Wishing the days away until I feel better. No life !!
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Wow this is no way to live ! I’m either extremely fatigued or extremely dizzy or both !!!
Have no life ! Had to leave neighbors bbq due to feeling so terrible ... light headed .
On BHRT 2 weeks and wondered if making this worse ? How can we live just wishing the days weeks months go by until we all feel better . It’s a crime !!! I HATE IT !!
If we had bloody education regarding this change early on we could at least prepare !
Get hormones sorted before they go crazy . I mean really women have to give up their jobs !!! This condition needs more attention and press.
10 likes, 9 replies
Nancy2121 lori93950
Guest lori93950
jamie53221 lori93950
khadija03663 lori93950
I agree I am feeling like the life get sucked out of me, anxiety hasn't left me for the last 4 months just hanging by a thread hoping that a miracle would happen and I would wake up one day free from all theses symptons. U are not alone.
lori93950 khadija03663
olga_48822 lori93950
lori93950 olga_48822
It literally takes me 5 hours to ‘wake up’ even after 10 hours sleep . Even then I’m dizzy and feel just so unwell like I have a severe flu .
It’s terrrrrrrible !!!
juanita93228 lori93950
It's sad. I read that between 10 and 15 percent of women quit their jobs because their menopause symptoms are so debilitating. I think it would be more if they could afford it.
lori93950 juanita93228
I believe you ! I don’t work but I couldn’t anyway with all this . I read also 20% of women get it really bad 60% do ok and the other 20 is in between . I’d give anything to feel normal 😪