been great on both sides) and that I have been controlling her through our whole 11-year relationship - which is ridiculous.

And, no, there isn't anybody else in the picture - although, we are still living together and she is out looking for her 'special love' every weekend.

She is 35 and this has been going on since January when our boy was 15 months old.

We had 14 people round Christmas Day and she was talking about having another baby (no pressure from me always her decision if it happened). Two nights later we are at a club and a guy I know (very drunk) said he thought they might have gone out in the past. She stormed off and said "it's too late, I'm married". Then she's trying to meet up on FB, but he didn't want to know. She knows his partner and they have kids - it goes against every one of her morals. 

Previously to this she has been the most loyal wife and tells people where to go, pointing at her wedding ring if they try to chat her up.

But this time she told me it made her realise she has never loved me enough, that she deserves to find her special love and he was someone she had a crush on at 19 - WHAT!!!!!!!

I found out a few weeks after these revelations that she has been doing coke when she is out drinking until 3am in the morning - and she is a big drinker on a night out.Five weeks before all of this happened I got two birthday cards - one with a pic of me and the boy on the front to the 'Greatest Dad Ever' and another to 'My beautiful, amazing, gorgeous husband. I love you so much and thanks for making my life so special. You are such a great dad to **** it makes me love you even more'.

Now she refers to me on FB in her constant rants as a p***k or ugly, fat (I'm 11 stone at the moment), big-nosed c***

She is challenging me to get her drug tested saying she hasn't done it since she left me, as she was only doing it as she felt trapped.

I have since learned that she has dabbled in the past (despite being anti-drugs vocally as she is a fitness instructor) even before we were married and it has got worse since we have had our child. I believe she has had postnatal depression and this is how she is medicating it.

She says she isn't doing it, but two weekends ago she went out on a 12-hour bender on a Saturday and I saw her on Sunday morning in a right mess limping to work at 9am to teach her spin class.

At 4pm she was in the beer garden of another pub, completely OK and watching this band with a starry-eyed, almost adoring look on her face. She was then going up to everyone in the beer garden rubbing their hair and kneeling between their legs. And not for my benefit as she is emotionless towards me.

Later that evening she came to another bar I was at and one minute she was looking miserable outside the toilets, five minutes later she walks from the courtyard into the bar to push her way to the front of where a band is playing with her arms above her heard, with this weird, almost Jokerish grin on her face. Almost deranged looking.

Then she jumped up on a bench with three girls she didn't know and started dancing with and cuddling them all. Before talking to everyone in the crowd below. Then she is getting a drink at the bar and putting her arm round a complete stranger buying a drink and talking.

After she was outside pushing herself against a wall with the looney look on her face before being twirled round like a school girl.

She was having loads of intense conversations with strangers, then the next day she taught two classes in the morning after getting in at 2am, before trying to sleep on the sofa at 1pm. As she slept, her legs jumped around like electric shocks were going through them and her jaw was moving around.

The next weekend (I wasn't there) a friend told me she was spinning herself round a pole like a maniac on her own in a beer garden at 9pm one minute, then 20 minutes later her pals were consoling her like she was upset. A mate of mine who runs the club she was at later that night said she was in the toilets all night and had eyes like bowling balls, and was stroking his belly (and she never talks to him).

She is in complete denial telling me she hasn't done any drugs for three months and has got her solicitor to challenge me to hair test her. But I'm sure she must still be doing it!

She has also lost a lot of weight (at least a stone), she gets away with it on her body as she is so toned, but her face is so skinny, her cheeks have lost all their plumpness and she has aged. She went back to work in the gym six weeks after having our child, which was her decision she can't be controlled but massive mistake in hindsight as she never gave herself time to recover both physichally and mentally.

At he moment, it's like she has regressed back to when we first met 11 years ago (no drugs), but wanting to get drunk all of the time and really obsessed with local bands. And she used to do modelling pics in her teens, she went to a music festival for four days last weekend - and was being pictured posing on a car roof like some super model!

During this weekend away she never rang once or texted to check on our son - then when she comes back it is all 'I've missed you so much' etc

She is also very arrogant, thinks she is the sexiest woman on the planet and don't get me wrong she is very pretty -but now she can 'have any man that she wants' apparently!

I have ordered the drug test and will have to see what happens, but I am very worried about her as this is my beautiful wife.

