Wild Yam Cream (“natural” PROGESTERONE) for Depression – my 2nd Month Update!
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I experienced what the experts call Perimenopause Depression for the very first time at age 49. I had NO idea what was happening to me. I had experienced a feeling of being a "little down" after the birth of my kids; but nothing like what I experienced when I missed my first period and my hormones plummeted in June of 2018.
I found this forum (heaven sent!) in June and it was a lifeline for me of education, support, wisdom and encouragement. After “living” here on this forum behind the scenes for 7 weeks, I took the plunge, created a login, and came out of my private little world (I am a former techie from the software industry and am on no social media, LOL! My first venture into "social media” is on a Menopause forum – hee hee, I love it! 🤣.
I have had or currently experience most of the 66 symptoms (off and on) noted here on this forum…there are SO many more symptoms; but that list is a great starting point for sure. The depression I experienced for the first time (along with anxiety) was the hardest – as I couldn’t “cope” or handle all that was happening to me at an accelerated rate.
After hours and hours and weeks of research on this forum, I decided to try the over the counter “natural” Progesterone Cream (Wild Yam). I started the cream on August 9, 2018 after getting my saliva test results (it’s a kit you can order online and return in the mail!). Many people had shared that my symptoms were indicative of a progesterone deficiency; however, my little prideful self wanted to have some sort of “concrete” baseline. These results can be all over the board as our hormones fluctuate dramatically. My results showed an almost rock bottom level of progesterone. I had ordered the cream online prior to getting my results so that as soon as I had my numbers I could start the cream.
I have just completed my 2nd cycle on this cream (August and September); the depression and anxiety? I feel SO much better! Oh my. I am so GRATEFUL! The final decision for me to try the cream was after perusing a wonderful website on the Wild Yam Cream from a company out of Australia.
If this cream is placebo – I will take the placebo, LOL! I currently take a multi-vitamin, Vitamin D (magnesium Spray here and there) and the Progesterone Cream (I did 14 days in August and 21 days in September).
My Meno journey may be 1 year, 2 years, 8 years, 15 years or forever – I don’t know. I have the blessing of knowing women in their 80's who have been doing the hormones (creams, pills, patches - natural, synthetic etc) for 10, 20 30 years etc. My 85 year old friend has been on them since her twenties after a hysterectomy.
What have I learned when this all hit for me in June? I’ve learned that for the first time I am having to make some decisions....I am open to trying natural things, supplements, BHRT, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety etc.
I won’t give up! If something works for a while and it needs to be increased or I need to try something new…I will.
That’s what this forum has given me; a VAST treasure trove of ideas, experiences, things that work, and on and on. The women here give me the strength and courage to press on by sharing their stories and hence why I will keep sharing as well. We are in this journey together!
6 likes, 9 replies
mrs_susan74280 Finny2018
Finny2018 mrs_susan74280
Hi Susan - I started with the Emerita Pro Gest in August for my first 3 months to see how it goes. I am in the states. My second attempt (if this doesn't continue the results) will be to try the Progesterall or the Anna's Wild Yam Cream.
Right now I am seeing improvements and am grateful. I will get my saliva tested again at the 3 month mark to see if my progesterone levels have improved. My dear friend, who is a pharmacist, was the one that suggested I try this over the counter natural progesterone first, before trying the prescription HRT. She did NOT think I needed a Saliva Test as my symptoms were obvious to her. I just wanted the Saliva Test for some type of baseline. The company I ordered it from is called ZRT Laboratory.
The one thing I WISH I would have done at the onset of joining this forum was to keep notes of all of the women's names and the things they were trying along with their side effects etc. I am planning to start this going forward so that I know ALL of my options! So for example - this patch caused these types of side effects. This anti-depressant caused this etc etc. This way if I and up trying something new; there is a good chance I can reach out to those women here for their wisdom and advice. My experience is that I will ALWAYS have some sort of reaction when I try a new vitamin, etc. It's learning to give it some time and not give up as my body gets used to the new vitamin, supplement, etc. Take care, Susan!
mrs_susan74280 Finny2018
Have you had a hystercamoy at all,
debra16694 Finny2018
Well said Finny! Here I am 6 years post meno & my anxiety depression issues are now, once again thru the roof! I have struggled to remain RX free, but I swear I have aged in the last 6 months just so fretful with anxiety & low moods - I have to find a solution to this madness. I woke up @ 4:30 in the morning today, with intense flushing, heart palpitations/burning sensation & full blown anxiety, I laid awake for 2 hours trying to calm myself & when I finally woke up at 8:00 am I was so nervous I couldn’t think straight & all I wanted to do was scream & cry...the rest of my day has been littered with dark thoughts - i never got depressed before, I was always the strong, capable one taking care of everyone else - I feel like I may be one of those woman you referenced, still getting menopause symptoms in my 80’s if I don’t go bat s—t crazy before then - ugh!
samantha42264 debra16694
My anxiety has been quite high the last few days too Debra.
Ive been deeling with peri symptoms since I was 40 and still in it, with be 47 in a few weeks, there is no way I'm doing this into my 80s, but I get this feeling that I finish peri and when meno hits it's not going to stop. ...frig.
My thing is is I know a few people in their 60s either on HRT or antidepressant, they seem to think they are doing good but I can see plainly that they are not...I don't know what is the best way to go.
karen60759 Finny2018
shannonmairs7 Finny2018
Caz_O Finny2018
PattyZ Finny2018
Thank you Finny for the update. I will be getting the Anna’s in about 3 weeks
. I will have you to thank if it works for me which I think it will👍