Wife on antibiotics after 1 week of being bit. Blood shows negative what's next ?
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Wife and I returned from Slovenia and discovered 4 ticks on her legs. We promptly pulled them off (the wrong way) and threw them away (also wrong). For one week nothing was happening. Then exactly 1 week from the bite she developed bumpbs on her body and had an excruciating headache. We went to urgent care and they drew blood as well as prescrvbed antibiotcs. 14 day course of doxycycline. The headache went away, the bumps came and went for a few more days. The blood came back negative and doc said to stop antibitocs and bumps are due to allergy to antibitiocs. We didn't believe him (after much reading on internet). Wife is still on antibitocs for 1 more week. My question is:
Once the couse of doxycycline completes, what's the next step ?! Take blood again and get tested ? My worries are we never knew exactly which strain of bacteria she's gotten infected with. Were these correct antibiotics? After reading so many stories on here about symptoms returning as soon as the patient is off antibiotics, I must say I am quite worried about her. Any bit of advice helps, as you can see we did everything wrong along the way here....
Thank you for your time.
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marie62224 kevin53097
I read somewhere that a test often shows negative straight after a tick bite.
Get another test done in a few weeks and see how it is.
Often there are several differnt types of sphirocete/ bacteria involved..
And you won;t know unless specific testing is done.
Where are you? in US or UK.
If Us you are luckiy.
Meantime all you can do is make sure she has a good diet to boost the immune system. No sugar, no carbohydrate, No dairy but plenty fresh green veg and salads. Organic meat only.(If she a vegetarian then nuts and seeds and lacto
Lemons are vital. Squeeze them in every glass of water she has and grate the zest onto anything and everything. Limes are good too.
have her eat fruits low in sugar.
I eat a whole lemon seeds and all
Basil and Oregano are herbs that are good. Tomatoes too.. Lots of vit C. Tell her to drink plenty of water and if she has no heart or blood pressure problems get her to take a little extra salt with her meals.
Has she any other symptoms yet.
Note them down with date if they appear.
Don't start worrying about what may never happen. Not all ticks carry disease.
If she is still unwell when antibiotic course is done ask Dr for more.
Your wife is entitled to the best treatment available under the NHS.
Ask your GP how many cases of Lyme disease has he treated?
If you read the various Lyme disease sites you will get a lot of info.
With a positive test Doxycycline is often given for 3 months..
Since the bumps appeared before the antibiotics were given they cannot be a reaction to the antibiotic.
Most Gp's believe what they want to believe/
marie62224 kevin53097
Don't know how to edit posts.
meant to say lacto free foods.
dian55663 kevin53097
We are in US. However, an infectious disease specialist is only available a month away.
The bumps caem 1 week after so that's a guarantee that she has lyme, why else would bumps appear ?! Unlress ticks transmitted some other type bacteria (other than Lyme) ?
I am worried because I don't want to miss the window where we can prevent the spread of the disease to a point where it becomes incurable.
Should we draw blood again as soon as the course of antibiotics is over ? It takes 1 week to get results. If bacteria regrows within that week, that'll be really bad.
Ugghgh. Marie, thanks for all the suggestions. I'll do my very best to keep her healthy.
marie62224 kevin53097
You are fortunate to be in US. Thank God for that.
Yes you are right. It is easier to cure when it is treated soonest.
Were i you I would get her tested evry so often if you can afford it.
I read some good things about treatment in the us,
Try an have a telephone consultation with a Lyme disease Doctor as soon as possible .
As dian says get a Doctor who is familar with lyme.
The bacteria do strange things, so they need to be attacked again and again until all clear.
Your wife may need 3 months on one antibiotic or maybe a different but only a Lyme Doctor will know how to treat her.
I only know about it from reading bits on all the websites which can be very informative.
You must stay positive and believe that that all will be well.
Hopefully you will have some medical insurance to cover bills but if not do all you can to get her the right and best treatment.
Your wife is fortunate in having such a supportive husband.
That will go a long way to making her well.
Don't forget the lemons and vit C . and no alcohol.
She needs 3 months antibiotics but be advised by Lyme Doctor.
I found a bit of info written by a homoeopath who says that if is caught early and treated with antibiotics Lyme has a ggod chance of being cured.
She also says that antibodies cannot be detected for 6 weeks or so after the bite so tests may well prove neg until some weeks after bite bite
dian55663 kevin53097
kevin53097 dian55663
dian55663 kevin53097