In this nightmare six months I have not been able to have one conversation with her - she is ultra aggressive and defensive and just tells me I am 'harrassing' her, 'controlling her' and, now, 'bullying her'.

Something has gone really wrong with her - just hope she comes out of it before she destroys our little family for good!

Any advice/ideas?


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    Eddie (And Jackie and Lilianna too ) I was just wondering how things are going now? It's been 3 months so hoping things have improved or resolved themselves.

    Feel very sorry for all of you guys right now and I read through all your struggles and just really want to hear some happy endies.

    • Posted

      Hi Roknos

      Really kind of you to write and ask how things are.

      I would love to give you a happy ending but sadly things have gone from bad to worse.

      The husband left his career and very well paid job in April, he left with virtually nothing so something is not right, his boss  did say he was his own worst enemy and I have to say I have come to the same conclusion in which case should would have got rid of him and I really can't say I would blame her.

      We had the MH crisis team and all manner of Psychiatrict people assess him they know he is unwell but he keeps saying he's ok, nothing anyone can do unless he attempts suidide or hurts others.

      We discovered in September he is now in a relationship with a woman who regularly gets hospitalised for alcohol abuse and he is now drinking himself to help with his anxiety.  Even more oddly the other woman looks similar to myself except according to witnesses she is plain looking, he has also acquired 2 dogs that look like our family dogs?  We hav also discovered he is now living in one of the worst areas which has a reputation for drugs and alcohol. 

      Despite saying he has move on it appears he is trying to recreate our old life minus the alcohol, he still has photos of me and the home he does not like?  It would seem he is still clining on?

      I have had to defend myself against his solicitor and his manipulation and lies and as much as I still love him and would help if he asked I have had to back off as I've had my own MH issues and I do not wish to be ill again.  I have had to start the Divorce, I don't want a Divorce but am having to do so to protect both my financial future and our childrens.

      I count myself very lucky, everyone who knows him knows this is nothing I have done, they know his head has totally gone.

      Our son has had an accident, been ill and in hospital, nothing from the husband to ask if he is ok.  It was our daugther's birthday a few weeks ago, again nothing so I guess that just goes to show the state he's in.

      It would seem that the only way these situations ever improve is if they admit and seek help for their issues, I had to do it and I know it's not easy.

      Jackie x

  • Posted

    Sounds more like Borderline Personality Disorder.

    i just suffered the most traumatic breakup of my life. Looking back there were a few red flags throughout my relationship but I was unaware of BPD until my search for closure to stop my heart and mind tearing themselves to pieces. Look up BPD break ups, behaviours and symptoms. It could blow your mind and she'd some light. I was with my girl for a year, we were planning on moving overseas, we had our first argument, well first one where I lost my temper and raised my voice too - she lost hers weekly - and she broke up with me and demanded no contact. 12 weeks later, are her hating me for at least a month, we are ony just talking. I saw her for the first time yesterday and she smiled and ran up to hug me as if nothing had happened. This was after her avoiding me and spreading lies that I was abusive, threatening a restraining order and calli the cops when I raised my voice. Seems I triggered some abusive stepfather memories

    • Posted

      Just checked what you said it would seem my husband has the traits of BPD thanks for the pointer on that.  Jackie x
  • Posted

    Dear Eddie,

    I have read your story and you sound like an incredibly strong person thank you for sharing this as it has given me an helpful insight into the problems occuring in my parents relationship.

    My mum and dad have always been a romantic and special couple how have stayed strong as a force to be reckoned with my whole life.

    My dad adores my mother and she is incredibly loyal as a true one woman man.

    My mum has recently lost her mother to cancer and her brother in a tragic accident in quick succession.

    Both of whom she was very close too as she has lost all connection to her other  two sisters and saw them as the last link to her past.

    I believe that mum now has borderline personality disorder as you have discribed.

    She has 4 daughters including myself and we all agree that we do not recognise our own mother. She has become incredibly firey, shorthanded, jealous and ruthless and drinks every day to calm her nerves.

    My dad lives with her 24 hours a day in what is fast becoming a toxic lifestyle as dad has depression caused by their financial struggle he drinks a large bottle of gin every day. Mum has lost faith in him and blames most of her dissapointment and struggles on him.

