Will it ever end 😭😭
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Helloo friends
How r u all ?
Today feeling depressed and sad .
Suffering from lots from peri symptoms from last 2 years ..
My life fully changed.
Left job and now home bound.
Jelly legs and head pressure is most scary symptoms i have .
Other symptoms come and go but these r constant .
Yesterday i got good job offer again but with this head pressure and jelly legs donot think i am able to take 1 hr teaching class while standing....and 3 hrs chemistry practical in lab....Teaching job need alot of concentration and practical class need full attention..
Feeling low today
Have to say NO for job.ðŸ˜
I wish some day i woke up and find Like my old me..full of energy ..no peri symptoms..Full of life...full of enthu.....And NO PERI SYMPTOM ...is it possible again ?
Every morning i told myself HANG IS THERE
but some days again lose hope and feel sad ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
One thing i learn in last 2 years in peri that HEALTH IS WEALTH ...if you have money, time ,good family, loving friends, .....everything super in life ..If your health is not good this all is useless...I lean y people say HEALTH IS WEALTH .
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paula20385 sunaina1983
Hi Sunaina, I have been peri for 5 years I am on hrt has help a little but still have bad days, I only work part time as a cleaner and pick my nieces up from school one night a week and have them for a full day In the holidays and I fine that hard
I just want my life back where I am not tired and feel low and not been able too deal with things , I am not a confident person and I get nervous but been in peri has just made things worse .My mum is having a hip op on Monday getting anxious don't know if I will be able to see her in hospital make me feel bad.
I just keep telling myself it will end, I just take one day at a time.
Take care
Paula x
ImagineOneDay paula20385
Paula, it is very important to take one day at a time. I started doing that since the peri (I am 50). It helps but some days are harder then others. I once worked as a cleaner. I know how hard it is. Especially with peri it can't be easy with our achy bodies. Take care. Hope it ends soon. Good luck with your mother's op. X
ImagineOneDay sunaina1983
I FEEL your pain! Hang in there. It won't carry on forever. Take a day at a time. I lost my job 4 years ago very close to the time peri hitting me. List my confidence and all. Scared of working... It is hard but hopefully it will get better soon.
claire71812 sunaina1983
i agree totally. i have just finished a temp job where i suffered every day in silence. i saw a job st my local library, which i would love. but due to daily headache, joint pain, anxiety etc.. i know i have to let it pass. i dont know what sort of job i would be able to do anymore. i need to work financially, but also to spend time with people and feel i have purpose.
sakura26 sunaina1983
I feel the same way! I look in the mirror too and I look like I've aged 20 years in just a few years of peri. Saggy dry skin, hair issues etc. And anxiety is super bad. I'm seriously looking into hormone cycling (taking hormones per your cycle). I'll let you all know if it works. You can google it. Hang in there you are not alone.
NothinforNothin sunaina1983
In this just over a year and I've been trying to be positive but, like you within the past couple days was starting to lose hope. I got some motivation to keep going on this site doing like you and posting when that happens and it helps. There are many caring woman and when your feeling that low with no one who really wants to listen to these problems it helps. I can't focus still and I couldn't work right now if I wanted to. I was very sharp before this happened. Working since 16 and I'm 48 and now feel disabled and depressed due to this most days like you. I've promised to keep telling myself that one day soon this shall end. We have to continue to do that until we rise up through this and we are standing on own again. I'm going to try to not let it define me as best I can. Big hugs to you!!! You have a big heart. You will beat this!