Wobbly legs!

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Is it just me or when you get up in the morning do you also feel a bit wobbly on your legs?. I'm 15 weeks post op and although knee is heeling fine and feels stronger (I've had new knee cap and metal bit behind it) I'm still working hard to build up my muscles due to some muscle wastage. When I first get up it feels as if all my strength has gone out of my legs. Once I've had breakfast, taken medication and showered I feel better, but its very strange. I've also got fibromyalgia so am beginning to wonder if this is all connected. But........after all this time I can actually now see some slight improvement.......hope it continues!! 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    It takes me ages to come round pam so im dreading going bak to work I have to sit in bed and take my meds with a cuppa til I come round lol.
  • Posted

    Hi Pam

    i feel like a knackered old engine at first, but by the time I've got downstairs it feels ok, I think it may be that the muscles have rested and then they have to do some work.

    tkr 6 weeks ago.

  • Posted

    I think resting for so long at night, then getting up and out of bed, maybe too quick, can cause tyhis feeling.  I remember at about 3 weeks still on crutches, getting out of bed standing up and then could not move my feet forward at all, it was if they were glued to the carpet...then as soon as I tried moving my good leg/foot sideways,  it was no problem...off I went.  Silly really but just the lack of confidence.
  • Posted

    I think that can be directly attributed to blood flow. As the heart gets to pumping blood properly everything gets up and running. I found just swinging my legs off the bed and sitting there taking some deep breaths would help. Taking blood pressure meds seems to cause some of the weakness in the lower extremities. Proper hydration is also important. Last Oct a combination of dehydration and no meds caused my legs to go limp and I collapsed on the hardwood floors splitting my head open and getting .e a couple ambulance ride plus 5 days hospitalization and a few stitches..
    • Posted

      Should have said BP meds not no meds

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