Work Kids Menopause
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I will start by saying that this forum of ladies has been sooo supportive and awesome.
I am wondering how you all manage working full time, taking care of kids and dealing with the overwhelming ravages of menopause successfully?
Everyday i wake up and have to talk myself out of the ominous surges inside my chest, then juts soldier through the day. Im not even living sometimes, its just literally soldering, limping, managing, coping through the day.
In the evening it seems to subside a bit but not much. How long can I keep this up i wonder to myself..
Perimenopause was miserable and conufsing, but entering into menopause has been much much more difficult. Complete transformation in my life.
I do not socialize anymore unless im in the public and faking it, i go to work, take care of kids as well as i can possibly, we are close so in a way its harder because they see whats happened to me, makes me even more heartbroken.
Im a single mom so its all on me, no family where we are, and no father in the picture. I am always amazed at the end of the day that i made it again.
How can i be optimistic that it will end soon when it may not end soon?
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I wanted to end the post by saying that im amazed that i went from being a very optimistic, mellow, funny, and also energetic vibrant lady and am now reduced to this.
I have heavy resentment to the powers that be, i really do. This is a joke, a cruel joke.
Sorry just needed to vent, and here i am understood
haley30534 mauiblue
Hi mauiblue, yes I totally understand I'm in the peri Meno stage work full time and a single mum, it's been horrendous dragging myself to work thru this anxiety stage especially, but I have no choice I don't get sick pay, all I want to do on an evening is literally nothing, my housework has become seriously neglected I just about manage to cook tea and wash up, however I think my antidepressants are now starting to lift this cloud of doom so hoping it improves over time guess we'll just have to keep soldiering on, hope it improves for u Hun x
mauiblue haley30534
Thanks for the support,
well im hoping that the antidepressants work for you. I wish that they worked for me, but maybe i didnt get them enough time, i didnt feel right on them, but then again if you can feel better then that is great.
We will somehow get through this mess.
Thank you
karen66219 mauiblue
Hi Mauiblue,
I am sorry that you are going through this. It is horrible isn't it? My anxiety is becoming a serious problem, so I can relate. I do not have kids, but I do have a job that I have to go to nine hours a day. Believe me, I know what it is to watch the clock and think, okay, only 6 more hours to go.
I had read somewhere that when hormones rage, women tend to break at their weakest characteristic, whether that be depression, ocd, or anxiety. I have found that to be true. I had a car accident 11 years ago which almost ended my life and getting the courage to drive again was an incredible effort. Now, I am right back there, horrible panic attacks in the car...then nine hours of anxiety at work, more panic coming home, where I can finally have a drink.
If it were not for prayer I would not have made it this far. Right now, I am wound up tighter than a rattlesnake and every bit as mean! Honestly, I did what Haley did, I went to the Dr. and asked for medication. I was skeptical, I have tried two in the past and did not respond well to either. One made me feel worse. I am determined to give this one a try and stick with it.
Many hugs to you and know you are not alone. If I can make it through the day, you can too. We are in this together...all of us. I know you are angry with the powers that be and I completely understand. I will be praying for you though. Much love.
mauiblue karen66219
I think that meds have a place and i think its a great idea if you can find one that is a fit for you.
I wish that i would have taken to one and found relief but i did not. Please let me know how its going and give me an update!
It should not have to be this way for us. I really appreciate your prayers. I am starting to realize that i am going to have to start prayer of some sort. I meditate to try and balance out the cool and the hot of our bodies (ying/yang/ because its clearly off. I try to eat healthy and take supplements. I am pessimistic because i really dont think that anything has helped. My body is so run down from this that i cant even have a glass of wine becuase i dont really detox well, and would want to die the next morning. Thats how fragile and messed up my system is or at least it feels like it.
Before i would have a glass of wine a night and now i cant go near it.
Thanks again Karen and please keep me posted. Yes i agree that the anxiety or wherever you are weakest it will haunt you during this time.
sending a hug
Guest karen66219
Hi Karen, I was also in a severe car accident 5 years ago. Just as I was starting to feel better about driving, the anxiety of peri hit me like a sledgehammer. I drive a little now but commute to work by bus. I don’t have kids. I always thought I’d marry someday but was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in my 20s and thought it better just to look after myself. It’s harder than I expected. Keep praying and I will pray for you, too. 🌸
alison91416 mauiblue
I know this feeling. It is exhausting but I'm sure we will get through it. We are stronger than we think
Guest mauiblue
Maui, my sister is 45 and not as far into peri as I am. She is divorced with sole custody of her two teenage sons, works full time and has an autoimmune disease. They live with our elderly parents and our dad is showing signs of dementia. My mom is about to have her fourth joint replacement surgery. My mom’s mother is in a nursing home. It is a daily battle and as you say it is hard to be optimistic. It is very hard to watch the kids try to understand what is going on. My worry is whether my sister and I with our health problems and jobs will be able to handle things as our parents continue to decline. We worry especially about money and as you say the powers that be can certainly control that. I don’t have answers but as you say soldier on. 🌸