    She says terrible things to him like how its all over between them! 'he is turning into his mother' (an extreme recluse) how she would be better off without him, don't tell dad what I am up too, I've lost my brother u wouldn't know how that feels! etc and he takes it all in as she can be very agressive. Then the next day she patches it up as if all the things she has said would be easily forgotten.

    Some of the rows I have witnessed get close to the point of physical and they say truely terrible things to eachother (they never usually swear).

    They live an incredibly fast paced lifestyle travelling across the country living in eachother pockets and drinking the crutch that keeps them together.

    Mum has little time on the phone to talk to us, will barely look you in the eye and has a childish carelessness which is worrying to see.

    The last year has been the worst, I have felt incredibly distant from mum as well as worrying tirelessly about the violence and bitterness between them.

    They wouldn't even be able to kiss eachother anymore- it is mums unapproachable nature that has pushed dad into a lonely place.

    My upmost concern is Dads health his drinking is the worst case many have seen and yet he holds up a totally functional appearance and is in complete denial of his problem.

    I wonder if they will find a way to get back to the way things were but i am afraid mums change in personality is hard for dadto deal with and keep up with.

    they both need counciling!

    but I don't feel very optimistic 

    Thankyou Charlie

  • Posted

    Eddie, I'm sorry to have to point this out to you but it really sounds like your wife is a sociopath; judging by your description of her behavior and attitude of apathy toward you and your infant son. The constant deception, self-medicating, blatant, unnecessary lies and her apparent need to intrude upon the personal space of total strangers without even knowing if they want her to be hanging on them and touching them (I assume most of them don't like it nor do they welcome her bold physical advances) - are all examples of classic sociopathic behavior. She has no respect for personal boundaries and is driven only by her own desires/needs and is being very clear that she's unconcerned with your feelings. It's not because she's trying to hurt you; she literally cannot see how she is hurting you because your feelings don't exist to her. Her emotional investment in you has only ever been as deep as a puppet master's for be for a prop from an old play that she has moved on from. In fact that's more or less what you are to her. She's grown that  show she was putting on for the past few years, until recently. Now she is bored with that show, and she's setting up a new performance with new puppets. You've been tossed aside, and it sounds as though your child has been, too. I'm awfully sorry.  

    What you need to understand is that she's not depressed, she's not crying for help, and she's not hurting inside. She's not mentally ill.  She does not possess a conscience and cannot feel empathy. You can't save or help her. She doesn't want you to anyway.  Your former history together as the perfect couple, as real as it may have felt and looked to you and your friends at the time, was all an act. She never loved you - she isn't capable of really loving anyone (not even herself, despite the fact that she's completely self-involved). This magical connection you had together never existed - it was a lie. I know it's devastating to learn - again, I'm sorry. But this pain is much more palatable than believing that you had true love and somehow screwed it up. The early part of your relationship, when she was all over you and so loving is known as "love bombing", and it's also a very common practice for sociopaths. Do a little research on line - you'll be able to identify more specific behaviors of hers as classic sociopathic stuff (or at the very least it's malignant narcissism) and you'll also soon realize that her lack off interest in your son is actually a godsend. Children of sociopaths are always victimized emotionally and often physically. 

    My heart goes out to you - but you need to know what you're dealing with before you appear in divorce court so you can be aptly prepared. I wish you the best of luck. 

  • Posted

    OK, so six months on since my original post, and the nightmare gets worse and worse. I still have not got her out of the house and I had to pull out of custody proceedings and getting her drug tested as it was going to cost me over £10k.

    In the weeks before Christmas she broke my iPod and work keyboard, tried to break my work computer (which she advertised on FB) and was removed from the house for the night by the police and she smashed in a living room window with a claw hammer when she was obviously high as a kite - as she disappears for three or four days at a time on her 'days off' from our son and couldn't get in the house as I double lock the front door as we live on a busy street. But she didn't call or knock, she just attacked, sending glass all over our boy's Christmas presents.

    And there is no remorse, none of these actions resonate. She took our boy away at Christmas and refused to tell me where she was going as she is scared of me and I harrass and bully her. She also claims she has a witness that I attacked her on hammer night - which I of course did not.

