Word finding?

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How many of you with Peri in your 40s have issues with word finding? Some days are better than others, but for the last couple of years, I have had issues being able to find the proper words in a conversation. especially when I am nervous or when I am doing something out of the ordinary like a presentation. I find myself stuttering as I’m trying to search for the word which is usually a very simple word that I should be able to find. There is some days it happens several times a day and some weeks it only happens a couple times a week. at times, I will even put a similar word in that does not make sense in the conversation at all. Four instance, I might say "put the milk in the cupboard" instead of "put the milk in the refrigerator". It’s very unnerving, and makes me feel like I’m getting early dementia or something. Anyone else find this issue haunts them?

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes..it does but I have Post Concussion Syndrome so you cant really go by what I say......I am 44 and having been going through word finding for a while

  • Posted

    Yup! Totally normal. People who fear they have dementia do not have it. You are good. xo Heidi

  • Posted

    That happens to me all the time and I'm anxious all the time .

    I've just recently started to agree with other forum members

    that menopause and anxiety are definitely connected.

    I don't believe it is dementia but this effing menopause symptoms, you

    know that thing that our other female relative said was like a walk in the

    park., my arse, like a walk through barbed wire , more like.

    Please don't worry I honestly get this all the time and I know it's anxiety. xx

  • Posted

    Hi. I am sure I had this on peri; but I didn't even realise there was something called PERI at that stage!! I am now 4.5 years post menopause and I struggle with word finding , and brain fog/freeze. I am 52 I'm sure it is not dementia; just another dreaded symptom. take care

  • Posted

    I do exactly the same thing (I'm 46). Just been on holiday and kept saying 'Ooh look at that leopard' when I meant to say lizard. Don't think there's many leopards on small Greek islands 🙄 Thankfully my other half knows me well enough to know what I mean most of the time and can help fill in the missing / wrong words.

  • Posted

    yes I totally relate. wrong words in conversations say words wrong way around, forget words , brain fog etc etc. I was really worried I was getting dementia but talking to other ladies on here made me feel a little better. it's so unnerving. the other day I couldn't remember if it was 2018 or 2019. it freaks me out. and dont even get me started on anxiety xx

  • Posted

    Hi charcey

    I am exactly the same, I'm 44 and in meno. You've described exactly what I've been struggling with, especially the stammering. I seem to fall over certain words, like my mouth isn't in time with my brain. I also have a job where its all meetings and presentations and it makes me really self concious. I'm on hrt and sort of hoped this would improve but it hasn't. I seem to make easy mistakes, and I'm nowhere near as focussed as I was. I used to be able to store oodles of useless details, never forgot anything but some days I don't even know I'm meant to be in a meeting until the last minute. I keep waiting to be really anxious about it, but I don't seem to be for some reason... My brain is calm, just not working like it did xx. P. S I have actually put the milk in the cupboard 😂

    • Posted

      Glad to hear all of these things are "normal". I was hoping things would improve, but it sounds like this is the new "me". Ugg! Felt so silly today when I was leaving an event with friends and family and went to walk away after only saying goodbye and hugging half of them. It was like my brain was like, "Ok...thats enough. Time to go." I looked like the Absent Minded Professor! (insert head smacking emoji here- lol).

      Thank you all for normalizing this for me (heart emoji).

  • Posted

    Charcey97 Hi! I've had the same issue and while it may be a "new normal" for you, it is not necessarily the new you. It can come and go...and could disappear completely. We've heard of "pregnancy brain" well, I think since it's all hormonal, this is "meno brain" and it is a pain but it's normal. Menopause is so different for each woman...I read about symptoms on this forum that make mine (hot flashes, weight gain, dry mouth, zero libido, foggy brain, night sweats) seem fun. I do word puzzles to help stay sharp-minded. Hugs to you! -K

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