Will This Ever End...?
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I have been reading this forum for a couple of years now and it just seems that some of us are living in menopause hell that doesn't seem to be ending.
I am 50 next year and the last three years have been grim with my peri-menopause. My main issues are digestive and reading my previous posts from two years ago, I am no further forward. I am now on HRT which has alleviated some of my symptoms but it is certainly no cure. I have had to change four times due to the manufacturing issue and the latest one I think has enabled some of my symptoms to return. I am just interested to hear from those that are suffering with their digestion. My issues come and go and I have had cancer/infection tests which are clear. I have:
Discomfort Under Left Ribs
Urge to Urinate Often
Back Pain
Joint Aches
Hair Loss
Flat Mood
HRT for me has cleared me of the horrendous night sweats and my periods are now considered normal but that is about it.
Is anybody experiencing the same and have you tried anything that helps? (PS Tried all sorts of dietary changes and nothing seems to help).
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Guest sabab172
You know it's always in the back of my mind that hrt might make everything go away, so I'm relieved to hear a post like yours which says it's no miracle cure. I'm just holding on to hope that once I'm in full meno I might get relief. The symptoms are just ridiculous and so far my 50s have been my hardest decade yet. 55 in January, worst of the symptoms hit when I was 51. Keep thinking one day I'll just wake up and the nightmare will be over. Until then I just fake my way thru every day and guess I should be happy I'm here. Had a cousin who died from cancer when she was 37. I bet she'd trade with me in a heartbeat just to have been able to see her kids grow up.
We'll all get thru this. I'm sure once our hormones are finally balanced, even at rock bottom, we will start feeling better. Let's think that way for today.
sabab172 Guest
I obviously have read that HRT have changed women's lives that are lucky that can take it and it has helped me with some of my symptoms but I wouldn't say I feel like the old me again. I have really forgotten what it is like to not have an ailment even more... But you are right that we should be happy we are here and it does put it into perspective when those who have not made it to their fifties. AND positive thinking is key. It's trying to be positive when you are faced with daily hormonal symptoms... Wishing you well on your meno journey and lets hope the end is in sight for all of us that are suffering. x
lyn48554 sabab172
hi. so sorry to here you are still suffering with the nasty symptoms. I am 60 and still having symptoms .I have been post menopausal since 2013 which was my last period. I still have hot flushes night sweats ,mood swings ,vaginal dryness ,weight gain ,so for me their is no end in sight either. my doctor wont give me HRT now because I am 60 and she says I have come this far just hang on in their although she has said if I am adamant to have hrt she will give it to me but the risks are higher at 60 for breast cancer etc. sorry to be the bearer of crap news at 60 as I know some of you are still in your 50s ,but hey we are all different so fingers crossed for you ladies .x😋
sabab172 lyn48554
Thank you and I know some of us suffer more than others. A friend of mine honestly had a couple of hot flushes and her periods stopped overnight and that was it. Well what a lucky menopauser she was! I hope your symptoms subside very soon. 😃
anxiousface sabab172
hi sabab
I started in peri in 2011 with horrendous symptoms and most of them on your list except urinate often, discomfort under the ribs and weight gain as i have no appetite and have nausea daily.
I'm now in then menopause since 2015 and think i feel worse in many symptoms like the daily headaches, dizziness and anxiety. I Cant take HRT has i have a hormonal tumour which i suspect has made things intensify.
Iv tried things but nothing works so now i have eliminated most things from my diet and now live off a very bland boring diet which is boring and difficult.
sorry im no help to you but your not alone in this.
take care x
sabab172 anxiousface
Thanks for your reply. Are you better for having a bland diet? So good to hear your experiences so far which have been probably worse than mine. I have had a very bland diet day today and my symptoms feel a little better. I have become so sensitive to foods now with this menopause thing which is quite miserable to add to everything else. It's good to know however that we are not alone with this x
Marinab sabab172
Hi -
I have had digestive issues too. I have heard about the benefits of Citrucel and recently, Metamucil wafers.Are you having lower or upper digestive issues?
When you say HRT are you referrring to the Pill? If you are still getting your period it sounds like you are on the pill or Mirena IUD rather than full replacement. The pill really helped me too but I still had the usual digestive issues. Have you tried a really good probiotic such as VSL?I think there is a huge variation in probiotics and some might be more effective than others.
Recently, I am trying CBD oil. It helps me sleep.It is also supposed to help with anxiety.
For hair loss, I recommend getting your iron and ferritin stores checked. Once my levels went up my hair stopped shedding.Rogaine is good for spot treatment but it made my heart race so I had to stop using it.
Feel better,
alrimando Marinab
hi, what digestive issues do you have? i have acid reflux, hyperacidity, bloating, gas, diarrhea.