    I also hear that when she is out she is all over people, touching feely, and is all kissing and cuddling the local drug dealer - who is 56, she is 35 - who before her 'change' was a 'horrible old man'. As part of her regression she is obsessed with music and bands, like she was in her early 20s, and is now dating a 'musician' who plays pub gigs and busks in the high street. I spoke to his ex partner of a month, who informs me he is a big cocaine user and borderline alcoholic, despite being jobless and he lives round other peoples' houses. He also wets the bed because he drinks so much and is not allowed to see his own children. The sad thing is, my 'normal' wife is driven and ambitious and would never give someone like this a second look, let alone let him near our child. But she is like a teenager and this is all about drugs.

    There is some light at the end of the tunnel. Since she broke the window, social services have finally got involved and seen straight through her. The social worker said she can tell she is a 'user' just by speaking to her, and she has told her she wants to drug test her and my wife just laughed at her. My wife also rang social services to complain the social worker is bullying her too and, of course, she or her new partner are not doing drugs anymore. Yeah, right!

    Social services and the health visitor who I have stayed in touch with want me to ask for my boy to live with me permanently until she can prove she has stopped taking drugs. I have them on my side and they acknowledge what a great dad I am, just have to hope this is finally going to bring a positive conclusion to this nightmare.

    • Posted

      Hang in there buddy. I'm a bit late to this conversation but it has definitely hit home. Almost reminds me of my mother when I was 12 years old although I don't think she had any mental issues she just had some kind of life crisis at the age of 35, started dating some rough guy and going to pubs every day/night whilst my dad was at work. Then they divorced, lots of arguments etc... and both moved into seperate houses. My mother continued dating this dodgy coke user who lived in her then new home for a while (maybe 1 year, can't remember exactly) but as a 12 year old boy (who was being bullied at school, don't we all in some form or another?) I was scared sh*tless of him!

      My mother continued like this for some time before chucking him and going out with a slightly more stable beer drinker for 6 months then meeting a more stable guy who worked in catering who I actually got on with but still blamed my mother for being such a bitch and leaving us at home all the time etc...

      This situation seemed to be the making of me and I can't truly remember any of my childhood memories before I was 12 - they don't seem to have any feeling or substance to them.

      All I can say is this will pass. You seem to be coping well and should stay strong for your own sanity and your son's. Hopefully she will get help/well soon and this all seems to be down to your partner losing touch with the important things in life.

      Keep being kind/compasionate to everyone you meet, including your partner as this will help you stay sane and bring you more happiness than you imagine it would. Don't let any of this get in the way of playing football with your son, or taking him to the cinema or simply spending quality time with him as these are the moments that matter. When you are not with your partner don't bother thinking about her because all negative thoughts are a complete waste of time and energy (what if I did this? what if this happens? etc...) just live in this moment right here and now (without thinking about future/past events or anyone else for that matter, unless in a compassionate way) and you'll be alright. Rise above it all and take heed in the fact that all the tens, hundreds, thousands, millions of humans on this Earth are also suffering in some form or another.

      Now, focus all that negative energy you probably have and use it to do the best work you've ever done, take your son for an amazing day/weekend away somewhere, go and experience something utterly different and remember all the love you have for your family and son which is where your priorities now lie.

      You can either wallow in it or wade out of it and do hundreds of different things to improve your own life that don't involve your partner.

      You will be alright becuase in 1 month, 2 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years you'll be in a different place and time...

    • Posted

      Hey all, so a friend of mine who lives in the US is going through a similar event at the moment.

      I looked on line to try and find some info to help him out, and found this thread while reading it reminds me of what I went through.

      At 28 I made the worst desicion to drive home after drinking at a concert, got stopped got a dui, lost my license, job my truck and my house. At that point I decided to throw the rest of my life away and hitchhike and ride the rails around the US. My friends and family were very worried about me but I did care a bit but couldn't show that I cared or let it bother or stop me.

      I got to drinking so heavy that I couldn't go to bed without 4 beers by my sleeping bag for when I woke up. Then I started using hard drugs. Found people who loved me and stabbed them in the back more often than not.

      Anyways my mom got I'll and I came to help her out, but I wasn't much help just a waste of space still drinking and getting high. So I went to a treatment center, now the key was I wanted to change and I admitted I had a problem, was honest with the counselor told her things I had never told anyone it was such a relief to share the thoughts that had eaten me up for years.

