Withdrawal symptoms
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I have got myself into a bit of a mess and now starting to panic.
Amiltryptiline at 20mg per day from January 2020. Also a 6 week CBT course so that my anxiety / stress was subsiding from March.
April, May and June was just brilliant and I dropped to 10mg from end May.
Trouble started again in July......headaches returned and I increased the dose to 20mg and then 30mg but no improvement.....not sure if relapse or just stopped working.
My doctor arranged for MRI scan ....all ok
another blood test etc
In October she agreed I should stop the amiltrypiline as not working and I started to wein off .......now prescribed citalopram which I started in November at 20mg for 6 weeks ...no improvement so dropped to 10mg after 20 days and stopped after a further 35 days wiened off over 2 weeks as per my doctor as not working again.
now prescribed prozac at 20mg per day but not started.
Since I stopped the citalopram ....each day has got worse......cannot believe it can be withdrawal symptoms after only 6 weeks on citalopram
please help need advice as I do not want to carry on with antidepressants if I can help it
I have weird headaches dizzy and what's worse I'm spaced out cannot feel real world
No improvement seen
How long can this go on
best wishes
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Paula2019 Beetles
Hi Beetles, I was on this forum a few years ago due to suffering side effects from Amitriptyline and Citalopram.I saw your post and wanted to reply. That is a lot of chopping and changing you have had with these meds and I recognise your symptoms. You need to give your nervous system time to settle, unfortunately it does take time. when I came off both meds it took me over 14 months to wean myself off. Coming off them quickly or chopping and changes doses quickly can cause side effects, in my experience it did. Well worth having a chat with your doctor again.
Good luck
Beetles Paula2019
Hi Paula
thank you for your reply
much appreciated.
always difficult to get any answers from your gp
Am I still suffering from withdrawal symptoms from the amiltryptiline taken for most of 2020 .....stopped in October .......gp says definitely not
so I must be suffering with withdrawal symptoms from citalopram stopped 4 weeks ago ......I feel so bad every morning and takes me most of the day to feel human
hope you are making progress
Paula2019 Beetles
Hi Beetles
I wish I could give you some good news, it took me a long time to recover. Withdrawal symptoms do get further apart. I have been med free 2 years last November and have not had any withdrawal since then. Take into account I was put on a cocktail of meds for a few years, over 3 years if I remember rightly. Cita withdrawal can be awful, I used to get what I call internal shakes in the morning.
I feel amazing now compared to back then. I think my story and history is still on here, may help you.
There is an active forum, called Surviving Anti depressants.org, well worth checking out.
Hang in there, you are not alone.
Paula2019 Beetles
I forgot to mention, GP's do frustrate me with all this. Check out the patient leaflet with your meds, all side effects on there. My gp told me to taper over a few weeks, that might be ok for some, took me 14 months in the end to taper.
Beetles Paula2019
thank you so much Paula for the follow on information ......
I will keep you posted
lois95799 Paula2019
nice to see u post paula.take care
Paula2019 lois95799
Lois hugs, will message you x