Won at tribunal

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Hi all, I had my appeal meeting today at court and they have overturned dwp decision and awarded me lower rate for living and disability but what happens now?

The judge was very abrupt and when entering for decision just said don't sit down we've given you this and goodbye basically.

Thank you

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I have just been awarded standard living PIPS until 2020. Does this mean I will not need to attend another F2F until then?
    • Posted

      Greats news! No it means you'll be reviewed in 2019. Reviews take place 1 year before the award it due to end.

  • Posted

    Well done, that's great news. The DWP now have as much chance as we do to appeal this decision. To do this they must ask the Tribunal for the Statement Of Reasons (SOR) they then have 1 month from the date of the decision to appeal. To be able to Appeal a Trbunal decision DWP must find an error of law in making that said decision. It's very rare for this to happen thankfully but it can happen. As for your back pay well it may take 6 weeks or more, depending on what DWP decide to do about the decision.

    • Posted

      Thank you very much. I hope they don't appeal it's been such a long process and was so nerve wracking

  • Posted

    Hi, I've just been through this and you have to wait 28 days for your money as the dwp get 28 days to appeal the decision from your tribuneral.

    I had my knickers in a twist worrying what would happen, but nothing did. I'm sure they can only appeal if there is a legal irregularity.

    It's a long old slog this appeal malarkey, but worth it in the end. Well done on your win, Dee.

    • Posted

      Yes, they can only appeal if an error inlaw was made in making the decision.
    • Posted

      Thank you this helps a lot. I'm panicking now after fighting for so long they'll appeal and it will be a case of going back. It was so nerve wracking today and the judge was very abrupt and spoke down to me.

    • Posted

      You are so right, the appeals process is a long and nerve jangling journey. Look at it like this, you've done the hard bit, now sit back, relax and look forward to your back pay 😊

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