      2.5 years later I am happily sober, fit in somewhat well with my family but most importantly I love them and have meaningful relationships with them.

      My point is there is hope thay one day your wife or husband can be a good mother, maybe not today or tomorrow but there is a chance anyone can come back...

      But it is soooooo difficult not to do it but to get them to do it, no one could've made me get help and if they did it wouldn't have lasted.

      Id say the best thing you can do is try your best to not be confrontational, even little things can seem like an attack when someone is unstable, second is a good counselor. Good luck to everyone out there and if this doesn't help maybe it can provide solace.

  • Posted

    Hi Eddie, It sounds very much like your wife is having episodes of Manic Depression/Bipolar Disorder. The extreme personality change & the strange/outrageous behavior (Mania) are very common symptoms of this confusing condition. Is there anyone in her family that has something similar as it can be genetic too. Stress can bring this on & also drugs can be the catalyst. Please research this condition & see if you think it sounds like what you are experirncing with her. I live in Australia & was a Nurse for 13 years & have seen this condition-always worsens & can even begin with some major stress/change of some sort. I also have a nephew with this condition that will not see any of his family & it has caused a lot of pain & suffering to him & those that also love him. 

    I hope this helps in some way.

  • Posted

    Hi eddie, 

    Your story touches home for me, My wife did similar stuff. After having our child and living in our marriage for 7 years before she was born, we were the couple everyone admired and wanted their marriages to be like. About 9 months after giving birth. She started to change, her personality changed. She became and now acts as full blown Borderline Personality/Narcissistic traits. She used to be very loving and she hated cheaters, and she never lied. Now every word is a lie, she has cheated and when we separated, she quickly moved on as if she had already had this relationship before she ever left. I have done a lot of research on Postpartum Depression. And if it severe it can cause BPD/NPD traits, it can also cause OCD. I do not know if this helps you, but, if they have or are in a PPD they hate the husband the most and usually first, they have to get mental health help to treat it. It may never go away with out help. My heart goes out to you because it reminds me so much of what ruined my marriage soon after finally having a baby that was planned and discussed. After it seems all morals,values, and anything ethical went out the window. Now I am fighting for custody of my daughter which now being kept from seeing me. In court she is playing the victim, and is trying to manipulate the courts. I hope social services can help you get your son, and keep him safe!

  • Posted

    Eddie I'm dealing with a serious overnight situation as well. My wife for four years did a 360 on me. I found cheating and multiple affairs the unfortunate part to this is that we have a 2 and 4 year old. My wife filed for divorce and kicked me out of our home by filing false domestic violence charges against me. Somehow she knew the judge so this judge granted then order. Now I have never touched my wife and she is off her meds since July. I need some advice on how to get through this
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      Dan that's awful, I too am going through a weird divorce due to husband and his untreated Bipolar/Mania/Depression.  Sorry to say but they do play dirty, my husband has denied he is ill and now using the MH card to avoid paying any maintenance, I also discovered last week he is almost £80,000 in debt, we feel this debt may be creative accounting to avoid maintenance.  He has also lied about his income and not disclosed an account yet signed a statement of truth, looks like prison could be the next step for him.  It really is a dreadful situation to be in, especially when you have very young children, I wouldn't trust them to look after pets let alone children when they're not getting treatment.  Is there anyone else who has seen your wife's behaviour that could act as a witness?  The problem is they are so bl**dy good at masking and pretending in front of others which is infuriating.  Are you in the UK?  If so Samaritans or CAB. 
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          I'm so sorry your having to go through this. I just happened to run across your discussion when I was looking for something completely different, crazy huh!? And I live thousands of miles from you,,as matter of fact I live in the US in Florida. Anyhow how's things going now? My heart is going out to you and everyone else that is having to go though the same nightmare. My husband has been acting differently lately, he's at home but on a daily basis he constatly says how he hates his job and his life. He's went as far as to say he wants to move hundreds of miles away from where we are now and if I wanted to come I could but didn't have to and when I told him that hurt my feelings like I wasn't wanted he told me to not be so sensitive that he was just joking...hmm! 

  • Posted

    Hi Eddie! Hope your wife has come to her senses. I have the same exact thing going on wit my wife. I call it the Emotional roller coaster ride. If you dont get on she will make sure you pay for it.

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