Wobble board exercises

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Nearly 4 weeks post THR. And had a bad physio session this week which left me very low. But I have decided to rise to the challenge of the new exercises he insisted I do including buying a wobble board!!!

It just arrived and of course I had to try it immediately, (such a child) I only did a few minutes on it and my calves are on fire and my lower back is aching badly!!!

What am I doing wrong?? I had a dining chair either side to hang onto, any suggestions fellow hippies?

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry Jan that you are suffering. Is you Physio part of your hospital? Saw my surgeon yesterday for eight weeks check and I am not allowed any different exercises from those given to me post op in hospital. This to be reviewed at my four months check

    Sorry I cannot be any more help

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      It is in the book the hospital gave me called "your rehabilitation and exercise programme following hip replacement"

      I had my op in a Spire private hospital but on the NHS. I guess there are long waiting lists locally. Has anyone else come across the exercise?

  • Posted

    Having in the past been to physio joint class in an effort to delay the inevitable hip replacement, I understood a wobble board to be quite an advanced piece of equipment. Only allowed to use for a short while, 2 minutes, initially, before building up slowly. 
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      Thanks Maggie, I will use it with caution. I wouldn't say I am advanced though. 4 weeks post op on Saturday!!!
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    Greetings from across the seas. Jan pleased tell me what a wobble board is ?
    • Posted

      It's a circle of wood 50cm with a half ball fixed on the underneath. It is sometimes called a balance board as you balance on it. The exercise is to balance on it, dipping back and forward then side to side then in a circle all without letting the sides touch the ground or losing balance. It is used in gyms as it strengthens your core muscles apparently!!
    • Posted

      Thank you Jan I Appreciate your explanation. I have seen it in the fitness center. But how can a new hip replacement use something like that.!!!

      That to me is crazy. It would be easy to fall or even wobbling would be hard on the hip and painful.

      To be sure I wouldn't even try it now with out holding on to something solid.

    • Posted

      I will using it holding onto two dining chairs and will limit my time until I go back in two weeks for more physio and check it out.

      I wouldn't be trying it all except it is in my book of exercises in black and white.

      Thanks for support though.

    • Posted

      By the way jan I'm today one year post op. However at physical therapy I'm actually running on a treadmill that is under water. The water is almost up to my neck. The water is easier on my hip and knee joints.

      I'm 2.8mph for twenty minutes.

      The water is warm. When I leave I'm exhausted though. The point is too strength the muscles on the op leg. I had anterior which means from inside the inguinal to half way down the leg. I would never have that type again.originally I chose it because it is rare to dislocate.That was a real worry for me.esp.I live alone. be really careful Jane

  • Posted

    I think I will stick to my Wii Fit Plus exercises.  There are some balance exercises to do on that, plus some step exercises which are good and strengthen the thighs.  The board you stand on is flat so you don't wobble all over the place!
  • Posted

    Sounds scary.  I am also 4 weeks post op and have not had any physio lol
  • Posted

    goodmorning jan ... please listen to your body, no matter what ... if it doesn't feel good, don't do it -- I made a mistake by trying to please Physical Therapist (prior surgery) and show him I could do it ... still a bit traumatized by it - I am 8 weeks post op and nhad my follow up visit yesterday - bummer news that now my other hip needs surgery, but that is a different story (new thread I just posted) - bicycling (stationary until I feel confident enough), walking and continue the excercises I am familiar with and know how my body reacts to them -- increasing repetitions along the way ... I did the wobbly board under supervision -- what a trip !!! take care ... big hug - you are doing great -
  • Posted

    Hi jan, I´ve been going to ´hip class' since week 2(8 now) the wobble board is i think on a slightly flattened sphere , yours is probably too wobbly:D . The idea of the board is to help the hip muscl e work to balance you. If doing something hurts tho you should listen to your body as well as your physiotherapist.

    All the best jay.

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