Wish I could get answers....
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Went to new obgyn and showed him my journal and list of symptoms and he just cant believe all of this is caused from peri..He did a bunch of blood work and looked at insides and all my pictures look good...Blood not back yet so we will see what that shows...he says with all my symptoms that it has to be 2 or 3 different things goin on...so frustrating...i liked him alot cause he didnt look at me like i was nuts and was very concerned with trying to find out whats goin on.....so here I am on couch with no get up and go stomach is making all kinds of noises and eyes are goofy and just feel weak....anybody else feel like you swell up under breastbone and bra gets tight??I seem to always get chest pain and sick to stomach and just feel off after my period....not bad before period but terrible after it for a good week...Ok im done now.....lol. Thank you ladies...
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jayneejay laurie70017
oh hun, no i cant say i had a swelling under the breast bone feeling ever in peri..
bra not too tight is it... tight clothing can make use feel achey ...
i now wear sloggi soft bras for comfort most of the time in the day...
i do suffer with gurgley tummy and digestive problems, but i now take a pro biotic for that...
i always felt sickly before a period, never after, especially when i got to the last two periods a year..
i am now just menopause ..
we are all different hun...,try to relax as worrying never helps ...
jay jayxx
laurie70017 jayneejay
Toddpodd jayneejay
jayneejay Toddpodd
😃. thank you sweets.. 😑
Jay Jay xx
katzenbunz laurie70017
laurie70017 katzenbunz
jayneejay laurie70017
heart palpitations are common and i still get those ... thumping and feeling the heart beat sometimes,, i had that all through 9 years of peri on occasion and still get it now .. i am just in menopause reached age 50..
this info below may help some ladies ..
With menopause, women often report episodes of heart palpitations — an irregular heartbeat or pounding pulse, that may feel their heart is going to jump right out of their chest.
These heart palpitations are often accompanied by hot flashes or anxiety. They are the result of diminished estrogen levels that can cause an over-stimulation of the heart. For some women this reduction in hormone production is associated with an increase in heart rate and an increased frequency in palpitations and non-threatening arrhythmias, such as premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). A Premature Contraction is when a single heartbeat occurs earlier than normal.
Though palpitations associated with a decrease in estrogen are usually harmless, this doesn't mean that they should be ignored.
Your doctor should evaluate any new or recurrent irregular heartbeats to rule out any abnormalities, especially when these palpitations are linked to a shortness of breath, dizziness or chest discomfort.
Since have are treated for Grave's disease (an autoimmune disorder that leads to over-activity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), it will be important to make sure your present thyroid hormone production is still appropriate for your needs.
Estrogen and the Cardiovascular System effects the:
Metabolism and disposition of cholesterol
Plasma levels of high and low density lipoproteins (H/LDL).
Smooth muscle cell proliferation in the arterial wall.
Stimulates widening and inhibits constriction of coronary arteries.
Modulates autonomic nervous system, which works to regulate heartbeat.
For menopausal women who are experiencing irregular heartbeats caused by changes in estrogen production, the treatment is often a combination of lifestyle changes and natural remedies. The decreased estrogen production also puts women at an increased risk for coronary artery disease, particularly if associated with other risk factors such as a high cholesterol, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and/or obesity, risks that can be calculated.
Lifestyle changes that may help to reduce the incidence of irregular heartbeats during menopause:
Reducing intake of caffeine,
Limiting consumption of stimulants, cigarettes, and alcohol,
Practicing yoga, breathing exercises, or other relaxation techniques.
kim27003 laurie70017
Yes, I have the exact same feeling! I have been concerned it might have something to do with my heart. I also start to feel very anxiuos with it.
laurie70017 kim27003
Toddpodd laurie70017
jayneejay Toddpodd
good advice ... the other day i was outside and pottering about and I got the thumping heart ... i thought oh here we go, so I just sat quietly and kept calm and breathed in and out slowly ... and all calmed and went away..
i still get them on occassion... .. they arent pleasant but its part of peri and meno and oestrogen decline ....
take care lovely toddpodd
jay jay xx
kim27003 laurie70017
You're describing the exact same feeling I get. I have been considering getting my heart checked out too, just to be sure. Yes, never really sure if the anxiety that kicks in with it, causes the overall feeling bad. Ugh!!!! So frustrating, just want to feel like my old self again. I am trying very hard to put things in perspective, and realize that my body is going through some major changes. I know what you mean. You never want anyone else to feel the pain, and emotional turmoil you feel. However, it does bring a sense of calm, just knowing you're not alone in it.
Keep me posted on what doc says.
Wishing you the best.
laurie70017 kim27003
kim27003 laurie70017
jayneejay laurie70017
re: under breast pain you describe.....
i have found this snippet of info... may help some ladies .. i was more the palpitations and heartburn bunny i was... still am occasionally.
* perimenopause and menopause breast, chest and heart symptoms ...*
Below your breast there are chest wall muscles that may spasm during times of anxiety and stress, causing pain that may last just a few seconds or several days.
Pain from tense chest wall muscles can occur on the left side only, or on the right.
Your heart is beneath your left breast, and if you have coronary heart disease, the sensation of pressure, squeezing, or heartburn of angina may cause you distress. Also, as your oesophagus runs below your left breast then simple reflux can occasionally feel like left breast pain.
If you have overdone it at the gym or the yoga class or been careless when negotiating objects and obstacles then this is the most likely cause.
Self Help Measures
Try hot or cold packs, painkillers or vitamin E for the pain and ibuprofen, aspirin, or Vitamin E to reduce or resolve your breast pain.
Stress is an important factor so use dietary measures such as reducing caffeine, sugar, salt and processed foods as they will make it worse and try having a lavender oil bath.
For pain that persists or seems related to a breast lump, infection, bones or muscles, you should visit your doctor as you may need a specific antibiotic to clear up the problem.
Many of the issues relating to the breast are due to oestrogen dominance so maintaining good progesterone levels is the best way to keep the oestrogen in check and avoid these problems.
laurie70017 jayneejay
jayneejay laurie70017
that explains it . burping... ' indegestion / heartburn' is your pain 😀
hot here too ... still 34 degs and its 9.45pm... crazy hot today, but lovely..
when you go outside feels like when you open the oven door..
swooooooooosh ... heat ☺️
jay jay xx