Will an mri detect MND
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I have an mri scan today due to weakness and pains in my legs. as of yesterday terrified of MND. and of course I've googled to see will it show up in an mri and it said it cannot. so even if my mri is clear what if they miss this. ....I honestly am so tired from all of this 😞 what will the mri of my brain show. like will my brain scan be abnormal if i have mnd. ??... I'm constantly looking for reassurance I'm sorry. but I'm so glad I'm getting this mri done and I have another one of my lower back in October
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joaquin00537 rachel_35350
Hi, you can also request an EMG which test your nerves and muscles and with this test they can dectect if anything is actually wrong with your muscles or if you have mnd. Just make sure if you do want it that it is put as urgent so they dont take weeks and instead like one week or less
rachel_35350 joaquin00537
are u getting this test done ? should i ask at the place where I'm getting the mri done. because of my doctor checking my over and doing reflexes and all that he said I'm good. he said he order the mri to put my mind at ease. I just don't know what to do. I wish the mri was enough. because my anxiety is high asking them to give me tests
joaquin00537 rachel_35350
The emg is requested with your neurologist. You can ask if they can do this test because of the muscle weakness. I am getting this test done this week and an mri of my head and neck to see for anything. The thing im scared of is ALS and MS because of the symptoms. Im just really scared each day and want to get the tests over with so i can know i have none of these diseases.
rachel_35350 joaquin00537
you are right. If it keeps happening I'm going to ask for it. where I live u have to wait so long for these tests and sometimes doctors fob u off and say u don't need them. that's why I hate asking because sometimes they make u feel silly. and if you have to book your own tests it costs so so much just to have one test done.
joaquin00537 rachel_35350
Please give an update also on how your mri came out or if they gave you any results today.
rachel_35350 joaquin00537
hey my mri went well lasted about 20 mins. I have to wait about 1 weeks for my results which will be sent to my doctor.