Wonky vision
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Hi ladies. Does anyone else have issues with their vision, particularly when on their period? Mine gets so out of whack that week. Blurry, increase in floaters, just feels "off" for at least a week. Checked out fine at the optometrist. The floaters are driving me nuts.
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annieschaefer jennifer0204
I did when this all started. Don't panic like I did. I also went and had eye exam, then I ended up having CT of brain to be sure. It's one of the many "lovely" possible things that happen during this time. Your vision can actually change back and forth (I was always near sighted, now I am far sighted. I wear contacts and the strengths were flucutating for a bit. That has also since setttled down.
jennifer0204 annieschaefer
Thank you! It is making me panic but I'm trying to stay calm and just add it to the list of all the other junk it's caused. Hoping it settles at some point.
littleme1969 jennifer0204
jennifer0204 littleme1969
I know, right?? Such a joy. 🙄 The floaters are the worst for me, I try to avoid bright lights when possible.
Mars777 jennifer0204
Hi Jennifer my eyes were effected i had many visits to eye hosp, did have to have steroid drops on many occasion. Looking back it was while i was menopausal. All ine now thou
jennifer0204 Mars777
I'm glad it's fine now! I'm trying to just not pay attention to all of this in the hopes that my brain will forget about it. It's not fun.
Takingtime jennifer0204
Yes, I get this, I never really paid much attention to it until I got the floaters. I have had blurry and sometimes dizziness in th past, but sometimes I tend to strain my eyes on computer so that is what I blammed the blur on, and the dizziness I blamed on my iron defiencency or if I don't drink enough water.....but the floaters came this year when I was dealing with other hormonal issues.....since I started progestrone cream and started acupuncture I have less floaters. I go to the eye doctor tomorrow as it has been three years since I went and I will mention it to her. I am pretty sure it is hormonal....it seems every new thing that comes on seems to be related to peirimenopause.
jennifer0204 Takingtime
I get dizziness too. When I ovulate then again when my period starts. It's been a rough year trying to figure out all of these symptoms, but at least they are considered "normal". Always nice to know we aren't alone.
Sally4x jennifer0204
Hi Jennifer,
I get these exact symptoms. Along with fatigue it is one of my worst symptoms. It is as if I am earing odd strong lenses. And yes it makes me dizzy because the world looks surreal and weird. It has been going on now for 4 years since I was 44. I have had my eyes tested and been to the eye hospital and it isn't my eyes. I also have a lot of eye floaters as well xx
jennifer0204 Sally4x
Thanks for your reply Sally. You described it perfectly - it's like I'm wearing glasses that are strangely strong and the strength changes often. It's bizarre. Who knew when all this started that we would have so many crazy symptoms.
natalie86711 jennifer0204
cindy1957 jennifer0204
Hey. I too have the floaters in my eyes, also called spiders but floaters sound better than a spider in my eye, lol. Also yes vision is strange but all things checked our with my eye dr. too. Good luck, and hope the best for you through our roller coaster in life!! Golden years, hmm I don't think so!!!!!
jennifer0204 cindy1957
donna38794 jennifer0204
jennifer0204 donna38794
For me, it's like tiny dark shadows are floating around in my line of vision. They don't stay still, if I move my eyes or try to focus on them, they move away. I had them in just my right eye at the beginning. They started in my left eye too not long ago.
donna38794 jennifer0204
Thank you for replying. I have had an issue with my left eye it's not like spots it's kinda hard to explain. Kinda of like wiggle shape I guess Greyish dark color.
jennifer0204 donna38794
I'm sure it's floaters. Do they move around? When I first got them I read all about them and they're different for everyone. All kinds of shapes and sizes.
donna38794 jennifer0204
Come to think of it o think they do. Thank you for replying back 🙂